A2Sequencers | Generic A2 Sequencer | negelef |
ActiveTimers | | |
Adaptec7 | Adaptec 7xxx SCSI driver | prk |
AFM | AFN - Adobe Font Metrics (minimal support and only unicode < 256) | TF |
AlmSmtpReceiver | | |
AM79C970 | | |
ATADisks | ATA/ATAPI disk driver | ml |
BenchInterrupts | Interrupt latency benchmarks | staubesv |
CPUID | Intel/AMD CPUID Information | staubesv |
EFIMachine | | |
IP | IP (v4 and v6) | pjm, mvt, eb |
IPv4 | IPv4 and ARP protocols | pjm, mvt |
Keyboard | PC keyboard driver | pjm |
Machine | Bootstrapping, configuration and machine interface | pjm |
Math | Math utility module (REAL) | ? |
MathL | Math utility module (LONGREAL) | ? |
MemCache | Memory cache control | pjm |
MemInfo | Memory mapping information | pjm |
Network | Abstract network device driver | pjm, mvt |
PCI | PCI bus interface (compatible with Native Oberon) | ryser |
Raster | Raster operations | eos |
Reals | Real number manipulation | bmoesli |
Runtime | runtime support for the Active Obero compiler | fof |
Traps | Trap handling and symbolic debugging | pjm |
UsbKeyboard | Bluebottle USB Keyboard Driver | cplattner; staubesv |
WMRasterScale | Support scaling of images | TF |
WMTransitions | | |
AMD64Decoder | AMD64 disassembler | negelef |
AnimationCodec | Codec for proprietary animation format | staubesv |
Archives | Abstract Archive Object | FN |
ARMDecoder | | |
Array1dCplx | Basic operations on type ARRAY OF Complex | adf,fof |
Array1dInt | Basic operations on type ARRAY OF Integer | adf, fof |
Array1dRat | Basic operations on type ARRAY OF Rational | adf, fof |
Array1dRe | Basic operations on type ARRAY OF Real | adf, fof |
Array2dCplx | Basic operations on type ARRAY OF ARRAY OF Complex * | |
Array2dInt | Basic operations on type ARRAY OF ARRAY OF Int * | |
Array2dRat | Basic operations on type ARRAY OF ARRAY OF Rational * | |
Array2dRe | Basic operations on type ARRAY OF ARRAY OF Real * | |
ArrayBase | runtime array operators | fof |
ArrayXdCplx | Basic operations on an X-dimensional array of Complex | fof |
ArrayXdInt | Basic operations on an X-dimensional array of Integer | fof |
ArrayXdRat | Basic operations on an X-dimensional array of Rational | fof |
ArrayXdRe | Basic operations on an X-dimensional array of Real | fof |
ASMAMD64 | AMD64 instruction set repository | negelef |
Attributes | Associate attributes with objects | staubesv |
Autostart | Execute the commands in the Autostart section of Configuration.XML | be |
AVI | | |
Base64 | Base64 encoding and decoding | P.Hunziker - Ported from Oberon.Base64.Mod (JG 23.8.94) |
Beep | PC speaker driver | pjm |
BeepTest | Hearing test using PC speaker | afi |
BenchClockDrift | | |
BenchLocks | | |
BenchNew | | |
BenchObjCount | | |
BenchPingPong | | |
BenchSpeedup | | |
BenchSyntaxHighlighter | Benchmarks for SyntaxHighlighter | staubesv |
BenchTCP | | |
BenchXML | Simple XML parser benchmark | staubesv |
BimboMail | Simple Mail Reader | TF |
Bimso | Template/Example for component windows | TF |
Bin2Hex | Binary file to Intel Hex-file converter | negelef |
BinToCode | Binary Code to Oberon code converter | negelef |
PCI | PCI bus interface (compatible with Native Oberon) | ryser |
BIT | Bit manipulation | tk |
BitSets | generic bit container | negelef |
Bluetooth | Core Bluetooth types/functions | be |
BluetoothHCI | Bluetooth HCI driver | be |
BluetoothL2CAP | Bluetooth L2CAP driver | be |
BluetoothRFCOMM | | |
BluetoothTest | Testing BluetoothHCI | mt |
BluetoothUART | HCI UART transport layer | be |
BluetoothUSB | HCI USB Transport Layer | staubesv |
BMPCodec | BMP Codec | eos,afi,tf |
BootConsole | Boot console | pjm |
BootManager | Split the boot manager object code BootManager.Bin | afi |
BootShell | Simple VGA text mode shell | staubesv |
BSplineCurves | Parametric curves in B-Spline representation | Alexey Morozov |
BSplineCurvesTest | Parametric curves in B-Spline representation, a testing module | Alexey Morozov |
BT848 | BT848 video chip driver | fr@felix.shacknet.nu |
Caches | Generic disk cache | pjm |
CalcConvolution | Accurate computation of a convolution integral | adf |
CalcD1 | Computes a first-order derivative | adf |
CalcD2 | Computes second-order derivatives | adf |
CalcD3 | Computes integer-order, i.e. classical, derivatives | adf |
CalcD4 | Computes integer-order, i.e. classical, derivatives | adf |
CalcDiethelm | Diethelm's algorithms for the fractional calculus | adf |
CalcFn | Defines procedure types used in the suite of Calc modules | adf |
CalcGauss | Accurate computation of an integral | adf |
CalcGrunwald | Grünwald-Letnikov algorithms for the fractional calculus | adf |
CATServer | Cluster Administration Tool server | TF |
CDRecord | | |
CDRecordLib | | |
CDRecordUtils | | |
CharacterLineup | Tool to identify a chinese character | TF |
Clock | Real-time clock driver | pjm |
CLUTs | Color lookup tables | eos |
Codecs | CODEC repository | TF |
ColorModels | | |
Commands | Commands and parameters | pjm |
CompilerInterface | Generic compiler interface | staubesv |
ComponentInfo | Component Information | staubesv/TF |
ComponentViewer | Testbed for the component system | TF |
Configuration | XML-based configuration | pjm |
ContextualDependency | Resolve context dependency rules | gubsermi |
CRC | CRC utilities | prk/TF |
CryptoAES | | |
CryptoARC4 | ALLEGED RC4 - stream cipher - keylength: from 1 to 256 bytes | F.N. |
CryptoBase64 | | |
CryptoBigNumbers | | |
CryptoBlowfish | | |
CryptoCAST | | |
CryptoCiphers | | |
CryptoDES | | |
CryptoDES3 | | |
CryptoDiffieHellman | | |
CryptoDSA | Digital Signature Algorithm DSA | G.F. |
CryptoHashes | Empty Hash | G.F. |
CryptoHMAC | RFC 2104 HMAC | G.F. |
CryptoIDEA | | |
CryptoMD5 | MD5 | G.F. |
CryptoPrimes | | |
CryptoRSA | RSA | G.F. |
CryptoSHA1 | SHA-1 | G.F. |
CryptoTestBigNumbers | Tests | F.N. |
CryptoTestCiphers | Ciphers Test | F.N. |
CryptoTestDH | | |
CryptoTestDSA | DSA Test | G.F. |
CryptoTestHashes | Hashes Test | F.N. |
CryptoTestHMAC | HMAC Test | F.N. |
CryptoTestRSA | | |
CryptoTwofish | | |
CryptoUtils | | |
CSS2 | | swalthert |
CSS2Parser | | swalthert |
CSS2Properties | | swalthert |
CSS2Scanner | | swalthert |
CSV | Read and Write CSV (comma separated value files) | pb |
CubeCplx | 3D matrix object of type Real. | fof |
CubeInt | 3D matrix object of type Integer. | fof |
CubeRat | 3D matrix object of type Real. | fof |
CubeRe | 3D matrix object of type Real. | fof |
CyberbitNetInstall | Downloads Cyberbit Unicode Truetype Font from Netscape FTP | PL |
CyrillicUtilities | Cyrillic charsets text utilities | SAGE |
Unix | | |
Data | Sortable data objects (via a key) | adf |
DataErrors | For reporting runtime warnings & errors into file Error.Log | adf, fof |
DataIO | File IO for making scientific data types persistent | adf, fof |
DataLists | Linked list for storing Data.Datum | adf |
DataQueues | A FIFO queue. | adf |
DataStacks | A FILO stack | adf |
DataTrees | Binary tree for storing Data.Datum | adf |
Dates | Date and time functions | be, tf, staubesv |
Debugging | Debugging facilities | fof |
DebugLog | Debug Log | Michael Szediwy |
Decoder | Decoder for binary executable code | rg |
DES | DES encryption method | ? |
DHCP | DHCP client | pjm, mvt |
Diagnostics | Generic diagnostics reporting facility | staubesv |
DiffLib | Simple text diff tool | negelef |
DiskBenchmark | Simple block device benchmark | staubesv |
Diskettes | Diskette device driver | pjm |
DiskFS | Aos disk file system | pjm |
Disks | Abstract disk driver | pjm |
DiskTests | Simple block device tests | staubesv |
DiskVolumes | Generic disk-based volume | pjm |
DisplayGTF | Construct a configuration Init= string | afi |
DisplayLinear | Linear framebuffer display driver | pjm |
DisplayNull | Null display driver | pjm |
Displays | Abstract display device driver | pjm |
DivXTypes | | |
DNS | DNS client | pjm, mvt |
DriverDatabase | Function-to-driver mapping for PCI & USB functions | staubesv |
DTPData | Data Model for simple DTP Editor | PL |
DTPEditor | Simple DTP Editor | PL |
DTPImage | Simple Image Plugin Component | PL |
DTPRect | Simple Rectangle Plugin for DTPEditor | PL |
DTPText | Text Plugin for DTPEditor | PL |
DTPUtilities | Utilities for simple DTP Editor | PL |
DTPView | View for simple DTP Editor | PL |
DynamicStrings | Dynamic strings | swalthert |
DynamicWebpage | Basetypes for Dynamic Webpages | Luc Blaeser |
DynamicWebpagePlugin | HTTP Webserver Plugin for Dynamic Webpages | Luc Blaeser |
Machine | Bootstrapping, configuration and machine interface | pjm |
EFI | Provides (low-level) API to the (Unified) Extensible Firmware Interface | Matthias Frei |
EFIA2Loader | EFI A2 Boot Loader | Matthias Frei |
EFIBlockIO | EFI Block I/O Protocol | Matthias Frei |
EFIDiskIO | EFI Disk I/O Protocol | Matthias Frei |
EFIFileProtocol | EFI File Protocol | Matthias Frei |
EFIGraphicalConsole | | |
EFIGraphicsOutput | EFI Graphics Output Protocol | Matthias Frei |
EFILib | EFI API | Matthias Frei |
EFILoadedImage | EFI Loaded Image Protocol | Matthias Frei |
EFISimpleFS | EFI Simple FS Protocol | Matthias Frei |
EFITest | EFI Test | Matthias Frei |
EFITrace | EFI Console Output | Matthias Frei |
EnsoniqSound | Ensoniq PCI Sounddriver | chh |
Errors | Error message interface | staubesv |
Ethernet3Com90x | 3Com 3C90X ethernet driver | rstrobl/jaco/prk/pjm/mvt |
Events | System events interface | staubesv |
EventsFileLog | Log system events to files | staubesv |
EventsKernelLog | Log system events to kernel log | staubesv |
EventsMemoryLog | Log system events in memory | staubesv |
EventsUtils | System events utilities | staubesv |
Example1 | | |
Example2 | | |
Example3 | | |
Example4 | | |
Example5 | | |
Example6 | | |
Example7 | | |
Example8 | | |
ExampleTextWriter | Template/Example for component windows | TF |
ExerciseGroups | Web Accounts and Authorization Domains | Luc Blaeser |
FATFiles | FAT file systems | be |
FATScavenger | Scavenger and format for FAT file systems | staubesv |
FATVolumes | FAT file system volumes | be |
Fido | Watchdog debugging | pjm |
FileHandlers | Open files according to file handlers | negelef |
Files | | |
FirewireLow | IEEE 1394 Generic Driver | VIP |
FirewireLowUtil | IEEE 1394 Generic Driver Utilities | VIP |
FirewireSBP2 | | |
FNHistories | Unbounded general-purpose history datastructure | Fabian Nart |
FoxA2Interface | | |
FoxActiveCells | hardware library for the ActiveCells compiler | fof |
FoxActiveCellsBackend | | |
FoxAMD64Assembler | Oberon Compiler:AMD 64 Assembler | fn & fof |
FoxAMD64InstructionSet | Oberon Compiler:AMD 64 Instruction Set | fof & fn |
FoxAMDBackend | | |
FoxBackend | Oberon Compiler: Common backend module | kaeserm,fof |
FoxBasic | Oberon Compiler: basic helpers: strings, lists, hash tables, graphs, indented writer | fof |
FoxBinaryCode | | |
FoxBinaryObjectFile | Oberon Compiler Object File Writer | fof |
FoxBinarySymbolFile | Symbol File - Binary Format | fof |
FoxCodeGenerators | | |
Compiler | Oberon Compiler Command Interface | fof & fn |
FoxFingerPrinter | FingerPrinting | fof |
FoxFormats | | |
FoxGenericObjectFile | Generic Object File Writer | negelef |
FoxGlobal | Oberon Compiler Globally Defined Symbols | fof & fn |
FoxInterfaceComparison | compare interfaces / check symbol file compliances | fof |
FoxIntermediateBackend | | |
FoxIntermediateCode | Oberon Compiler Abstract Intermediate Code | fof |
FoxIntermediateCodeAssembler | | |
FoxIntermediateParser | | |
FoxIntermediateScanner | | |
FoxParser | Oberon Compiler: Parser | fof & fn |
FoxPrintout | Oberon Compiler Module Output for SymbolFile, Pretty Printing and Testing | fof & fn |
FoxProfiler | minimal implementation of a compiler supported profiler | fof |
FoxProgTools | Oberon Compiler: Programming Tools | fof |
FoxScanner | Oberon Compiler: Scanner | fof & fn |
FoxSections | support for code sections and references | fof |
FoxSemanticChecker | Oberon Compiler: Semantic Checker | fof & fn |
FoxSyntaxTree | Oberon Compiler: Abstract Syntax Tree | fof & fn |
FoxTest | Fox tester | fof |
TextCompiler | | |
FoxTextualSymbolFile | Oberon Compiler: Symbolfile in- and output | fof & fn |
FP1616 | FixPoint 16.16 Module | PL |
FractalDemo | Draw Mandelbrot-Set using n - processors (otherwise not optimized) | TF |
FSTools | Files Tools | be |
FTP | | |
FTPClient | FTP client services | TF |
FTPFS | Simple FTP-based file system | be/pjm |
GenericLinker | Generic Object File Linker | negelef |
GenericSort | Generic Sort Functionality | Luc Blaeser |
Gfx | High-level, device independent 2D-graphics | eos |
GfxBuffer | Raster contexts rendering into background buffers | eos |
GfxFonts | Gfx font engine | eos |
GfxImages | Gfx raster image transformations | eos |
GfxMatrix | Affine transformations in 2D | eos |
GfxPaths | Two_dimensional paths consisting of lines, arcs and bezier curves | eos |
GfxRaster | Gfx contexts rendering on abstract raster devices | eos |
GfxRegions | Arbitrarily shaped two_dimensional regions | eos |
GIFCodec | GIF image format | eos, tf, dk, pl, staubesv |
GZip | | |
HCubeCplx | 3D matrix object of type Real. | fof |
HCubeInt | 3D matrix object of type Integer. | fof |
HCubeRat | 3D matrix object of type Real. | fof |
HCubeRe | 3D matrix object of type Real. | fof |
Heaps | Heap management and garbage collector | pjm/Luc Bläser/U. Glavitsch (ug) |
HelloWorld | | |
HelloWorld1 | | |
HelloWorld2 | | |
HelloWorld3 | | |
HierarchicalProfiler | Simple statistical hierarchical profiler | staubesv |
HierarchicalProfiler0 | Platform-specific part of the hierarchical profiler | staubesv |
HostClipboard | Interface to host system clipboard | staubesv |
HotKeys | Hotkey support | staubesv |
HotKeysCommands | Useful hot key commands | staubesv |
HTMLParser | HTML parser | Simon L. Keel |
HTMLScanner | HTML scanner | Simon L. Keel |
HTMLTransformer | transforming HTML to BB-text | Simon L. Keel |
HTTPSession | HTTP Session Management | Luc Blaeser/cs |
HTTPSupport | HTTP Webserver Support Module for HTTP-Request Handling | Luc Blaeser/cs |
Adaptec7Script | Adaptec 7xxx SCSI firmware | prk |
Array1dBytes | Collection of all generic procedures on 1d arrays. | fof |
ArrayBaseOptimized | | fof |
ArrayXdBytes | Collection of all generic procedures on Xd arrays. | fof |
ATADisks | ATA/ATAPI disk driver | ml |
BenchInterrupts | Interrupt latency benchmarks | staubesv |
CPUID | Intel/AMD CPUID Information | staubesv |
DivXDecoder | | |
DivXHelper | | |
EFIMachine | | |
FoxArrayBaseOptimized | | fof |
IDCT | Inverse Discrete CosineTransformation for Aos based on | Michael Szediwy |
IP | IP (v4 and v6) | pjm, mvt, eb |
IPv4 | IPv4 and ARP protocols | pjm, mvt |
Keyboard | PC keyboard driver | pjm |
Machine | Bootstrapping, configuration and machine interface | pjm |
Math | Math utility module (REAL) | ? |
MathL | Math utility module (LONGREAL) | ? |
MemCache | Memory cache control | pjm |
MemInfo | Memory mapping information | pjm |
MPEGUtilities | Some utilities used by the MPEGVideoDecoder module | Yves Weber |
NbrInt64 | MathH with name changes to avoid basic-type conflicts. | prk & adf |
NbrRe32 | Alias for type REAL. | adf |
NbrRe64 | Alias for type LONGREAL. | adf |
Network | Abstract network device driver | pjm, mvt |
PCI | PCI bus interface (compatible with Native Oberon) | ryser |
Raster | Raster operations | eos |
Reals | Real number manipulation | bmoesli |
srE | | |
UsbKeyboard | Bluebottle USB Keyboard Driver | cplattner; staubesv |
VMWareTools | Tools to integrate BB into VMWare | thomas.frey@alumni.ethz.ch |
WMRasterScale | Support scaling of images | TF |
WMTransitions | | |
I386Decoder | IA32 decoder for binary executable code | rg |
i810Sound | Intel 810 Sound driver for SoundDevices | krijo210@student.liu.se |
ICMP | ICMP protocol | mvt |
IMAP | IMAP Client Library, implements a subset of RFC 2060 | retmeier |
IMAPClient | An IMAP Client and its data structures | retmeier |
IMAPGUI | A GUI for an IMAP Client | retmeier |
IMAPUtilities | some useful procedures for the IMAP client | retmeier |
Inflate | Aos inflate stream | ejz |
Info | System information | pjm/staubesv |
InitNetwork | IP interface initialization and configuration | mvt |
Inputs | Abstract input device | pjm |
Installer | Installer | staubesv |
Intel8255x | | |
Interfaces | Runtime support for interfaces | prk |
IPv6 | IP protocol version 6 | Erwin Betschart |
ISO9660Files | ISO 9660 File System (ported from Native Oberon) | ?/be |
ISO9660Volumes | ISO 9660 volume (ported from Native Oberon) | ?/be |
IsoImages | Create bootable ISO image | Roger Keller |
JavaLocks | | |
Joysticks | Joystick interface | staubesv |
JoysticksTest | Joystick simulator for testing purposes | staubesv |
JPEG2000Decoder | | |
JPEG2000DecoderCS | | |
JPEG2000DecoderUtil | | |
JPEGDecoder | | |
Kernel | Implementation-independent kernel interface | pjm |
KernelLog | Trace output for booting and debugging | pjm |
KernelLogger | Periodically copy kernel log buffer into text | TF |
LinEqCholesky | LLT matrix decomposition | adf |
LinEqLU | LU matrix decomposition with total pivoting | adf |
LinEqRe | Low-level procedures for linear solvers | adf |
LinEqSVD | Solves a linear system of equations using SVD. | ph |
Linker | | |
Linker0 | | |
Linker1 | | |
Unix | | |
Loader | Active Oberon module loader plugin | pjm |
Localization | Localization interface | staubesv |
Locks | Highlevel locks (recursive, reader writer) | TF |
Looks | List of Looks - either skins or backdrops | ug |
Loopback | Virtual local loopback/discard network device | mvt |
LPR | RFC 1179 | ejz |
Mail | Mail data structures | TF |
MailStorage | Simple mail storeage | TF |
MainMenu | Menu for Bluebottle | TF |
MakeIsoImages | | |
MathCbrt | Compute the cube root | adf |
MathCplx | Complex math functions | adf |
MathCplxSeries | Procedures for computing complex series | adf |
MathErf | The error function: erf(x) = (2/Vp) x0x exp(-t2) dt | adf |
MathGamma | Euler's gamma function: G(x) = x0% tx-1 exp(-t) dt when x > 0. | adf |
MathInt | Integer math functions | adf |
MathMitLef | Mittag-Leffler function | adf |
MathRat | Rational math functions | adf |
MathRe | Real math functions | adf |
MathReSeries | Procedures for computing real series | adf |
MatrixModels | | |
MD5 | | |
MediaPlayer | Media Player | PL/staubesv |
MemoryReader | Memory reader | rg |
MenuEdit | Template/Example for component windows | TF |
MenuPages | Generate Menupages | staubesv |
MinInitNetwork | Minimal IP interface initialization and configuration | eb |
Models | Models | staubesv |
ModuleParser | Active Oberon parser for use with ModuleTrees * | mb |
Modules | Modules and types | pjm |
ModuleTrees | Visualize module structure as tree | ? |
MousePS2 | PS/2 mouse driver | pjm |
MouseSerial | Serial mouse driver | pjm |
MP3Decoder | | |
MP3Player | MP3 Player | TF,PL |
MPEGTables | Lookup Tables for the MPEGUtilities and MPEGVideoDecoder modules | Yves Weber |
MPEGVideoDecoder | MPEG System Demultiplexer and MPEG Video Decoder | Yves Weber |
MtxCplx | Matrix objects of type Real. | fof |
MtxInt | Matrix objects of type Integer. | fof |
MtxRat | Matrix objects of type Rational. | fof |
MtxRe | Matrix objects of type Real. | fof |
MultiLogger | Log window with a rich-text enabled TextWriter. | TF |
NbrCplx | Defines a base Complex type for scientific computing. | adf |
NbrInt | Defines a base Integer type for scientific computing. | adf |
NbrInt16 | Alias for type INTEGER. | adf |
NbrInt32 | Alias for type LONGINT. | adf |
NbrInt8 | Alias for type SHORTINT. | adf |
NbrRat | Defines a base fixed-point Rational type for scientific computing. | adf |
NbrRe | Defines a base Real type for scientific computing. | adf |
NbrStrings | Overloaded operators for string/base-type assignments. | fof |
NCR810Disks | | |
NCRScript | NCR/Symbios SCSI firmware | ryser |
NetworkMii | Media Independent Interface (MII) management interface support | staubesv |
NewHTTPClient | HTTP 1.1 client | TF |
Notepad | Simple Text Editor | TF |
ObjectFile | Generic Object File Representation | negelef |
Objects | Active object runtime support | pjm |
OdAuth | | |
OdAuthBase | | |
OdClient | HTTP client | TF |
OCT | | |
OdCond | | |
OdDeltavBase | | |
OdPlugin | | |
OdSvn | | |
OdUtil | | |
OdVCSBase | | |
OdXml | | |
OGGUtilities | utility functions and classes for OGGVorbisPlayer.Mod | Christian Wassmer, chwassme@student.ethz.ch |
OGGVorbisPlayer | an audio-player for Ogg/Vorbis-radiostations and -files | Christian Wassmer, chwassme@student.ethz.ch |
OldDiskFS | Aos disk file system | pjm |
OldDiskVolumes | Generic disk-based volume | pjm |
OpenType | Bluebottle port of OpenType | eos, PL |
OpenTypeFonts | Bluebottle port of OpenType | eos, PL |
OpenTypeInt | Bluebottle port of OpenType | eos, PL |
OpenTypeScan | Bluebottle port of OpenType | eos, PL |
Options | Command line options parsing | staubesv |
OSC | OpenSoundControl Basetypes | heulemar |
OSCEval | | |
OSCExample | OpenSoundControl: sampleprogram | heulemar |
OSCNet | OpenSoundControl networkplugins (TCP and UDP) | heulemar |
OSCQueue | OpenSoundControl: PriorityQueue with OSCBundles | heulemar |
OSCRegistry | OpenSoundControl: Registry of OSC-Address-Space | heulemar |
OSCService | OpenSoundControl: OSC Service (scheduler) | heulemar |
PartitionEditor | Partition Table Editor Application | staubesv |
PartitionEditorComponents | Visual components used by the Partition Editor | staubesv |
PartitionEditorTable | Partition Table Abstraction | staubesv |
Partitions | Commandline front-end for PartitionsLib | staubesv |
PartitionsLib | Partitioning and formatting tool for N2KFS and AosFS. | staubesv |
PC | Parallel Compiler: main module | prk / be |
PCA386 | Parallel Compiler: i80386 assembler parser and code generator | prk |
PCAAMD64 | AMD64 assembler | negelef |
PCAARM | | |
PCARMRegisters | | |
PCArrays | | fof |
PCB | Parallel Compiler: semantic checker | prk |
PCBT | Parallel Compiler: back-end common structures | prk / be |
PCC | Parallel Compiler: intermediate code generation | prk / be |
PCDebug | Parallel Compiler: low-level trace functions | prk |
PCG386 | Parallel Compiler: Intel 386 code generator | prk / be |
PCGAMD64 | AMD64 code generator | negelef |
PCGARM | | |
PCITools | PCI Bus Tools | pjm/staubesv |
PCLIR | Parallel Compiler: intermediate code representation | prk / be |
PCM | Parallel Compiler: input and output module | prk |
PCO | Parallel Compiler: Intel 386 code patterns | prk / be |
PCOARM | | |
PCOF | Parallel Compiler: object file plug-in | prk / be |
PCOFPE | Parallel Compiler: PE object file plug-in | ejz |
PCOM | Parallel Compiler: symbol file plug-in | prk |
PCP | Parallel Compiler: parser | prk |
PCS | Parallel Compiler: scanner | prk |
PCT | Parallel Compiler: symbol table | prk |
PCTest | PaCo tester | negelef |
PCV | Parallel Compiler: symbol allocation | prk / be |
PDF | PDF Data-Structures | TF |
PDFExample | Shows the use of the PDF creator library | TF |
Performance | Performance measurements | pjm |
PET | Programmer's Editing Tool | TF, PL |
PETModuleTree | Visualize module structure as tree | ? |
PETReleaseTree | Visualize build description structure as tree | staubesv |
PETTrees | Interface for PET sidepanel trees | ?/staubesv |
PETXMLTree | XML Structure Viewer for PET | TF/staubesv |
PictImages | Pict image format | eos |
PieTest | TEST | PL |
Ping | Ping | mvt |
Pipes | Simple pipe object | pjm |
Plugins | Plugin object management | pjm |
PNGDecoder | PNG decoder | TF |
POP3Client | Simple POP3 Client | TF |
PositionDebugging | Debug window for the internal and the display position | gubsermi |
PowerManagementEvents | Wake-On-LAN - trigger computer booting by sending a magic network packet | Patrick Hunziker |
Presentation | Dia-Show | TF |
PresentViewer | Testbed for the component system | TF |
PrevalenceSystem | Prevalence System - Persistent Object System | Luc Blaeser |
ProcessInfo | Information about processes | staubesv |
ProcessInfo0 | Platform-dependent process interface | staubesv |
Profiler | | |
QuoteServer | Quote of the day server | be |
RAMVolumes | RAM-based volume | pjm |
Random | Pseudo-random number generator | ecarter/bsm/pjm |
RasterPixelFormats | more pixel formats | Patrick Hunziker |
RAWPrinter | Printing Raw to Port 9100 | dk |
Reflection | tools for module, stack and process reflection | fof |
RegisterRFW | Simple CGI registration form saver | TF |
RelativeFileSystem | | fof |
Release | Release build tool | staubesv |
ReleaseThreadPool | Threadpool width job dependencies/preferences support | staubesv |
ReleaseVisualizer | Generate module overview poster | TF |
ReleaseVisualizerScanner | Active Oberon Scanner for Release Visualizer Tool | TF |
Repositories | Component repositories | staubesv |
RFC865Client | Get a quote from a RFC865 compliant server | TF |
RfsClientProxy | Remote File System proxy | pstuedi |
RfsConnection | Remote File System connections | pstuedi |
RfsFS | Remote File System | pstuedi |
RMSMTP | A SMTP client | retmeier |
RTL8139 | Driver for RealTek RTL8139 Ethernet Controllers | TF |
RTL8169 | Driver for RealTek RTL8169 Ethernet Controllers | Roger Keller |
Runtime | runtime support for the Active Obero compiler | fof |
UDPChatBase | UDP Chat base | SAGE |
UDPChatClient | UDP Chat Client | SAGE |
UDPChatServer | UDP Chat Server | SAGE |
SambaClient | SMB Client | mancos |
SambaServer | SMB Server | mancos |
SCSI | Generic SCSI driver | prk |
SearchTools | Some simple search tools | staubesv |
Serials | Generic serial communication ports driver | afi |
SerialsVirtual | Virtual serial port driver | staubesv |
Shell | Simple command shell | be |
ShellCommands | | |
ShellSerial | Serial port utilities for shell | staubesv/be |
SkinEditor | Skin Editor GUI | FN |
SkinEngine | Infrastructure for skin support | FN |
SkinLanguage | Bluebottle Skin Language | FN |
SMTPClient | SMTP client for sending mail | TF |
Snow | Let it snow | TF |
Unix | | |
SortDemo | sort | g.f. |
SoundDevices | Abstract sound device driver / Generic sound support | TF |
sr3DTexture | | |
srBase | | |
srGL | | |
srHex | | |
srImage | | |
srLifeVox | | |
srM2Space | | |
srM3Space | | |
srM5Space | | |
srM6Space | | |
srMath | | |
srRastermovie | | |
srRayEngine | | |
srRender | | |
srRotaVox | | |
srTexVox | | |
srThermoCell | | |
srTree | | |
srVolShader | | |
srVoxel | | |
srVoxel2 | | |
srVoxel3 | | |
srVoxel4 | | |
srVoxel5 | | |
srvoxels | | |
SSFS | Simple Silly File System | staubesv |
SSH | | |
SSHAuthorize | | |
SSHClient | | |
SSHGlobals | | |
SSHKeys | | |
SSHTransport | | |
StartConsole | | |
StartMenu | | |
StaticLinker | Static Object File Linker | negelef |
Streams | I/O buffering and formatted writing and reading | pjm/be |
StringPool | StringPool | prk |
Strings | String functions | be,tf, staubesv |
SVG | | |
SVGColors | | |
SVGDecoder | | |
SVGFilters | | |
SVGGradients | | |
SVGLoader | | |
SVGMatrix | | |
SVGRenderer | | |
SVGUtilities | | |
SVN | | |
SVNAdmin | | |
SVNArgument | parse context and provide query methods | rstoll |
SVNOutput | | |
SVNUtil | | |
SVNWebDAV | | |
SymbiosASPI | NCR/Symbios SCSI layer | ryser |
SymbiosDisks | NCR/Symbios SCSI driver | ryser |
SynergyClient | Synergy Client | thomas.frey@alumni.ethz.ch |
SyntaxHighlighter | Simple Syntax Highlighter | staubesv |
SystemTools | Access to System Functions | TF |
Tar | Aos tar program | ejz/FN |
TaskScheduler | Simple task scheduler | staubesv |
TCP | TCP protocol | pjm, mvt |
TCPPortLog | TCP port logger | TF |
TCPServices | Abstract TCP services | pjm |
TCPTools | Some utilitiy commands for TCP | staubesv |
TeletextBrowser | Browsing Interface for Aos Teletext | oljeger@student.ethz.ch |
TeletextDecoder | Teletext Decoder | oljeger@student.ethz.ch |
TeletextFont | | |
TeletextViewer | Aos Viewer for teletext pages | oljeger@student.ethz.ch |
Telnet | | |
TestComponentDragDrop | Testing Component Drag & Drop | TF |
TestComponents | Simple test framework for visual components | staubesv |
TestDates | Test for function of Dates.Mod | staubesv |
TestFiles | Files tester | staubesv |
TestLocks | | |
TestMenu | Testbed for WMMenus.Mod | TF/staubesv |
TestServer | TCP test server (echo, discard, chargen, daytime) | pjm |
TestStrings | Testbed for Strings.Mod | staubesv |
TestSuite | Simple testing framework | negelef |
TestTrees | Testing Tree Component | TF |
TestVideo | Computer Vision Experiments | thomas.frey@alumni.ethz.ch |
TestXMLPlugins | example-plugins for the XMLTransformer | Simon L. Keel |
TextConverter | automated text format convertion | negelef |
Texts | Basic Unicode text system | TF |
TextUtilities | Utilities for the Unicode text system | TF |
TFClasses | Generic helper | TF |
TFLog | Log utility | TF |
TFSMTPServer | Forward any emails received to one or more email addresses | TF |
TFTP | TFTP client | be |
TFTPFS | Simple TFTP-based file system | be/pjm |
TFTPServer | TFTP server | be |
TFWebForum | CGI based forum system | TF |
TLS | RFC 2246: Transport Layer Security v1.0 | F.N. |
Trace | Low-level trace output based on KernelLog | fn |
TraceRoute | TraceRoute | mvt |
Traps | Trap handling and symbolic debugging | pjm |
TuringCoatWnd | | |
TV | TV application | fr@felix.shacknet.nu |
TVChannels | List of TV channels | oljeger@student.ethz.ch |
TVDriver | Interface for TV card drivers | oljeger@student.ethz.ch |
TVRemoteControl | Graphical channel switcher for TV | oljeger@student.ethz.ch |
Types | Generic types and type conversion | staubesv |
UDP | UDP protocol | pjm, mvt |
UndoManager | Undo/Redo | ??? |
UnicodeBidirectionality | Implementation of the Unicode Bidirectionality Algorithm | gubsermi |
UnicodeProperties | Reading the Unicode.txt file and interpreting the properties | gubsermi |
UnihanParser | Parse unihan database of unicode.org | tf |
Beep | PC speaker driver | pjm |
BootConsole | | |
BootLinker | | |
Clock | Real-time clock driver | pjm |
DisplayRefresher | Force redraw of default viewport when receiving a X11 expore event | staubesv |
DNS | DNS client | pjm, mvt |
Glue | | |
Heaps | | |
Machine | Bootstrapping, configuration and machine interface | pjm |
IP | IP (v4 and v6) | pjm, mvt, eb |
KbdMouse | | |
Kernel | Implementation-independent kernel interface | pjm |
Objects | Active object runtime support | pjm |
ProcessInfo0 | Platform-dependent process interface | staubesv |
Sockets | | |
TCP | TCP protocol | pjm, mvt |
Traps | | |
UDP | UDP protocol | pjm, mvt |
UnixFiles | Unix file systems | gf |
WMPerfMonPluginCpu | Performance Monitor CPU load plugin | staubesv |
WMPerfMonPluginMemory | Performance Monitor memory utilization plugin | staubesv |
X11 | | |
X11Api | some missing types, const and functions in Unix.X11.Mod | fnecati |
XDisplay | | |
Unzip | Aos unzip program | ejz |
UpTime | Up-Time Monitor | staubesv |
Usb | USB 2.0 Bus Driver | staubesv |
UsbBluetooth | USB device driver for USB bluetooth dongles | staubesv |
UsbDebug | | |
Usbdi | USB Driver Interface | staubesv |
UsbDriverLoader | Driver lookup interface for USB software | staubesv |
UsbEhci | USB Enhanced Host Controller Driver | staubesv |
UsbGarminGPS18 | Garmin GPS 18 USB Driver | staubesv |
UsbHcdi | USB Host Controller Driver Interface (HCDI) | staubesv |
UsbHid | HID device class specific requests | staubesv |
UsbHidDriver | USB HID Parser | ottigerm |
UsbHidErrors | HID Items parser with error codes | ottigerm |
UsbHidParser | HID Items parser with error codes | ottigerm |
UsbHidParserExt | HID Items parser with error codes | ottigerm |
UsbHidReport | generating HID reports | ottigerm |
UsbHidUP | HID Items usage pages | ottigerm |
UsbHubDriver | USB 2.0 Hub Driver | staubesv |
UsbInfo | USB topology info | staubesv |
UsbMouse | USB Mouse Driver | staubesv |
UsbNetwork | USB network device driver framework | staubesv |
UsbNetworkUSB200M | USB device driver for Linksys USB200M network adapter | staubesv |
UsbOhci | USB Open Host Controller Driver | staubesv |
UsbPrinter | USB Printing Device Class Driver | staubesv |
UsbRS232 | MCT USB-RS232 Converter Driver | staubesv |
UsbSkeleton | Skeleton for USB Device Drivers | staubesv |
UsbStorage | USB mass storage driver | staubesv |
UsbStorageBase | USB Mass Storage Driver Base Class | staubesv |
UsbStorageBoot | USB mass storage boot driver | staubesv |
UsbStorageBot | Bulk-Only transport layer of USB mass storage driver | staubesv |
UsbStorageCbi | CB/I transport layer of USB mass storage driver | cplattner/staubesv |
UsbStorageScm | SCM transport layer of USB mass storage driver | cplattner/staubesv |
UsbTools | USB Tools | staubesv |
UsbUhci | USB Universal Host Controller Driver | cplattner/staubesv |
UsbUtilities | Utility procedures for USB modules | staubesv |
UTF8Strings | | |
V24 | V24/RS-232 driver | AFI |
V24Tracer | Man in the middle attack for Serial Ports | TF/AFI |
VecCplx | Vector objects of type Real. | fof |
VecInt | Vector objects of type Integer. | fof |
VecRat | Vector objects of type Real. | fof |
VecRe | Vector objects of type Real. | fof |
VideoExample | Webcam support for WinA2 | thomas.frey@alumni.ethz.ch |
VirtualDisks | Virtual disk driver | staubesv |
Visualizer | Generate class diagrams that can be visualized using graphviz | staubesv |
VNC | VNC client | pjm/jkreienb |
VNCServer | New VNC Server | TF |
VNCTetrisServer | VNC Tetris server | TF |
W3dAbstractWorld | Abstract 3d world (case study) | TF |
W3dClusterWatch | Simple 3d viewer | TF |
W3dExplorer | Simple 3d viewer | TF |
W3dGeometry | Geometrical primitives (case study) | TF |
W3dMatrix | Matrix operations for 3d (case study) | TF |
W3dMenu | 3d Menu (case study) | TF |
W3dObjectGenerator | Generator procedures for 3d objects (case study) | TF |
W3dRasterizer | Quick implementiation of a 3d rasterizer | TF |
W3dVectors | Vector operations for 3d partial port from RAILY 4.0 | TF |
W3dWorld | Implementation of a 3d world data structure and renderer | TF |
WAVCodec | WAV audio format Codec | MVT, PL |
WAVRecorder | WAV Recorder | TF,PL |
WebAccounts | Web Accounts and Authorization Domains | Luc Blaeser |
WebBimbodot | | |
WebBrowser | Simple Web Browser GUI | Simon L. Keel |
WebBrowserComponents | components used by the WebBrowser-modules | Simon L. Keel |
WebBrowserPanel | components for loading and displaying web-pages | Simon L. Keel |
WebCGI | HTTP plugin for CGI commands | TF |
WebComplex | Complex Active Element Library for Dynamic Webpage Generation | Luc Blaeser |
WebDefaultSSMP | Default SSMP plugin (system info) | TF |
WebForum | Example implementation of a web forum | Luc Blaeser |
WebFTPServer | FTP Server | be |
WebHTTP | HTTP parsing | tf/be |
WebHTTPClient | HTTP client | TF |
WebHTTPServer | HTTP/1.1 Server | pjm/tf/be |
WebHTTPServerStatistics | Simple WebHTTP server link hit counter | staubesv |
WebHTTPServerTools | User interface to HTTPServer | be |
WebHTTPTools | HTTP download tool | TF |
WebSSMPPlugin | SSMP: Server-Side Modified Pages | tf/be |
WebStd | Standard Active Element Library for Dynamic Webpage Generation | Luc Blaeser |
WebWormWatch | HTTP plugin to catch worms | TF |
WhitespaceRemover | Remove end-of-line whitespace | staubesv |
ADVAPI32 | | |
Beep | PC speaker driver | pjm |
Clipboard | Windows clipboard interface | ALEX |
Clock | | |
COMDLG32 | | |
CommandLine | A2 for Windows Command Line Interpreter | fof |
Display | | |
DNS | | |
GDI32 | | |
HierarchicalProfiler0 | WinAos platform-specific part of the hierarchical profiler | staubesv |
IP | IP and ARP protocols | pjm, mvt |
Kernel | Implementation-independent kernel interface | pjm, ejz, fof, ug |
Kernel32 | Definition of the Win32 Kernel32 API used by (Win)Aos | ejz |
Machine | Bootstrapping, configuration and machine interface, adaption to windows fof | pjm,fof |
Network | Abstract network device driver | pjm, mvt |
Objects | Active object runtime support | pjm, ejz, fof |
ODBC | | |
PELinker | | |
Performance | | |
Shell32 | | |
SQL | | |
SVNAdmin | | |
TCP | TCP protocol | pjm, mvt |
Threads | | |
Traps | Trap handling and symbolic debugging | pjm |
UDP | UDP protocol for Winsock | fof |
User32 | | |
V24 | V24 (V24/RS-232 driver) for WinAos | fof |
VfW | Video for Windows bindings for WinA2 | thomas.frey@alumni.ethz.ch |
WinApplications | | |
WinDisks | module to access partitions under Windows | fof |
WinFS | Windows file system for WinAos | fof,ejz |
WinTrace | | |
WMPerfMonPluginCpu | Performance Monitor CPU load plugin | staubesv |
WMPerfMonPluginMemory | Performance Monitor memory utilization plugin | staubesv |
WMTCPTracker | Watch TCP connections | pjm |
WSock32 | | |
WindowManager | Window manager implementation | TF |
WMAnimations | Visual components for animations | staubesv |
WMApplications | Application Launcher | staubesv |
WMArabicIME | Write arabic characters | gubsermi |
WMArchives | GUI for Archives | FN,PL |
WMArmenianIME | Write armenian characters | tf |
WMBackdrop | Backdrop images | TF |
WMBackdropLoader | | |
WMBitmapFont | Simple Bitmap font. | TF |
WMBuilder | GUI builder | staubesv |
WMBuilderTransformer | Transform XML description of component composite into runnable code | staubesv |
WMBunny | Visual active objects | TF |
WMCalendar | Calendar component and applicatoin | staubesv |
WMCCGFonts | Integrate CCG fonts | TF |
WMCDRecorder | | |
WMCharCodes | Convert encoded byte arrays to UTF8 arrays | TF |
WMCharMap | Unicode Character Table | PL |
WMClock | Clock components & clock application | TF/staubesv |
WMColorComponents | Color Tools GUI | FN |
WMComponents | Experiments with component concepts | TF |
WMDefaultFont | Embedded Oberon font | TF |
WMDefaultWindows | Decoration windows, background window for WM | TF |
WMDesktopIcons | Programmable Desktop Icons | staubesv |
WMDesktops | Load/Store desktops | staubesv |
WMDiagnostics | Visual Component for Diagnostics Interface | staubesv |
WMDiagramComponents | Diagram components | TF |
WMDialogs | Standard dialogs | TF |
WMDiff | The difference is in the file text-file! | Ingmar Nebel |
WMDocumentEditor | Document editor component | staubesv |
WMDropDownLists | DropDownList widget | staubesv |
WMDropTarget | Drag'n'Drop interface | TF |
WMEditors | Editor components | TF/staubesv |
WMErrors | Error message dialogs | staubesv |
WMEventLog | GUI for event log | staubesv |
WMEvents | Events | TF |
WMFigures | Geometric shapes | staubesv, modif PH |
WMFileManager | file manager | ug |
WMFontCCGConverter | CCG font support (CCG fonts by eForth Technology Corp) | TF |
WMFontManager | Default implementation of a simple font manager | TF |
WMFTPClient | FTPClient GUI | PL |
WMGraphics | Generic Graphic Support | TF |
WMGraphicsDemo | Example program | TF |
WMGraphicUtilities | Tools using WMGraphics | TF |
WMGrids | Generic grid component | TF |
WMHebrewIME | Write hebrew characters | gubsermi |
WMInputMethods | Abstract input method editor | TF |
WMInputMethodTool | Input Method Tool | gubsermi |
WMInspectionComponents | Components for component inspection | staubesv |
WMInspector | Component inspection | staubesv |
WMInstaller | Graphical installer | staubesv |
WMJoysticks | Joystick control application | staubesv |
WMKernelLog | Kernel log window | TF |
WMKeyCode | Display key code of a pressed key | TF |
WMMacros | Text macros | TF |
WMMatrixComponents | Graph & Grid Rendering of Matrix | Patrick Hunziker |
WMMenus | Menu support | TF/staubesv |
WMMessages | Support for messages and events | TF |
WMMixer | Control the mixer of the default SoundDevices device | TF |
WMModuleState | Ports the System.State to an Aos window. There is new an auto-refresh feature. | Michael Szediwy |
WMNavigate | Windows navigation | staubesv |
WMNavigator | Viewport in a window for navigation | staubesv |
WMObjectTracker | Visualize active objects | tf/staubesv |
WMOGGPlayer | Simple GUI to the OGG Player | TF/Christian Wassmer |
WMOSD | Simple On Screen Display for messages | staubesv |
WMOTFonts | OpenType Support | PL |
WMOverlay | Drawing over the screen | staubesv |
WMPartitions | Partition Tool | staubesv |
WMPartitionsComponents | Partition view & selection componet | staubesv |
WMPerfMon | Performance Monitor | TF/staubesv |
WMPerfMonAlerts | Performance Monitor Alert plugin | staubesv |
WMPerfMonAlertsUtils | Alert signaling | staubesv |
WMPerfMonComponents | Components used by the Performance Monitor application | staubesv |
WMPerfMonPluginCpu | Performance Monitor CPU load plugin | staubesv |
WMPerfMonPluginDisks | Performance Monitor disk transfer rate plugin | staubesv |
WMPerfMonPluginEvents | Performance Monitor plugin for event system | staubesv |
WMPerfMonPluginExample | Performance Monitor plugin example | staubesv |
WMPerfMonPluginFTPServer | Performance Monitor plugin for FTP server statistics | staubesv |
WMPerfMonPluginHeap | Performance Monitor plugin for Heaps statistics | staubesv |
WMPerfMonPluginHTTPServer | Performance Monitor plugin for HTTP server statistics | staubesv |
WMPerfMonPluginInterrupts | Performance Monitor interrupt statistics plugin | staubesv |
WMPerfMonPluginMemory | Performance Monitor memory utilization plugin | staubesv |
WMPerfMonPluginMessages | Performance Monitor WMMessages statistics plugin | staubesv |
WMPerfMonPluginModVars | Performance Monitor module variables plugin | staubesv |
WMPerfMonPluginNetStats | Performance Monitor network statistics plugin | staubesv |
WMPerfMonPluginNetwork | Performance Monitor network performance plugin | staubesv |
WMPerfMonPluginPerfMon | Performance Monitor plugin for self-monitoring | staubesv |
WMPerfMonPluginProcesses | Performance Monitor plugin for processes statistics | staubesv |
WMPerfMonPluginQuoteServer | Performance Monitor plugin for quote server statistics | staubesv |
WMPerfMonPlugins | Performance Monitor plugin framework | staubesv |
WMPerfMonPluginSerials | Performance Monitor Serial Port transfer rate plugin | staubesv |
WMPerfMonPluginUsb | Performance Monitor USB transfer rate plugin | staubesv |
WMPerfMonPluginVNCServer | Performance Monitor plugin for VNC server | staubesv |
WMPerfMonTabAlerts | Perfomance Monitor tab for Alerts | staubesv |
WMPerfMonTabSystem | Performance Monitor system tab | staubesv |
WMPicView | Open a window with a picture... | tf |
WMPieMenu | Pie Menu | TF |
WMPinyinIME | Pinyin input mode editor | tf |
WMPlayer | MediaPlayer GUI | PL |
WMPopups | Popup Windows | BF |
WMProcessInfo | Components for process visualization | tf/staubesv |
WMProfiler | GUI for hierarchical profiler | staubesv |
WMProgressComponents | Progress indication components and windows | staubesv |
WMProperties | Properties | TF |
WMRectangles | Basic rectangles that are used by the WM and visual components | TF |
WMRepositories | Repository inspection tool | staubesv |
WMRestorable | Save and restore the desktop | tf |
WMRussianIME | Write cyrillic characters | tf |
WMScreenShot | Screenshot utility | TF |
WMScribble | Example program | TF |
WMScrollableComponents | Scrollable Container | Ingmar Nebel |
WMSearchComponents | Search components | staubesv |
WMSearchTool | Search tool for text files | ug |
WMShapes | Basic geormetric shapes as visual components | staubesv |
WMShell | GUI for shell | staubesv |
WMSkinLoader | | |
WMSlideshow | | |
WMStandardComponents | Standard components | TF |
WMStringGrids | String grid component | TF |
WMSystemComponents | Components for File-Listings etc | TF/UG |
WMTabComponents | Tab component | ?/staubesv |
WMTaskScheduler | GUI for TaskScheduler | staubesv; minor adaptation PH |
WMTCPTracker | Watch TCP connections | pjm |
WMTetris | Tetris with semitransparent blocks | TF |
WMTextStyleTool | Text Tool | TF |
WMTextTool | Text Tool | TF |
WMTextView | Generic unicode text viewer | TF |
WMTrapWriter | trap window writer | fof |
WMTrees | Tree component | TF |
WMUkrainianIME | Write ukrainian characters | tf |
WMUnicodeIME | Unicode input mode editor | tf, pl |
WMUnicodeMarkerTool | Unicode Marker Tool | gubsermi |
WMUsbInfo | USB topology info (GUI) | staubesv |
WMUtilities | Utilities for easy opening of windows, Streams.Writers etc. | fof |
WMV24Component | Terminal | TF/staubesv |
WMVisualComponentSkeleton | Skeleton for visual components | staubesv |
WMVNCView | VNC Viewport | TF |
WMVT100 | | |
WMWindowManager | Generic window manager | TF |
WMXMLTree | Simple XML Viewer | TF |
WPM | WebPageMaker | TF |
XML | XML base | swalthert |
XMLComponents | | swalthert |
XMLGeneratorSchema | XCCS: XML Component Configuration Schema | swalthert |
XMLLoader | | swalthert |
XMLObjects | XML collections and enumerators | swalthert |
XMLParser | XML parser | swalthert |
XMLScanner | XML scanner | swalthert |
XMLStyle | | swalthert |
XMLTransformer | transforming XML to BB-text | Simon L. Keel |
XModem | XModem protocol | be |
XYModem | X- and Y-Modem protocol implementation | ejz |
YMF754 | Sound driver for Yamaha YMF754 | mvt |
YMF754Util | | |
Zip | ZIP codec | Stefan Walthert |
ZipFS | mount a zipped file as a file-system | ejz |
ZipTool | Command line front-end for Zip * | Stefan Walthert |
Zlib | Zlib compression library base | swalthert |
ZlibBuffers | | |
ZlibDeflate | Zlib compression | swalthert |
ZlibInflate | Zlib decompression | swalthert |
ZlibReaders | | |
ZlibWriters | | |