(* ETH Oberon, Copyright 2000 ETH Zürich Institut für Computersysteme, ETH Zentrum, CH-8092 Zürich.
Refer to the general ETH Oberon System license contract available at: http://www.oberon.ethz.ch/ *)

MODULE XDisplay;   (** X Windows display driver *)

(*! uses XEvents from X11Api *)

IMPORT S := SYSTEM, Trace, Unix, Machine, Files, X11, Api:=X11Api, Displays;

	IconNameStr = "UnixAos";

	BG = 0;  FG = 15;   (* Background, foreground colors.*)

	(* formats for Transfer.  value DIV 8 = bytes per pixel. *)
	unknown* = 0;
	index8 = 8;  color555 = 16;  color565 = 17;  color664 = 18;
	color888 = 24;  color8888* = 32;

	(* Drawing operation modes. *)
	replace = 0;   (* destcolor := sourcecolor. *)
	paint = 1;   (* destcolor := destcolor OR sourcecolor. *)
	invert = 2;   (* destcolor := destcolor XOR sourcecolor. *)

	WinName, IconName: ARRAY 128 OF CHAR;

			display:				X11.DisplayPtr;
			screenw, screenh:	LONGINT;
			cells, planes:		LONGINT;
			defcmap:			X11.Colormap;
			depth:				INTEGER;

	Address = S.ADDRESS;
				r, g, b: INTEGER

	Painter* = PROCEDURE ( x, y: INTEGER );

	Marker* = RECORD
				Fade*, Draw*: Painter (** Remove and draw marker. *)

	Cursor* = RECORD
				marker*: Marker;   (** Cursor marker. *)
				on*: BOOLEAN;   (** Is cursor shown? *)
				X*, Y*: INTEGER (** Absolute cursor position. *)

	Clip* = OBJECT
			d: Display;  lx, ly, lw, lh: LONGINT;

			PROCEDURE & Init( disp: Display );
				d := disp;  lx := 0; ly := 0; lw := 0; lh := 0;
			END Init;

			PROCEDURE Set*( x, y, w, h: LONGINT );
			VAR rect: X11.Rectangle;
				IF w < 0 THEN  w := 0  END;
				IF h < 0 THEN  h := 0  END;
				IF (x # lx) OR (y # ly) OR (w # lw) OR (h # lh) THEN
					lx := x;  ly := y;  lw := w;  lh := h;
					IF y  < d.height THEN  d.currwin := d.primary  ELSE  d.currwin := d.secondary;  DEC( y, d.height )  END;
					rect.x := SHORT( x );  rect.y := SHORT( y );
					rect.w := SHORT( w );  rect.h := SHORT( h );
					Machine.Acquire( Machine.X11 );
					IF (rect.x <= 0) & (rect.y <= 0) & (rect.w >= d.width) & (rect.h >= d.height) THEN
						X11.SetClipMask( d.xdisp, d.gc, X11.None ) (* no clipping *)
						X11.SetClipRectangles( d.xdisp, d.gc, 0, 0, S.ADR( rect ), 1, X11.YXBanded )
					Machine.Release( Machine.X11 )
			END Set;

			PROCEDURE Get*( VAR x, y, w, h: LONGINT );
				x := lx;  y := ly;  w := lw;  h := lh
			END Get;

			PROCEDURE InClip*( x, y, w, h: LONGINT ): BOOLEAN;
				RETURN  (x >= lx) & (x + w <= lx + lw) & (y >= ly) & (y + h <= ly + lh)
			END InClip;

			PROCEDURE Reset*;
				Set( 0, 0, d.width, d.height );
			END Reset;

			(** Intersect with current clip rectangle resulting in a new clip rectangle. *)
			PROCEDURE Adjust*( x, y, w, h: LONGINT );   (* intersection *)
			VAR x0, y0, x1, y1: LONGINT;
				IF x > lx THEN  x0 := x  ELSE  x0 := lx  END;
				IF y > ly THEN  y0 := y  ELSE  y0 := ly  END;
				IF x + w < lx + lw THEN  x1 := x + w  ELSE  x1 := lx + lw  END;
				IF y + h < ly + lh THEN  y1 := y + h  ELSE  y1 := ly + lh  END;
				Set( x0, y0, x1 - x0, y1 - y0 );
			END Adjust;

		END Clip;

	Display* = OBJECT   (Displays.Display)
				xdisp-				: X11.DisplayPtr;
				screen				: LONGINT;
				visual-{UNTRACED}	: X11.VisualPtr;
				depth-				: INTEGER;
				nofcol-				: LONGINT;
				cmap-				: X11.Colormap;
				planesMask-		: LONGINT;
				currwin*			: X11.Window;
				background-		: LONGINT;
				gc-					: X11.GC;
				clip-				: Clip;

				bigEndian			: BOOLEAN;
				rgb-, defPal-		: ARRAY 256 OF RGB;
				pixel-				: ARRAY 256 OF LONGINT;   (* pixel values for Oberon colors *)

				xformat				: LONGINT;
				currcol, currmode	: LONGINT;
				xfunc				: ARRAY 3 OF LONGINT;
				wmDelete- : X11.Atom;

				PROCEDURE SetMode( col: LONGINT );
				VAR mode: LONGINT;
					mode :=  replace;
					IF (col # -1) & (30 IN S.VAL( SET, col )) THEN  mode := invert;  EXCL( S.VAL( SET, col ), 30 )  END;
					IF mode # currmode THEN  X11.SetFunction( xdisp, gc, xfunc[mode] );  currmode := mode  END;
					IF col # currcol THEN  X11.SetForeground( xdisp, gc, ColorToPixel( col ) );  currcol := col  END;
				END SetMode;

				PROCEDURE Dot*( col, x, y: LONGINT );
					IF currwin = secondary THEN  DEC( y, height )  END;
					Machine.Acquire( Machine.X11 );
					SetMode( col );
					X11.DrawPoint( xdisp, currwin, gc, x, y );
					Machine.Release( Machine.X11 )
				END Dot;

				PROCEDURE Fill*( col, x, y, w, h: LONGINT );
					IF (h > 0) & (w > 0) THEN
						IF currwin = secondary THEN  DEC( y, height )  END;
						Machine.Acquire( Machine.X11 );
						SetMode( col );
						X11.FillRectangle( xdisp, currwin, gc, x, y, w, h );
						Machine.Release( Machine.X11 )
				END Fill;

				(** Transfer a block of pixels in "raw" display format to (op = set) or from (op = get) the display.
					Pixels in the rectangular area are transferred from left to right and top to bottom.  The pixels
					are transferred to or from "buf", starting at "ofs".  The line byte increment is "stride", which may
					be positive, negative or zero. *)

				PROCEDURE Transfer*( VAR buf: ARRAY OF CHAR;  ofs, stride, x, y, w, h, op: LONGINT );
				CONST  Get = 0;  Set = 1;
				VAR image: X11.Image;
					imp: X11.ImagePtr;
					bp, bp0, ip: Address; 
					line, ll: LONGINT;
					ll := w*(xformat DIV 8);
					IF (ofs + (h - 1)*stride + ll > LEN( buf )) OR (ofs + (h - 1)*stride < 0) THEN  HALT( 99 )  END;
					IF LEN( imgBuffer ) < 4*w*h THEN
						NEW( imgBuffer, 4*w*h );	(* create buffer outside lock to avoid deadlock *)

					Machine.Acquire( Machine.X11 );
					image := X11.CreateImage( xdisp, visual, depth, X11.ZPixmap, 0, 0, w, h, 32, 0 );
					imp := S.VAL( X11.ImagePtr, image );
					imp.data := S.ADR( imgBuffer[0] );
					bp0 := S.ADR( buf[ofs] );
					IF op = Set THEN
						FOR line := 0 TO h - 1  DO
							bp := bp0;  ip := imp.data + line*imp.bytesPerLine;
							IF imp.byteOrder = 0 THEN  PutLine( xformat, w, ip, bp )
							ELSE  PutLineBE( xformat, w, ip, bp )
							bp0 := bp0 + stride;
						IF currmode # replace THEN  
							X11.SetFunction( xdisp, gc, xfunc[replace] );  currmode := replace  
						X11.PutImage( xdisp, primary, gc, image, 0, 0, x, y, w, h );
					ELSIF op = Get THEN
						image := X11.GetImage( xdisp, primary, x, y, w, h, planesMask, X11.ZPixmap );
						imp := S.VAL( X11.ImagePtr, image );
						FOR line := 0 TO h - 1 DO
							bp := bp0;  ip := imp.data + line*imp.bytesPerLine;
							IF imp.byteOrder = 0 THEN  GetLine( xformat, w, ip, bp )
							ELSE  GetLineBE( xformat, w, ip, bp )
							bp0 := bp0 + stride
						X11.Free( imp.data )
					X11.Free( image );  imp := NIL;
					Machine.Release( Machine.X11 )
				END Transfer;

				(** Transfer a block of pixels from a 1-bit mask to the display.  Pixels in the rectangular area are
					transferred from left to right and top to bottom.  The pixels are transferred from "buf", starting
					at bit offset "bitofs".  The line byte increment is "stride", which may be positive, negative or zero.
					"fg" and "bg" specify the colors for value 1 and 0 pixels respectively. *)
				PROCEDURE Mask*( VAR buf: ARRAY OF CHAR;  bitofs, stride, fg, bg, x, y, w, h: LONGINT );
				VAR p, i: LONGINT;  s: SET;
					image: X11.Image;
					fgpixel, bgpixel, xret: LONGINT;
					ix, iy, ih: LONGINT;
					imp: X11.ImagePtr;
					IF (w > 0) & (h > 0) THEN
						IF fg >= 0 THEN  fgpixel := pixel[fg MOD 256]  ELSE  fgpixel := ColorToPixel( fg )  END;
						IF bg >= 0 THEN  bgpixel := pixel[bg MOD 256]  ELSE  bgpixel := ColorToPixel( bg )  END;

						IF LEN( imgBuffer ) < 4*w*h THEN
							NEW( imgBuffer, 4*w*h );	(* create buffer outside lock to avoid deadlock *)

						Machine.Acquire( Machine.X11 );
						image := X11.CreateImage( xdisp, visual, depth, X11.ZPixmap, 0, 0, w, h, 32, 0 );
						imp := S.VAL( X11.ImagePtr, image );
						imp.data := S.ADR( imgBuffer[0] );
						i := S.ADR( buf[0] ) MOD 4;  INC( bitofs, i*8 );
						p := S.ADR( buf[0] ) - i + bitofs DIV 32*4;   (* p always aligned to 32-bit boundary *)
						bitofs := bitofs MOD 32;  stride := stride*8;
						ix := 0; iy := 0; ih := h;
							S.GET( p, s );  i := bitofs;
								IF (i MOD 32) IN s THEN  xret := X11.PutPixel( image, ix, iy, fgpixel );
								ELSE  xret := X11.PutPixel( image, ix, iy, bgpixel );
								INC( i );  INC( ix );
								IF i - bitofs = w THEN  EXIT   END;
								IF i MOD 32 = 0 THEN  S.GET( p + i DIV 8, s )  END
							DEC( ih );
							IF ih = 0 THEN  EXIT   END;
							INC( iy );  ix := 0;  INC( bitofs, stride );
							IF (bitofs >= 32) OR (bitofs < 0) THEN  (* moved outside s *)
								INC( p, bitofs DIV 32*4 );  bitofs := bitofs MOD 32
						END;  (* loop *)
						IF currmode # replace THEN  X11.SetFunction( xdisp, gc, xfunc[replace] )  END;
						X11.PutImage( xdisp, primary, gc, image, 0, 0, x, y, w, h );
						IF currmode # replace THEN  X11.SetFunction( xdisp, gc, xfunc[currmode] )  END;
						X11.Free( image );
						Machine.Release( Machine.X11 );
				END Mask;

				(** Copy source block sx, sy, w, h to destination dx, dy.  Overlap is allowed. *)
				PROCEDURE Copy*( sx, sy, w, h, dx, dy: LONGINT );
				VAR src: X11.DisplayPtr;
					IF (w > 0) & (h > 0) THEN
						IF sy  < height THEN  src := primary  ELSE  src := secondary;  DEC( sy, height )  END;
						IF currwin = secondary THEN  DEC( sy, height )  END;
						Machine.Acquire( Machine.X11 );
						SetMode( currcol );
						X11.CopyArea( xdisp, src, currwin, gc, sx, sy, w, h, dx, dy  );
						Machine.Release( Machine.X11 )
				END Copy;

				(** Update the visible display (if caching is used). *)
				PROCEDURE Update*;
					Machine.Acquire( Machine.X11 );
					X11.Sync( xdisp, X11.False );
					Machine.Release( Machine.X11 )
				END Update;

				(** Map a color value to an 8-bit CLUT index.  Only used if xformat = index8. *)
				PROCEDURE ColorToIndex*( col: LONGINT ): LONGINT;
					RETURN ColorToIndex0( SELF, col )
				END ColorToIndex;

				(** Map an 8-bit CLUT index to a color value.  Only used if xformat = index8. *)
				VAR r, g, b: LONGINT;
					IF n >= 0 THEN
						IF n > 255 THEN  n := BG  END;
						r := rgb[n].r;  g := rgb[n].g;  b := rgb[n].b;
						RETURN MIN( LONGINT ) + (r*100H + g)*100H + b
				END IndexToColor;

				PROCEDURE SetColor*( col, red, green, blue: INTEGER );   (* 0 <= col, red, green, blue < 256 *)
				VAR xcol: X11.Color;  res: LONGINT;
					IF (col < 0) OR (col > 255) THEN  RETURN   END;
					rgb[col].r := red;  rgb[col].g := green;  rgb[col].b := blue;
					xcol.red := 256*red;  xcol.green := 256*green;  xcol.blue := 256*blue;
					Machine.Acquire( Machine.X11 );
					IF depth > 8 THEN
						res := X11.AllocColor( xdisp, cmap, S.ADR( xcol ) );
						IF res # 0 THEN  pixel[col] := xcol.pixel  END
						xcol.flags := CHR( X11.DoAll );  xcol.pixel := pixel[col];
						IF col < nofcol THEN  X11.StoreColor( xdisp, cmap, S.ADR( xcol ) )  END;
					Machine.Release( Machine.X11 )
				END SetColor;

				PROCEDURE GetColor*( col: INTEGER;  VAR red, green, blue: INTEGER );
					IF (0 <= col) & (col <= 255) THEN
						red := rgb[col].r;  green := rgb[col].g;  blue := rgb[col].b
						red := rgb[BG].r;  green := rgb[BG].g;  blue := rgb[BG].b
				END GetColor;

				PROCEDURE ColorToPixel*( col: LONGINT ): LONGINT;
				VAR r, g, b, i, ii, x, y, z, m, min: LONGINT;  rc: RGB;
					r := S.LSH( col, -16 ) MOD 256;  g := S.LSH( col, -8 ) MOD 256;  b := col MOD 256;
					CASE xformat OF
					color8888, color888:
								IF bigEndian THEN  RETURN ASH( b, 16 ) + ASH( g, 8 ) + r
								ELSE  RETURN ASH( r, 16 ) + ASH( g, 8 ) + b
					| color555:
								r := 32*r DIV 256;  g := 32*g DIV 256;  b := 32*b DIV 256;
								IF bigEndian THEN  RETURN ASH( b, 10 ) + ASH( g, 5 ) + r
								ELSE  RETURN ASH( r, 10 ) + ASH( g, 5 ) + b
					| color565:
								r := 32*r DIV 256;  g := 64*g DIV 256;  b := 32*b DIV 256;
								IF bigEndian THEN  RETURN ASH( b, 11 ) + ASH( g, 5 ) + r
								ELSE  RETURN ASH( r, 11 ) + ASH( g, 5 ) + b
					| color664:
								r := 64*r DIV 256;  g := 64*g DIV 256;  b := 16*b DIV 256;
								IF bigEndian THEN  RETURN ASH( b, 12 ) + ASH( g, 6 ) + r
								ELSE  RETURN ASH( r, 10 ) + ASH( g, 4 ) + b
					ELSE  (* index8 *)
						i := 0;  ii := 0;  min := MAX( LONGINT );
						WHILE (i < 256) & (min > 0) DO
							rc := rgb[i];  x := ABS( r - rc.r );  y := ABS( g - rc.g );  z := ABS( b - rc.b );  m := x;
							IF y > m THEN  m := y  END;
							IF z > m THEN  m := z  END;
							m := m*m + (x*x + y*y + z*z);
							IF m < min THEN  min := m;  ii := i  END;
							INC( i )
						RETURN pixel[ii]
				END ColorToPixel;

				PROCEDURE  & Initialize( absWidth, absHeight, relWidth, relHeight: LONGINT );
				VAR event: Api.XEvent;  root: X11.Window;  gRoot, gX, gY, gW, gH, gBW, gD: LONGINT;
					res: LONGINT;
					xdisp := X.display;  depth := X.depth;  cmap := X.defcmap;  screen := X.screen;
					foreground := X11.BlackPixel( X.display, X.screen );
					background := X11.WhitePixel( X.display, X.screen );
					Machine.Acquire( Machine.X11 );
					root := X11.DefaultRootWindow( X.display );
					primary := X11.CreateSimpleWindow( X.display, root, 0, 0,
											     			X.screenw - 16, X.screenh - 32, 0,
														foreground, background );
					X11.StoreName( xdisp, primary, S.ADR( WinName ) );
					X11.SetIconName( xdisp, primary, S.ADR( IconName ) );
					X11.SetCommand( xdisp, primary, Unix.argv, Unix.argc );
					X11.SelectInput( xdisp, primary, X11.ExposureMask );
					(* set wm_delete_events if in windowed mode *)
					wmDelete := Api.InternAtom(xdisp, "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", Api.True);   
					res := Api.SetWMProtocols(xdisp, primary, S.ADR(wmDelete), 1);
					X11.MapRaised( xdisp, primary );
					REPEAT  Api.NextEvent( xdisp, event )
					UNTIL (event.typ = Api.Expose) & (event.window = primary);
					(* adjust to physical window size *)
					X11.GetGeometry( xdisp, primary, gRoot, gX, gY, gW, gH, gBW, gD );
					IF relWidth # -1 THEN
						gW := relWidth * gW DIV 100;
						gW := absWidth;
					IF relHeight # -1 THEN
						gH := relHeight * gH DIV 100;
						gH := absHeight;
					IF gW MOD 8 # 0 THEN  DEC( gW, gW MOD 8 )  END;
					X11.ResizeWindow( xdisp, primary, gW, gH );
					width := gW;  height := gH;
					offscreen := height;

					(* pixmap may not be larger than screen: *)
					IF gW > X.screenw THEN  gW := X.screenw  END;
					IF gH > X.screenh THEN  gH := X.screenh  END;
					secondary := X11.CreatePixmap( xdisp, primary, gW, gH, depth );
					Machine.Release( Machine.X11 );

					CreateColors( SELF );  InitPalette( SELF );  SuppressX11Cursors( SELF ); 
					InitFormat( SELF );  CreateGC( SELF );  InitFunctions( SELF );

					NEW( clip, SELF )
				END Initialize;

				(** Finalize the display.  Further calls to display methods are not allowed, and may cause exceptions. *)
				PROCEDURE Finalize*;
				BEGIN  (* should really be exclusive with Transfer, but we assume the caller keeps to the rules above *)
					fbadr := 0;  fbsize := 0
				END Finalize;

			END Display;

	dispname: ARRAY 64 OF CHAR;

	PROCEDURE ColorToIndex0( disp: Display; col: LONGINT ): INTEGER;
	VAR idx, i: INTEGER;  r, g, b, min, x, y, z, d: LONGINT;  rc: RGB;
		r := ASH( col, -16 ) MOD 100H;  g := ASH( col, -8 ) MOD 100H;  b := col MOD 100H;
		i := 0;  idx := 0;  min := MAX( LONGINT );
		WHILE (i < 256) & (min > 0) DO
			rc := disp.defPal[i];  x := ABS( r - rc.r );  y := ABS( g - rc.g );  z := ABS( b - rc.b );  d := x;
			IF y > d THEN  d := y  END;
			IF z > d THEN  d := z  END;
			d := d*d + (x*x + y*y + z*z);
			IF d < min THEN  min := d;  idx := i  END;
			INC( i )
		RETURN idx
	END ColorToIndex0;

	PROCEDURE PutLine( xformat, width: LONGINT;  VAR ip, bp: Address );
	VAR colum: LONGINT;  byte: CHAR;
		FOR colum := 0 TO width - 1 DO
			CASE xformat OF
			| index8:
						S.GET( bp, byte );  S.PUT( ip, byte );  INC( bp );  INC( ip );
			| color565, color555, color664:
						S.GET( bp, byte );  S.PUT( ip, byte );  INC( bp );  INC( ip );
						S.GET( bp, byte );  S.PUT( ip, byte );  INC( bp );  INC( ip );
			| color888:
						S.GET( bp, byte );  S.PUT( ip, byte );  INC( bp );  INC( ip );   (* B *)
						S.GET( bp, byte );  S.PUT( ip, byte );  INC( bp );  INC( ip );   (* G *)
						S.GET( bp, byte );  S.PUT( ip, byte );  INC( bp );  INC( ip );   (* R *)
						byte := 0X;  S.PUT( ip, byte );  INC( ip );
			ELSE  (* color8888 *)
				S.GET( bp, byte );  S.PUT( ip, byte );  INC( bp );  INC( ip );   (* B *)
				S.GET( bp, byte );  S.PUT( ip, byte );  INC( bp );  INC( ip );   (* G *)
				S.GET( bp, byte );  S.PUT( ip, byte );  INC( bp );  INC( ip );   (* R *)
				S.GET( bp, byte );  S.PUT( ip, byte );  INC( bp );  INC( ip );   (* X *)
	END PutLine;

	PROCEDURE GetLine( xformat, width: LONGINT;  VAR ip, bp: Address );
	VAR colum: LONGINT;  byte: CHAR;
		FOR colum := 0 TO width - 1 DO
			CASE xformat OF
			| index8:
						S.GET( ip, byte );  S.PUT( bp, byte );  INC( ip );  INC( bp );
			| color565, color555, color664:
						S.GET( ip, byte );  S.PUT( bp, byte );  INC( ip );  INC( bp );
						S.GET( ip, byte );  S.PUT( bp, byte );  INC( ip );  INC( bp );
			| color888:
						S.GET( ip, byte );  S.PUT( bp, byte );  INC( ip );  INC( bp );   (* B *)
						S.GET( ip, byte );  S.PUT( bp, byte );  INC( ip );  INC( bp );   (* G *)
						S.GET( ip, byte );  S.PUT( bp, byte );  INC( ip );  INC( bp );   (* R *)
						INC( ip )
			ELSE  (* color8888 *)
				S.GET( ip, byte );  S.PUT( bp, byte );  INC( ip );  INC( bp );   (* B *)
				S.GET( ip, byte );  S.PUT( bp, byte );  INC( ip );  INC( bp );   (* G *)
				S.GET( ip, byte );  S.PUT( bp, byte );  INC( ip );  INC( bp );   (* R *)
				S.GET( ip, byte );  S.PUT( bp, byte );  INC( ip );  INC( bp );   (* X *)
	END GetLine;

	PROCEDURE PutLineBE( xformat, width: LONGINT;  VAR ip, bp: Address );
	VAR colum: LONGINT;  byte: CHAR;
		FOR colum := 0 TO width - 1 DO
			CASE xformat OF
						S.GET( bp, byte );  S.PUT( ip, byte );  INC( bp );  INC( ip );
			| color565, color555, color664:
						S.GET( bp + 1, byte );  S.PUT( ip, byte );  INC( ip );
						S.GET( bp + 0, byte );  S.PUT( ip, byte );  INC( ip );
						INC( bp, 2 )
			| color888:
						byte := 0X;  S.PUT( ip, byte );  INC( ip );
						S.GET( bp + 2, byte );  S.PUT( ip, byte );  INC( ip );   (* B *)
						S.GET( bp + 1, byte );  S.PUT( ip, byte );  INC( ip );   (* G *)
						S.GET( bp + 0, byte );  S.PUT( ip, byte );  INC( ip );   (* R *)
						INC( bp, 3 );
			ELSE  (* color8888 *)
				S.GET( bp + 3, byte );  S.PUT( ip, byte );  INC( ip );   (* X *)
				S.GET( bp + 2, byte );  S.PUT( ip, byte );  INC( ip );   (* B *)
				S.GET( bp + 1, byte );  S.PUT( ip, byte );  INC( ip );   (* G *)
				S.GET( bp + 0, byte );  S.PUT( ip, byte );  INC( ip );   (* R *)
				INC( bp, 4 );
	END PutLineBE;

	PROCEDURE GetLineBE( xformat, width: LONGINT;  VAR ip, bp: Address );
	VAR colum: LONGINT;  byte: CHAR;
		FOR colum := 0 TO width - 1 DO
			CASE xformat OF
			| index8:
						S.GET( ip, byte );  S.PUT( bp, byte );  INC( ip );  INC( bp );
			| color565, color555, color664:
						S.GET( ip, byte );  S.PUT( bp + 1, byte );  INC( ip );
						S.GET( ip, byte );  S.PUT( bp + 0, byte );  INC( ip );
						INC( bp, 2 )
			| color888:
						INC( ip );
						S.GET( ip, byte );  S.PUT( bp + 2, byte );  INC( ip );   (* B *)
						S.GET( ip, byte );  S.PUT( bp + 1, byte );  INC( ip );   (* G *)
						S.GET( ip, byte );  S.PUT( bp + 0, byte );  INC( ip );   (* R *)
						INC( bp, 3 );
			ELSE  (* color8888 *)
				S.GET( ip, byte );  S.PUT( bp + 3, byte );  INC( ip );   (* X *)
				S.GET( ip, byte );  S.PUT( bp + 2, byte );  INC( ip );   (* B *)
				S.GET( ip, byte );  S.PUT( bp + 1, byte );  INC( ip );   (* G *)
				S.GET( ip, byte );  S.PUT( bp + 0, byte );  INC( ip );   (* R *)
				INC( bp, 4 );
	END GetLineBE;

	PROCEDURE NewPattern( d: Display;
							CONST image: ARRAY OF SET;  
							width, height: INTEGER ): X11.Pattern;
		pixmap: X11.Pixmap;  pat: X11.PatternPtr;
		w, h, i, j, b, dest, srcw, destb, srci, desti: LONGINT;
		data: ARRAY 256*32 OF CHAR;   (* 256*256 bits *)
		i := 0;
		WHILE i < LEN( data ) DO  data[i] := 0X;  INC( i )  END;
		w := width;  h := height;
		srcw := (width + 31) DIV 32;   (* number of words in source line *)
		destb := (w + 7) DIV 8;   (* number of bytes in dest line *)
		srci := (height - 1)*srcw;  desti := 0;
		WHILE srci >= 0 DO
			i := 0;  j := 0;  b := 0;  dest := 0;
				dest := dest DIV 2;
				IF b IN image[srci + j + 1] THEN  INC( dest, 80H )  END;
				INC( b );
				IF b MOD 8 = 0 THEN
					data[desti + i] := CHR( dest );  INC( i );  dest := 0;
					IF i >= destb THEN  EXIT   END
				IF b = 32 THEN
					b := 0;  INC( j );
					IF j >= srcw THEN
						WHILE i < destb DO  data[desti + i] := 0X;  INC( i )  END;
			INC( desti, destb );  DEC( srci, srcw )
		Machine.Acquire( Machine.X11 );
		pixmap := X11.CreateBitmapFromData( d.xdisp, d.primary, S.ADR( data[0] ), w, h );
		Machine.Release( Machine.X11 );
		IF pixmap = 0 THEN  HALT( 99 )  END;
		pat := S.VAL( X11.PatternPtr, Unix.malloc( S.SIZEOF( X11.PatternDesc ) ) );
		pat.x := 0;  pat.y := 0;  pat.w := width;  pat.h := height;  pat.pixmap := pixmap;
	END NewPattern;

		COPY( Machine.version, WinName );  IconName := IconNameStr;
	END InitNames;

	PROCEDURE getDisplayName;
	VAR adr: LONGINT;  i: INTEGER;  ch: CHAR;
		Unix.GetArgval( "-display", dispname );
		IF dispname = "" THEN
			adr := Unix.getenv( S.ADR( "DISPLAY" ) );
			IF adr # 0 THEN
				i := 0;
				REPEAT  S.GET( adr, ch );  INC( adr );  dispname[i] := ch;  INC( i )   UNTIL ch = 0X;
			ELSE  dispname := ":0"
	END getDisplayName;

	PROCEDURE OpenX11Display;
		X.display := Api.OpenDisplay( dispname );
		IF X.display = 0 THEN
			Trace.String( "Cannot open X11 display " );  Trace.StringLn( dispname );  Unix.exit( 1 )
		S.GET( X.display + 8, fd );
		X.screen := X11.DefaultScreen( X.display );
		X.screenw := X11.DisplayWidth( X.display, X.screen );
		X.screenh := X11.DisplayHeight( X.display, X.screen );
		X.depth := SHORT( X11.DefaultDepth( X.display, X.screen ) );
		IF X.depth < 8 THEN  ColorError  END;
		X.defcmap := X11.DefaultColormap( X.display, X.screen );
		X.cells := X11.DisplayCells( X.display, X.screen );
		X.planes := X11.DisplayPlanes( X.display, X.screen );
	END OpenX11Display;

	PROCEDURE ColorError;
		Trace.StringLn( "ETH Oberon needs a color display. sorry." );  Unix.exit( 1 )
	END ColorError;

	PROCEDURE CreateColors( d: Display );
		visualInfo: X11.VisualInfo;  visual{UNTRACED}: X11.VisualPtr;
		Machine.Acquire( Machine.X11 );
		col := 0;
		WHILE col < 256 DO  d.pixel[col] := col;  INC( col )  END;
		IF (d.depth > 8) & (X11.MatchVisualInfo( d.xdisp, d.screen, d.depth, X11.TrueColor, visualInfo ) = 1) THEN
			visual := visualInfo.visual;
		ELSIF X11.MatchVisualInfo( d.xdisp, d.screen, d.depth, X11.PseudoColor, visualInfo ) = 1 THEN
			visual := visualInfo.visual
		ELSE  ColorError
		d.nofcol := visual.mapEntries;
		d.bigEndian := FALSE;
		IF d.depth > 8 THEN  d.bigEndian := visual.blueMask > visual.redMask  END;
		IF d.depth <= 8 THEN
			d.nofcol := visual.mapEntries;
			d.cmap := X11.CreateColormap( d.xdisp, d.primary, visual, X11.AllocAll );
			X11.SetWindowColormap( d.xdisp, d.primary, d.cmap );
			d.foreground := d.pixel[FG];
			d.background := d.pixel[BG];
			X11.SetWindowBackground( d.xdisp, d.primary, d.background );
			X11.ClearWindow( d.xdisp, d.primary )
		Machine.Release( Machine.X11 );
		d.visual := visual;  d.basePixel := 0;  d.planesMask := ASH( 1, d.depth ) - 1
	END CreateColors;

	PROCEDURE InitPalette( d: Display );
	VAR f: Files.File;  r: Files.Reader;  red, green, blue: CHAR;  i, cols: INTEGER;
		IF d.depth >= 8 THEN cols := 256 ELSE cols := 16 END;
		f := Files.Old( "Default.Pal" );
			Files.OpenReader( r, f, 0 );
			FOR i := 0 TO cols - 1 DO
				r.Char( red );  r.Char( green );  r.Char( blue );
				d.SetColor( i, ORD( red ), ORD( green ), ORD( blue ) )
		d.defPal := d.rgb
	END InitPalette;

	PROCEDURE SuppressX11Cursors( d: Display );
		fg, bg: X11.Color;  src, msk: X11.PatternPtr;
		image: ARRAY 17 OF SET;  i: INTEGER;
		noCursor: X11.Cursor;
		fg.red := 256*d.rgb[FG].r;  fg.green := 256*d.rgb[FG].g;  fg.blue := 256*d.rgb[FG].b;
		bg.red := 256*d.rgb[BG].r;  bg.green := 256*d.rgb[BG].g;  bg.blue := 256*d.rgb[BG].b;

		FOR i := 1 TO 16 DO  image[i] := {}  END;
		src := S.VAL( X11.PatternPtr, NewPattern( d, image, 16, 16 ) );  
		msk := S.VAL( X11.PatternPtr, NewPattern( d, image, 16, 16 ) );
		Machine.Acquire( Machine.X11 );
		noCursor := X11.CreatePixmapCursor( d.xdisp, src.pixmap, msk.pixmap, S.ADR( fg ), S.ADR( bg ), 1, 1 );
		X11.DefineCursor( d.xdisp, d.primary, noCursor );
		Machine.Release( Machine.X11 )
	END SuppressX11Cursors;

	PROCEDURE InitFormat( d: Display );
	VAR visual: X11.VisualPtr;
		visual := S.VAL( X11.VisualPtr, d.visual );
		IF d.depth = 8 THEN  
			d.format := Displays.index8;
			d.xformat := index8
		ELSIF d.depth = 15 THEN  
			d.format := Displays.color565;
			d.xformat := color555
		ELSIF d.depth = 16 THEN
			d.format := Displays.color565;
			IF visual.blueMask = 0FH THEN  
				d.xformat := color664
				d.xformat := color565
		ELSIF d.depth = 24 THEN  
			d.format := Displays.color888;
			d.xformat := color888
		ELSIF d.depth = 32 THEN  
			d.format := Displays.color8888;
			d.xformat := color8888
			d.format := unknown
		Trace.String( "X11 Display depth = " ); Trace.Int( d.depth, 1 ); Trace.Ln
	END InitFormat;

	PROCEDURE CreateGC( d: Display );
		Machine.Acquire( Machine.X11 );
		d.gc := X11.CreateGC( d.xdisp, d.primary, 0, 0 );
		IF d.gc = 0 THEN  Machine.Release( Machine.X11 );  HALT( 45 )  END;
		X11.SetPlaneMask( d.xdisp, d.gc, d.planesMask );
		X11.SetGraphicsExposures( d.xdisp, d.gc, X11.True );
		X11.SetBackground( d.xdisp, d.gc, d.background );
		Machine.Release( Machine.X11 );
	END CreateGC;

	PROCEDURE InitFunctions( d: Display );
		d.xfunc[replace] := X11.GXcopy;
		d.xfunc[paint] := X11.GXor;   (* not used *)
		(* drawing in invert mode with BackgroundCol on BackgroundCol is a no-op: *)
		IF S.VAL( SET, d.background )*S.VAL( SET, d.planesMask ) # {} THEN
			d.xfunc[invert] := X11.GXequiv
			d.xfunc[invert] := X11.GXxor
		d.currcol := -1;  d.currmode := -1;
	END InitFunctions;

	(* PB - 2010-04-20
			-1: absolute width and height according to DisplaySize config string.
			else: value from 50 to 100 as scaling factor, argument variables width and height are unspecified.

		Lower limit is either 50% as scaling factor or 640x480 as absolute size.
	PROCEDURE GetDisplaySize(VAR width, height: LONGINT): LONGINT;  (* % of Screen [50% ... 100%] *)
	VAR buf: ARRAY 64 OF CHAR; size, i: LONGINT; c: CHAR; absolute: BOOLEAN;
		Machine.GetConfig( "DisplaySize", buf );
		IF buf = "" THEN size := 100
			size := 0; c := buf[0];  i := 0;
			WHILE (c >= '0') & (c <= '9') DO
				size := 10*size + ORD( c ) - ORD( '0' );
				INC( i ); c := buf[i]
			IF c = 'x' THEN
				width := size;
				size := 0;
				INC( i ); c := buf[i];
			WHILE (c >= '0') & (c <= '9') DO
				size := 10*size + ORD( c ) - ORD( '0' );
				INC( i ); c := buf[i]
			IF (width # 0) & (size # 0) THEN
				height := size;
				absolute := TRUE;
			ELSIF (width # 0) THEN (* failed to read two numbers -> fall back to scaling *)
				size := width;
				width := 0
			IF absolute THEN
				size := -1;
				IF width < 640 THEN width := 640; END;
				IF height < 480 THEN height := 480; END;
				IF size < 50 THEN  size := 50  END;
				IF size > 100 THEN  size := 100  END
		RETURN size
	END GetDisplaySize;

	PROCEDURE Install*;
	VAR disp: Display; res: LONGINT; s, w, h: LONGINT;
		InitNames; OpenX11Display;
		s := GetDisplaySize( w, h );
		NEW( disp, w, h, s, s );
		disp.SetName( "XDisplay" );
		disp.desc := "X11 display driver";
		Displays.registry.Add( disp, res );
	END Install;

	NEW( imgBuffer, 10000 )
END XDisplay.