MODULE UDP;   (* AUTHOR "fof"; PURPOSE "UDP protocol for Winsock"; *)

IMPORT SYSTEM, IP, (* AosWinsock, *) WSock32, KernelLog;

	(* error codes. *)
	Ok* = 0;  AddressInUse* = 3501;  Timeout* = 3502;  BufferOverflow* = 3503;  AlreadyBlocked* = 3504;
	unknown = 1;  IPAdrLen = 4;
	NilPort* = 0;  (* Dan 31.01.05 *)


	Socket* = OBJECT  (* stores the state of a UDP communication endpoint. *)
	VAR sock: WSock32.Socket;

		(* Initialize the Socket (only use once per instance).
	Opens a socket which is dedicated to datagram services. lport is registered to receive datagrams
	from any port and any host. *)
		PROCEDURE & Open*( lport: LONGINT;  VAR res: LONGINT );
		VAR sadr: WSock32.sockaddrIn;  err: LONGINT;
			(* IF ~AosWinsock.ready THEN RETURN END;  *)
			sock := WSock32.socket( WSock32.PFINet, WSock32.SockDGram, WSock32.IPProtoUDP );
			IF sock # WSock32.InvalidSocket THEN
				sadr.sinFamily := WSock32.PFINet;  sadr.sinAddr := 0;
				IF lport # NilPort THEN sadr.sinPort := WSock32.htons( SHORT( lport ) ) ELSE sadr.sinPort := 0 END;
				res := WSock32.bind( sock, sadr, SYSTEM.SIZEOF( WSock32.sockaddrIn ) );
				IF res # Ok THEN
					err := WSock32.WSAGetLastError(); (*  AosWinsock.DispError( err ); *)  SockFinalizer( SELF );  res := unknown;
				ELSE (*  Kernel.RegisterObject( SELF, SockFinalizer, FALSE ); *)  res := Ok
			ELSE res := unknown;

			IF trace THEN
				KernelLog.String( "UDP.Open : " );  KernelLog.Int( lport, 1 );  KernelLog.String( "(" );  KernelLog.Int( res, 1 );
				KernelLog.String( ")" );  KernelLog.Ln;
		END Open;

	(* Send a UDP datagram to the foreign address specified by "fip" and "lport".  The data is in "data[ofs..ofs+len-1]".
					 In case of concurrent sends the datagrams are serialized.
	Sends len bytes of data (beginning at pos in buf) to the host specified by remIP and remPort. *)

		PROCEDURE Send*( fip: IP.Adr;  fport: LONGINT;  VAR data: ARRAY OF CHAR;  ofs, len: LONGINT; VAR res: LONGINT );
		VAR sadr: WSock32.sockaddrIn;  err: LONGINT;
			ASSERT ( LEN( data ) >= (ofs + len) );
			IF (fip.usedProtocol = IP.IPv4) THEN
				SYSTEM.MOVE( SYSTEM.ADR( fip ), SYSTEM.ADR( sadr.sinAddr ), IPAdrLen );
				sadr.sinFamily := WSock32.PFINet;  sadr.sinPort := WSock32.htons( SHORT( fport ) );
				res := WSock32.sendto( sock, data[ofs], len, 0, sadr, SYSTEM.SIZEOF( WSock32.sockaddrIn ) );
				(* account that sendto returns number of bytes sent to the socket (Alexey) *)
				IF res = len THEN res := Ok; ELSE err := WSock32.WSAGetLastError(); res := unknown;  END;
			ELSE res := unknown;
			IF trace THEN
				IF (fip.usedProtocol = IP.IPv4) THEN
					KernelLog.String( "UDP.Send : " );  KernelLog.Int( fip.ipv4Adr, 1 );  KernelLog.String( " , " );  KernelLog.Int( fport, 1 );
					KernelLog.String( "(" );  KernelLog.Int( res, 1 );  KernelLog.String( ")" );  KernelLog.Ln;
					KernelLog.String("UDP.Send : Error, only works with IPv4 addresses!"); KernelLog.Ln;
		END Send;

	(* Receive a UDP datagram.  If none is available, wait up to the specified timeout for one to arrive.  Only one thread
					is allowed to wait for a datagram.  "data[ofs..ofs+size-1]" is the data buffer to hold the returned datagram.
					 "ms" is a timeout value in milliseconds, or 0 for an indefinite wait.  On return, "fip" and "lport" hold
					the foreign address.  "len" returns the actual datagram size and "data[ofs..ofs+len-1]" returns the data.
					 "res" returns "Timeout" in case of a timeout and "BufferOverflow" if the received datagram was too big,
					in which case "len" is the actual datagram size negated and the data is undefined.  "res" returns "AlreadyBlocked"
					if another thread is already blocked on this Socket.
	Stores an entire datagram in buf beginning at pos. On success (S.res = done), remIP and remPort indicate the sender, len indicate the length of valid data. *)

		PROCEDURE Receive*( VAR data: ARRAY OF CHAR;  ofs, size, ms: LONGINT;  VAR fip: IP.Adr;
										   VAR fport, len, res: LONGINT );
		VAR sadr: WSock32.sockaddrIn;  err: LONGINT;  l: LONGINT;
		ret: LONGINT;  fdset: WSock32.FDSet; avail: BOOLEAN; time: WSock32.TimeVal;
			ASSERT ( ofs+size <= LEN( data ) );
			l := SYSTEM.SIZEOF( WSock32.sockaddrIn );

			IF ms=-1 THEN (* do, as if data was available to invoke blocking call of recvfrom *)
				avail := TRUE;
			ELSE (* handle timeout *)
				ret := WSock32.ioctlsocket( sock, WSock32.FIONRead, res );
				IF ret # 0 THEN (* error *)
					err := WSock32.WSAGetLastError(); res := unknown; avail := FALSE;
				ELSE  (* no error *)
					avail := res > 0;
					IF ~avail THEN  (* nothing available yet *)
						fdset.fdcount := 1;  fdset.socket[0] := sock;
						time.sec := ms DIV 1000; time.musec := 1000* (ms MOD 1000);
						ret := 0, fdset, NIL , NIL , time );
						avail := ret = 1;
						IF  ~avail THEN (* still nothing available *)
							len := 0; res := Timeout

			IF avail THEN
				len := WSock32.recvfrom( sock, data[ofs], size, 0, sadr, l );
				IF len < 0 THEN err := WSock32.WSAGetLastError(); (*  AosWinsock.DispError( err ); *)  res := unknown;
				ELSE res := Ok;

			fport := WSock32.ntohs( sadr.sinPort );
			SYSTEM.MOVE( SYSTEM.ADR( sadr.sinAddr ), SYSTEM.ADR( fip ), IPAdrLen );

			(*? Problem - Windows XP does not fill in the Fip.UseProtocol field for IPv4 packets ! done manually here*)
			IF fip.ipv4Adr # 0 THEN fip.usedProtocol := IP.IPv4 END;
			IF trace THEN
				IF (fip.usedProtocol = IP.IPv4) THEN
					KernelLog.String( "UDP.Receive : " );  KernelLog.Int( fip.ipv4Adr, 1 );  KernelLog.String( " , " );  KernelLog.Int( fport, 1 );
					KernelLog.String( "(" );  KernelLog.Int( res, 1 );  KernelLog.String( ")" );  KernelLog.Ln;
					KernelLog.String("UDP.Receive : Warning, received UDP packet from non-IPv4 source!"); KernelLog.Ln;

		END Receive;

	(* Close the Socket, freeing its address for re-use. *)
			SockFinalizer( SELF );
			IF trace THEN KernelLog.String( "UDP.Close" );  KernelLog.Ln;  END;
		END Close;
		(** Returns the size of the first available datagram on the socket, otherwise <= 0. *)
	PROCEDURE Available*(  ): LONGINT;
	VAR avail: LONGINT;
		WSock32.ioctlsocket( sock, WSock32.FIONRead, avail );  RETURN avail
	END Available;

	END Socket;

	trace: BOOLEAN;

	PROCEDURE SockFinalizer( S: ANY );
	VAR ret: LONGINT;																			(* Dan 10.11.05 *)	BEGIN
		WITH S: Socket DO
			IF S.sock # WSock32.InvalidSocket THEN  ret:= WSock32.closesocket( S.sock );  S.sock := WSock32.InvalidSocket END
	END SockFinalizer;

	PROCEDURE ToggleTrace*;
		trace := ~trace;
		IF trace THEN KernelLog.String( "UDP: tracing ON" );  KernelLog.Ln;
		ELSE KernelLog.String( "UDP: tracing OFF" );  KernelLog.Ln
	END ToggleTrace;