(* CAPO - Computational Analysis Platform for Oberon - by Alan Freed and Felix Friedrich. *)
(* Version 1, Update 2 *)

MODULE MathCplx;   (** AUTHOR "adf"; PURPOSE "Complex math functions"; *)

(*	Refs: M. Abramowitz and I. A. Stegun, Handbook of Mathematical Functions with Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical
				Tables, National Bureau of Standards, Applied Mathematics Series, Vol. 55, 1964.
			R. V. Churchill, J. W. Brown and R. F. Verhey, Complex Variables and Applications, 3rd ed., McGraw-Hill, 1974.
			P. Midy and Y. Yakovlev, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, Vol. 33, 1991, 33-49. *)

IMPORT NbrInt, NbrRe, NbrCplx, DataErrors, MathRe;

	ln2, ln2Inv, ln10, ln10Inv: NbrRe.Real;

	(** Returns a pseudo-random number  z = r exp(if)  uniformly distributed over the unit circle,  r N (0,1),  f N (-p,p)). *)
	PROCEDURE Random*( ): NbrCplx.Complex;
	VAR abs, arg: NbrRe.Real;  z: NbrCplx.Complex;
		abs := MathRe.Sqrt( MathRe.Random() );  arg := NbrRe.Pi * (2 * MathRe.Random() - 1);
		NbrCplx.Set( abs, arg, z );  RETURN z
	END Random;

(** Power Functions *)
	PROCEDURE Sqrt*( z: NbrCplx.Complex ): NbrCplx.Complex;
	VAR abs, arg, im, re: NbrRe.Real;  sqrt: NbrCplx.Complex;
		im := NbrCplx.Im( z );
		IF im = 0 THEN
			re := NbrCplx.Re( z );
			(* Handle the branch cut along the negative real axis. *)
			IF re < 0 THEN NbrCplx.Set( 0, MathRe.Sqrt( -re ), sqrt )
			ELSIF re = 0 THEN sqrt := 0
			ELSE NbrCplx.Set( MathRe.Sqrt( re ), 0, sqrt )
		ELSE abs := NbrCplx.Abs( z );  arg := NbrCplx.Arg( z );  NbrCplx.SetPolar( MathRe.Sqrt( abs ), arg / 2, sqrt )
		RETURN sqrt
	END Sqrt;

	PROCEDURE IntPower*( z: NbrCplx.Complex;  n: NbrInt.Integer ): NbrCplx.Complex;
	VAR abs, arg: NbrRe.Real;  power: NbrCplx.Complex;
		IF n = 0 THEN
			IF z # 0 THEN power := 1 ELSE DataErrors.Error( "Both argument and exponent cannot be zero." );  power := 0 END
		ELSIF z = 0 THEN
			IF n > 0 THEN power := 0
			ELSE DataErrors.IntError( n, "Exponent cannot be negative when argument is zero." );  power := 0
			abs := MathRe.IntPower( NbrCplx.Abs( z ), n );  arg := n * NbrCplx.Arg( z );
			NbrCplx.SetPolar( abs, arg, power )
		RETURN power
	END IntPower;

	PROCEDURE LnMod( z: NbrCplx.Complex ): NbrRe.Real;
	(* Algorithm of Midy and Yakovlev. *)
	VAR r, r2, im, im2, lower, upper, result: NbrRe.Real;
		lower := 0.82;  upper := 1.22;  r := NbrRe.Abs( NbrCplx.Re( z ) );  r2 := r * r;
		im := NbrRe.Abs( NbrCplx.Im( z ) );  im2 := im * im;
		IF r > im THEN
			IF (2 * im2 < r2) & (lower < r) & (r < upper) THEN
				result := MathRe.Ln( r ) + MathRe.ArcTanh( im2 / (2 * r2 + im2) )
			ELSE result := MathRe.Ln( r2 + im2 ) / 2
			IF (2 * r2 < im2) & (lower < im) & (im < upper) THEN
				result := MathRe.Ln( im ) + MathRe.ArcTanh( r2 / (2 * im2 + r2) )
			ELSE result := MathRe.Ln( r2 + im2 ) / 2
		RETURN result
	END LnMod;

	PROCEDURE RealPower*( z: NbrCplx.Complex;  x: NbrRe.Real ): NbrCplx.Complex;
	VAR abs, arg: NbrRe.Real;  power: NbrCplx.Complex;
		abs := NbrCplx.Abs( z );
		IF x = 0 THEN
			IF abs > 0 THEN power := 1 ELSE DataErrors.Error( "Both argument and exponent cannot be zero." );  power := 0 END
		ELSIF abs = 0 THEN
			IF x > 0 THEN power := 0
			ELSE DataErrors.ReError( x, "Exponent cannot be negative when argument is zero." );  power := 0
		ELSE abs := MathRe.Exp( x * LnMod( z ) );  arg := x * NbrCplx.Arg( z );  NbrCplx.SetPolar( abs, arg, power )
		RETURN power
	END RealPower;

	PROCEDURE Power*( zc, ze: NbrCplx.Complex ): NbrCplx.Complex;
	VAR abs, absC, absE, arg, im, lnRho, phi, re: NbrRe.Real;  power: NbrCplx.Complex;
		(* Formula listed in Midy and Yakovlev. *)
		absC := NbrCplx.Abs( zc );  absE := NbrCplx.Abs( ze );
		IF absE = 0 THEN
			IF absC > 0 THEN power := 1
			ELSE DataErrors.Error( "Both argument and exponent cannot be zero." );  power := 0
		ELSIF absC = 0 THEN power := 0
			re := NbrCplx.Re( ze );  im := NbrCplx.Im( ze );  lnRho := LnMod( zc );  phi := NbrCplx.Arg( zc );
			abs := MathRe.Exp( lnRho * re - phi * im );  arg := lnRho * im + phi * re;  NbrCplx.SetPolar( abs, arg, power )
		RETURN power
	END Power;

	(** Logarithmic Functions *)
(** Exp(z) = Exp(z 1 2pi), i.e., it is periodic with imaginary period  2pi. *)
	PROCEDURE Exp*( z: NbrCplx.Complex ): NbrCplx.Complex;
	VAR coef, re, real, im, imag: NbrRe.Real;  exp: NbrCplx.Complex;
		(* Euler's formula *)
		re := NbrCplx.Re( z );  im := NbrCplx.Im( z );  coef := MathRe.Exp( re );  real := coef * MathRe.Cos( im );
		imag := coef * MathRe.Sin( im );  NbrCplx.Set( real, imag, exp );  RETURN exp
	END Exp;

	PROCEDURE Exp2*( z: NbrCplx.Complex ): NbrCplx.Complex;
		RETURN Exp( ln2 * z )
	END Exp2;

	PROCEDURE Exp10*( z: NbrCplx.Complex ): NbrCplx.Complex;
		RETURN Exp( ln10 * z )
	END Exp10;

(** Ln(z) returns its principal value where Im(Ln(z)) N [-p, p]. *)
	PROCEDURE Ln*( z: NbrCplx.Complex ): NbrCplx.Complex;
	VAR re, im: NbrRe.Real;  ln: NbrCplx.Complex;
		re := LnMod( z );  im := NbrCplx.Arg( z );  NbrCplx.Set( re, im, ln );  RETURN ln
	END Ln;

	PROCEDURE Log2*( z: NbrCplx.Complex ): NbrCplx.Complex;
	VAR log: NbrCplx.Complex;
		log := ln2Inv * Ln( z );  RETURN log
	END Log2;

	PROCEDURE Log*( z: NbrCplx.Complex ): NbrCplx.Complex;
	VAR log: NbrCplx.Complex;
		log := ln10Inv * Ln( z );  RETURN log
	END Log;

	(* Using the Exp and Ln functions from above to define all functions below
		implies that they will return principal value(s) in their periodic component(s). *)

(** Trigonometric Functions *)
	PROCEDURE Sin*( z: NbrCplx.Complex ): NbrCplx.Complex;
	VAR sin: NbrCplx.Complex;
		sin := (Exp( NbrCplx.I * z ) - Exp( -NbrCplx.I * z )) / (2 * NbrCplx.I);  RETURN sin
	END Sin;

	PROCEDURE Cos*( z: NbrCplx.Complex ): NbrCplx.Complex;
	VAR cos: NbrCplx.Complex;
		cos := (Exp( NbrCplx.I * z ) + Exp( -NbrCplx.I * z )) / 2;  RETURN cos
	END Cos;

	PROCEDURE Tan*( z: NbrCplx.Complex ): NbrCplx.Complex;
	(* Algorithm of Midy and Yakovlev. *)
	VAR d, w, w2, x, x2, y, y2, re, real, im, imag, four, limit: NbrRe.Real;  tan: NbrCplx.Complex;
		limit := 0.65;  re := NbrCplx.Re( z );  im := NbrCplx.Im( z );  x := MathRe.Tan( re );  x2 := x * x;
		IF NbrRe.Abs( im ) < limit THEN
			y := MathRe.Tanh( im );  y2 := y * y;  d := 1 + x2 * y2;  real := x * (1 - y2) / d;  imag := y * (1 + x2) / d
			four := 4;  y := MathRe.Exp( MathRe.Ln( four ) - 2 * NbrRe.Abs( im ) );  w := y / four;  w2 := w * w;
			d := 1 + 2 * w + w2 + (1 - 2 * w + w2) * x2;  real := x * y / d;
			imag := NbrRe.Sign( im ) * (1 - w2) * (1 + x2) / d
		NbrCplx.Set( real, imag, tan );  RETURN tan
	END Tan;

	PROCEDURE ArcSin*( z: NbrCplx.Complex ): NbrCplx.Complex;
	VAR asin: NbrCplx.Complex;
		IF NbrCplx.Im( z ) = 0 THEN asin := MathRe.ArcSin( NbrCplx.Re( z ) )
		ELSE asin := -NbrCplx.I * Ln( NbrCplx.I * z + Sqrt( 1 - z * z ) )
		RETURN asin
	END ArcSin;

	PROCEDURE ArcCos*( z: NbrCplx.Complex ): NbrCplx.Complex;
	VAR acos: NbrCplx.Complex;
		IF NbrCplx.Im( z ) = 0 THEN acos := MathRe.ArcCos( NbrCplx.Re( z ) )
		ELSE acos := -NbrCplx.I * Ln( z + NbrCplx.I * Sqrt( 1 - z * z ) )
		RETURN acos
	END ArcCos;

	PROCEDURE ArcTan*( z: NbrCplx.Complex ): NbrCplx.Complex;
	VAR im: NbrRe.Real;  atan: NbrCplx.Complex;
		IF NbrCplx.Re( z ) = 0 THEN
			(* Address the branch cuts along the imaginary axis. *)
			im := NbrCplx.Im( z );
			IF NbrRe.Abs( im ) < 1 THEN atan := NbrCplx.I * (MathRe.Ln( (1 + im) / (1 - im) ) / 2)
			ELSE DataErrors.CplxError( z, "Argument lies outside the admissible range for this function." );  atan := 0
		ELSE atan := NbrCplx.I * Ln( (NbrCplx.I + z) / (NbrCplx.I - z) ) / 2
		RETURN atan
	END ArcTan;

(** Hyperbolic functions *)
	PROCEDURE Sinh*( z: NbrCplx.Complex ): NbrCplx.Complex;
	VAR sinh: NbrCplx.Complex;
		sinh := (Exp( z ) - Exp( -z )) / 2;  RETURN sinh
	END Sinh;

	PROCEDURE Cosh*( z: NbrCplx.Complex ): NbrCplx.Complex;
	VAR cosh: NbrCplx.Complex;
		cosh := (Exp( z ) + Exp( -z )) / 2;  RETURN cosh
	END Cosh;

	PROCEDURE Tanh*( z: NbrCplx.Complex ): NbrCplx.Complex;
	VAR tanh: NbrCplx.Complex;
		tanh := -NbrCplx.I * Tan( NbrCplx.I * z );  RETURN tanh
	END Tanh;

	PROCEDURE ArcSinh*( z: NbrCplx.Complex ): NbrCplx.Complex;
	VAR abs, im: NbrRe.Real;  asinh: NbrCplx.Complex;
		IF NbrCplx.Re( z ) = 0 THEN
			(* Address the branch cut along the imaginary axis. *)
			im := NbrCplx.Im( z );  abs := NbrRe.Abs( im );
			IF abs < 1 THEN asinh := Ln( z + MathRe.Sqrt( 1 - im * im ) )
			ELSIF abs = 1 THEN asinh := 0
			ELSE DataErrors.CplxError( z, "Argument lies outside the admissible range for this function." );  asinh := 0
		ELSE asinh := Ln( z + Sqrt( z * z + 1 ) )
		RETURN asinh
	END ArcSinh;

	PROCEDURE ArcCosh*( z: NbrCplx.Complex ): NbrCplx.Complex;
	VAR acosh: NbrCplx.Complex;
		IF NbrCplx.Im( z ) = 0 THEN acosh := MathRe.ArcCosh( NbrCplx.Re( z ) ) ELSE acosh := Ln( z + Sqrt( z * z - 1 ) ) END;
		RETURN acosh
	END ArcCosh;

	PROCEDURE ArcTanh*( z: NbrCplx.Complex ): NbrCplx.Complex;
	VAR atanh: NbrCplx.Complex;
		IF NbrCplx.Im( z ) = 0 THEN atanh := MathRe.ArcTanh( NbrCplx.Re( z ) ) ELSE atanh := Ln( (1 + z) / (1 - z) ) / 2 END;
		RETURN atanh
	END ArcTanh;

	ln2 := MathRe.Ln( 2 );  ln2Inv := 1/ln2;  ln10 := MathRe.Ln( 10 );  ln10Inv := 1/ln10
END MathCplx.