(* ETH Oberon, Copyright 2001 ETH Zuerich Institut fuer Computersysteme, ETH Zentrum, CH-8092 Zuerich.
Refer to the "General ETH Oberon System Source License" contract available at: http://www.oberon.ethz.ch/ *)

MODULE GfxMatrix; (** portable *)	(* eos  *)
(** AUTHOR "eos"; PURPOSE "Affine transformations in 2D"; *)

		21.02.2000 - bugfix in Scaled: didn't recognize downscaling
		15.04.2000 - added Atan2

		Streams, Math;

		Eps = 1.0E-5;

			Transformation matrix
				3x2_matrices can represent any combination of affine transformations, i.e. of translation, rotation, scaling and

			Translate by tx, ty:
				[  1  0 ]
				[  0  1 ]
				[ tx ty ]

			Scale by sx, sy:
				[ sx   0 ]
				[  0  sy ]
				[  0   0 ]

			Rotate counter-clockwise by angle phi:
				[  cos(phi)   sin(phi) ]
				[ -sin(phi)  cos(phi) ]
				[       0             0       ]

			Shear along x_axis by factor f:
				[ 1   0 ]
				[ f    1 ]
				[ 0   0 ]

		Matrix* = ARRAY 3, 2 OF REAL;

		Identity*: Matrix;	(** identity matrix (read_only) **)

	(**--- Matrix Computation ---**)

	(** initialize matrix with given values **)
	PROCEDURE Init* (VAR m: Matrix; m00, m01, m10, m11, m20, m21: REAL);
		m[0, 0] := m00; m[0, 1] := m01;
		m[1, 0] := m10; m[1, 1] := m11;
		m[2, 0] := m20; m[2, 1] := m21
	END Init;

		Procedures Get3PointTransform, Get2PointTransform and Invert may not be able to find a solution. In that case,
		they return a singular matrix with all elements set to zero.

	(** calculate matrix that maps p0 to p1, q0 to q1, and r0 to r1 **)
	PROCEDURE Get3PointTransform* (px0, py0, px1, py1, qx0, qy0, qx1, qy1, rx0, ry0, rx1, ry1: REAL; VAR res: Matrix);
		VAR m: ARRAY 6, 7 OF REAL; i, j, k: LONGINT; max, t: REAL; v: ARRAY 6 OF REAL;
		(* initialize set of linear equations for matrix coefficients *)
		m[0, 0] := px0; m[0, 1] := py0; m[0, 2] := 1.0; m[0, 3] := 0.0; m[0, 4] := 0.0; m[0, 5] := 0.0; m[0, 6] := px1;
		m[1, 0] := qx0; m[1, 1] := qy0; m[1, 2] := 1.0; m[1, 3] := 0.0; m[1, 4] := 0.0; m[1, 5] := 0.0; m[1, 6] := qx1;
		m[2, 0] := rx0; m[2, 1] := ry0; m[2, 2] := 1.0; m[2, 3] := 0.0; m[2, 4] := 0.0;  m[2, 5] := 0.0; m[2, 6] := rx1;
		m[3, 0] := 0.0; m[3, 1] := 0.0; m[3, 2] := 0.0; m[3, 3] := px0; m[3, 4] := py0; m[3, 5] := 1.0; m[3, 6] := py1;
		m[4, 0] := 0.0; m[4, 1] := 0.0; m[4, 2] := 0.0; m[4, 3] := qx0; m[4, 4] := qy0; m[4, 5] := 1.0; m[4, 6] := qy1;
		m[5, 0] := 0.0; m[5, 1] := 0.0; m[5, 2] := 0.0; m[5, 3] := rx0; m[5, 4] := ry0; m[5, 5] := 1.0; m[5, 6] := ry1;

		(* Gaussian elimination with pivoting *)
		FOR i := 0 TO 5 DO
			k := i; max := ABS(m[i, i]);
			FOR j := i+1 TO 5 DO
				IF ABS(m[j, i]) > max THEN
					k := j; max := ABS(m[j, i])
			IF max < Eps THEN	(* matrix is singular *)
				Init(res, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
			IF k # i THEN	(* swap rows to bring largest element up *)
				FOR j := i TO 6 DO
					t := m[i, j]; m[i, j] := m[k, j]; m[k, j] := t
			FOR k := i+1 TO 5 DO
				t := m[k, i]/m[i, i];
				FOR j := i+1 TO 6 DO
					m[k, j] := m[k, j] - t * m[i, j]

		(* solve equations *)
		FOR i := 5 TO 0 BY -1 DO
			t := m[i, 6];
			FOR j := i+1 TO 5 DO
				t := t - v[j] * m[i, j]
			v[i] := t/m[i, i]

		Init(res, v[0], v[3], v[1], v[4], v[2], v[5])
	END Get3PointTransform;

	(** calculate matrix that maps p0 to p1 and q0 to q1 **)
	PROCEDURE Get2PointTransform* (px0, py0, px1, py1, qx0, qy0, qx1, qy1: REAL; VAR res: Matrix);
		VAR rx0, ry0, rx1, ry1: REAL;
		rx0 := px0 + py0 - qy0; ry0 := py0 + qx0 - px0;
		rx1 := px1 + py1 - qy1; ry1 := py1 + qx1 - px1;
		Get3PointTransform(px0, py0, px1, py1, qx0, qy0, qx1, qy1, rx0, ry0, rx1, ry1, res)
	END Get2PointTransform;

	(** calculate inverse of matrix **)
	PROCEDURE Invert* (m: Matrix; VAR res: Matrix);
		VAR det, inv: REAL;
		det := m[0, 0] * m[1, 1] - m[0, 1] * m[1, 0];
		IF ABS(det) >= Eps THEN	(* matrix can be inverted; use Cramer's rule *)
			inv := 1/det;
			res[0, 0] := +inv * m[1, 1];
			res[0, 1] := -inv * m[0, 1];
			res[1, 0] := -inv * m[1, 0];
			res[1, 1] := +inv * m[0, 0];
			res[2, 0] := +inv * (m[1, 0] * m[2, 1] - m[1, 1] * m[2, 0]);
			res[2, 1] := +inv * (m[0, 1] * m[2, 0] - m[0, 0] * m[2, 1])
			Init(res, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
	END Invert;

	(**--- Detection of Special Cases ---**)

	(** return determinant of matrix **)
	PROCEDURE Det* (VAR m: Matrix): REAL;
		RETURN m[0, 0] * m[1, 1] - m[0, 1] * m[1, 0]
	END Det;

	(** return whether matrix is singular **)
	PROCEDURE Singular* (VAR m: Matrix): BOOLEAN;
		RETURN ABS(m[0, 0] * m[1, 1] - m[0, 1] * m[1, 0]) < Eps
	END Singular;

	(** return whether matrix changes vector lengths **)
	PROCEDURE Scaled* (VAR m: Matrix): BOOLEAN;
		RETURN ABS(ABS(m[0, 0] * m[1, 1] - m[0, 1] * m[1, 0]) - 1) > Eps
	END Scaled;

	(** return whether matrix includes rotation, shear, or mirror transformation **)
	PROCEDURE Rotated* (VAR m: Matrix): BOOLEAN;
		RETURN (m[0, 0] < -Eps) OR (m[1, 1] < -Eps) OR (ABS(m[0, 1]) > Eps) OR (ABS(m[1, 0]) > Eps)
	END Rotated;

	(** return whether matrices should be considered equal **)
	PROCEDURE Equal* (VAR m, n: Matrix): BOOLEAN;
			(ABS(m[0, 0] - n[0, 0]) < Eps) & (ABS(m[0, 1] - n[0, 1]) < Eps) &
			(ABS(m[1, 0] - n[1, 0]) < Eps) & (ABS(m[1, 1] - n[1, 1]) < Eps) &
			(ABS(m[2, 0] - n[2, 0]) < Eps) & (ABS(m[2, 1] - n[2, 1]) < Eps)
	END Equal;

	(**--- Matrix Concatenation ---**)

		Combinations of single transformations are evaluated from left to right. Executing Translate, Rotate or Scale
		pre-concatenates a corresponding matrix to the left of the given matrix parameter. This has the effect that
		the new transformation is applied before all previously accumulated transformations. Every transformation is
		therefore executed in the context of the coordinate system defined by the concatenation of all transformations
		to its right.

	(** translation by (dx, dy) **)
	PROCEDURE Translate* (m: Matrix; dx, dy: REAL; VAR res: Matrix);
		res[0, 0] := m[0, 0]; res[0, 1] := m[0, 1];
		res[1, 0] := m[1, 0]; res[1, 1] := m[1, 1];
		res[2, 0] := m[2, 0] + dx * m[0, 0] + dy * m[1, 0];
		res[2, 1] := m[2, 1] + dx * m[0, 1] + dy * m[1, 1]
	END Translate;

	(** scale by (sx, sy) **)
	PROCEDURE Scale* (m: Matrix; sx, sy: REAL; VAR res: Matrix);
		res[0, 0] := sx * m[0, 0]; res[0, 1] := sx * m[0, 1];
		res[1, 0] := sy * m[1, 0]; res[1, 1] := sy * m[1, 1];
		res[2, 0] := m[2, 0]; res[2, 1] := m[2, 1]
	END Scale;

	(** scale at (ox, oy) by (sx, sy) **)
	PROCEDURE ScaleAt* (m: Matrix; ox, oy, sx, sy: REAL; VAR res: Matrix);
		VAR tx, ty: REAL;
		res[0, 0] := sx * m[0, 0]; res[0, 1] := sx * m[0, 1];
		res[1, 0] := sy * m[1, 0]; res[1, 1] := sy * m[1, 1];
		tx := ox * (1-sx); ty := oy * (1-sy);
		res[2, 0] := tx * m[0, 0] + ty * m[1, 0] + m[2, 0];
		res[2, 1] := tx * m[0, 1] + ty * m[1, 1] + m[2, 1]
	END ScaleAt;

	(** rotate counter-clockwise by angle specified by its sine and cosine **)
	PROCEDURE Rotate* (m: Matrix; sin, cos: REAL; VAR res: Matrix);
		res[0, 0] := cos * m[0, 0] + sin * m[1, 0]; res[0, 1] := cos * m[0, 1] + sin * m[1, 1];
		res[1, 0] := -sin * m[0, 0] + cos * m[1, 0]; res[1, 1] := -sin * m[0, 1] + cos * m[1, 1];
		res[2, 0] := m[2, 0]; res[2, 1] := m[2, 1]
	END Rotate;

	(** rotate counter-clockwise around (ox, oy) by angle specified by its sine and cosine **)
	PROCEDURE RotateAt* (m: Matrix; ox, oy, sin, cos: REAL; VAR res: Matrix);
		VAR tx, ty: REAL;
		res[0, 0] := cos * m[0, 0] + sin * m[1, 0]; res[0, 1] := cos * m[0, 1] + sin * m[1, 1];
		res[1, 0] := -sin * m[0, 0] + cos * m[1, 0]; res[1, 1] := -sin * m[0, 1] + cos * m[1, 1];
		tx := ox * (1-cos) + oy * sin; ty := oy * (1-cos) - ox * sin;
		res[2, 0] := tx * m[0, 0] + ty * m[1, 0] + m[2, 0];
		res[2, 1] := tx * m[0, 1] + ty * m[1, 1] + m[2, 1]
	END RotateAt;

	(** concatenate matrices **)
	PROCEDURE Concat* (m, n: Matrix; VAR res: Matrix);
		res[0, 0] := m[0, 0] * n[0, 0] + m[0, 1] * n[1, 0];
		res[0, 1] := m[0, 0] * n[0, 1] + m[0, 1] * n[1, 1];
		res[1, 0] := m[1, 0] * n[0, 0] + m[1, 1] * n[1, 0];
		res[1, 1] := m[1, 0] * n[0, 1] + m[1, 1] * n[1, 1];
		res[2, 0] := m[2, 0] * n[0, 0] + m[2, 1] * n[1, 0] + n[2, 0];
		res[2, 1] := m[2, 0] * n[0, 1] + m[2, 1] * n[1, 1] + n[2, 1]
	END Concat;

	(**--- Arctan of Vector ---**)

	PROCEDURE Atan2* (x, y: REAL): REAL;
		VAR phi: REAL;
		IF (ABS(x) < 1.0) & (ABS(y) >= ABS(x * MAX(REAL))) THEN	(* y/x would overflow *)
			IF y >= 0.0 THEN phi := Math.pi/2
			ELSE phi := -Math.pi/2
		ELSIF x > 0.0 THEN	(* 1st or 4th quadrant *)
			phi := Math.arctan(y/x)
		ELSIF x < 0.0 THEN	(* 2nd or 3rd quadrant *)
			phi := Math.arctan(y/x) + Math.pi
		RETURN phi
	END Atan2;

	(**--- Matrix Application ---**)

	(** apply transformation matrix to point **)
	PROCEDURE Apply* (VAR m: Matrix; xin, yin: REAL; VAR xout, yout: REAL);
		xout := xin * m[0, 0] + yin * m[1, 0] + m[2, 0];
		yout := xin * m[0, 1] + yin * m[1, 1] + m[2, 1]
	END Apply;

	(** apply transformation matrix to vector (ignoring translation) **)
	PROCEDURE ApplyToVector* (VAR m: Matrix; xin, yin: REAL; VAR xout, yout: REAL);
		xout := xin * m[0, 0] + yin * m[1, 0];
		yout := xin * m[0, 1] + yin * m[1, 1]
	END ApplyToVector;

	(** apply transformation matrix to distance **)
	PROCEDURE ApplyToDist* (VAR m: Matrix; din: REAL; VAR dout: REAL);
		VAR x, y: REAL;
		x := din * m[0, 0]; y := din * m[0, 1];
		IF ABS(y) < 1.0E-3 THEN dout := x
		ELSE dout := Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y)
	END ApplyToDist;

	(** apply transformation matrix to axis-aligned rectangle; result is enclosing axis-aligned rectangle **)
	PROCEDURE ApplyToRect* (VAR m: Matrix; ilx, ily, irx, iuy: REAL; VAR olx, oly, orx, ouy: REAL);
		VAR l, h: REAL;
		olx := m[2, 0]; orx := m[2, 0];
		l := ilx * m[0, 0]; h := irx * m[0, 0];
		IF l <= h THEN olx := olx + l; orx := orx + h ELSE olx := olx + h; orx := orx + l END;
		l := ily * m[1, 0]; h := iuy * m[1, 0];
		IF l <= h THEN olx := olx + l; orx := orx + h ELSE olx := olx + h; orx := orx + l END;
		oly := m[2, 1]; ouy := m[2, 1];
		l := ilx * m[0, 1]; h := irx * m[0, 1];
		IF l <= h THEN oly := oly + l; ouy := ouy + h ELSE oly := oly + h; ouy := ouy + l END;
		l := ily * m[1, 1]; h := iuy * m[1, 1];
		IF l <= h THEN oly := oly + l; ouy := ouy + h ELSE oly := oly + h; ouy := ouy + l END
	END ApplyToRect;

	(** apply inverse of matrix to point **)
	PROCEDURE Solve* (VAR m: Matrix; u, v: REAL; VAR x, y: REAL);
		VAR det: REAL;
		det := m[0, 0] * m[1, 1] - m[0, 1] * m[1, 0];
		IF ABS(det) >= Eps THEN	(* matrix can be inverted *)
			u := u - m[2, 0]; v := v - m[2, 1];
			x := (m[1, 1] * u - m[1, 0] * v)/det;
			y := (m[0, 0] * v - m[0, 1] * u)/det
	END Solve;

	(**--- Matrix I/O ---**)

	PROCEDURE Write* (VAR w: Streams.Writer; VAR m: Matrix);
		FOR i := 0 TO 2 DO
			w.RawReal(m[i, 0]); w.RawReal(m[i, 1])
	END Write;

	PROCEDURE Read* (VAR r: Streams.Reader; VAR m: Matrix);
		FOR i := 0 TO 2 DO
			r.RawReal(m[i, 0]); r.RawReal(m[i, 1])
	END Read;

	Init(Identity, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0)
END GfxMatrix.