(* CAPO - Computational Analysis Platform for Oberon - by Alan Freed and Felix Friedrich. *)
(* Version 1, Update 2 *)

MODULE CalcDiethelm;   (** AUTHOR "adf"; PURPOSE "Diethelm's algorithms for the fractional calculus"; *)

IMPORT NbrRe, DataErrors, MathRe, MathGamma, CalcFn, CalcD1;

(**  Arguments of differ-integration are:
		f(x)		the function being differ-integrated,
		x		the argument of f, also the upper limit of differ-integration,
		order	(> 0)  the fractional order of differ-integration, i.e., a,
		tol		the requested and achieved error tolerances.

	Arguments for fractional-order differential equations are:
		y		the dependent variable, i.e., the function whose solution is being sought,
		y0		the vector of initial conditions
					if  0  < a <= 1 then y0[0] =  y(0+)
					if  1 < a < 2 then y0[0] =  y(0+) and y0[1] =  y'(0+),
		f(x,y)	the forcing function, i.e., the right-hand side of the differential equation,
		x		the independent variable,
		order	(0 < order < 2)  the fractional order of differentiation, i.e., a,
		tol		the requested and achieved error tolerances.

	Romberg = OBJECT
	VAR index: LONGINT;
		error, soln: NbrRe.Real;
		factors: POINTER TO ARRAY OF NbrRe.Real;
		tableau: ARRAY 8 OF POINTER TO ARRAY OF NbrRe.Real;

		PROCEDURE & Initialize*;
			index := -1;  error := 0;  soln := 0;  NEW( factors, 8 );
			FOR i := 0 TO 7 DO NEW( tableau[i], i + 1 ) END
		END Initialize;

		PROCEDURE Update( newSolution: NbrRe.Real );
		(* Insert a new row into the Romberg tableau and perform Richardson extrapolation on that row.
			If the tableau is full, then ratchet the first column up one row, throwing away the first entry,
			insert the newSolution into the last row, and perform Richardon extrapolation over the entire tablueau.  *)

			PROCEDURE RichardsonExtrapolation;
			VAR k: LONGINT;  term: NbrRe.Real;
				FOR k := 1 TO index DO
					term := tableau[index - 1, k - 1];  term := term - factors[k - 1] * tableau[index, k - 1];
					term := term / (1 - factors[k - 1]);  tableau[index, k] := term
			END RichardsonExtrapolation;

			IF index < 7 THEN
				(* The tableau is not full yet.  Add another row.  Build this row of the tableau. *)
				INC( index );  tableau[index, 0] := newSolution;
				IF index > 0 THEN RichardsonExtrapolation END
				(* The tableau is full.  Ratchet back the rows.  Insert the newSolution.  And rebuild the entire tableau. *)
				FOR i := 0 TO 6 DO tableau[i, 0] := tableau[i + 1, 0] END;
				tableau[7, 0] := newSolution;  index := 0;
				FOR i := 1 TO 7 DO INC( index );  RichardsonExtrapolation END
			(* Update the error. *)
			IF index < 2 THEN error := NbrRe.MaxNbr
				(* Compute an absolute error. *)
				error := NbrRe.Abs( tableau[index, index - 1] - tableau[index - 1, index - 1] );
				IF NbrRe.Abs( tableau[index, index] ) > 1 THEN
					(* Compute its reletive error. *)
					error := NbrRe.Abs( error / tableau[index, index] )
			(* Assign the enhanced solution. *)
			soln := tableau[index, index]
		END Update;

	END Romberg;

	minTol, maxTol: NbrRe.Real;

	PROCEDURE CreateDiffFactors( alpha: NbrRe.Real;  x: Romberg );
	(* Create the factors, i.e., 2^(r[k]), for Richardson extrapolation for differentiation.
		To be called after UpdateAWeights.  *)
		IF alpha < 1 THEN
			x.factors[0] := MathRe.Power( 2, 2 - alpha );  x.factors[1] := 4;
			x.factors[2] := MathRe.Power( 2, 3 - alpha );  x.factors[3] := MathRe.Power( 2, 4 - alpha );
			x.factors[4] := 16;  x.factors[5] := MathRe.Power( 2, 5 - alpha );
			x.factors[6] := MathRe.Power( 2, 6 - alpha );  x.factors[7] := 64
			(* These are guesses as to what they probably are.  Their actual values have not yet been derived. *)
			x.factors[0] := MathRe.Power( 2, 2 - alpha );  x.factors[1] := MathRe.Power( 2, 3 - alpha );
			x.factors[2] := 4;  x.factors[3] := MathRe.Power( 2, 4 - alpha );
			x.factors[4] := MathRe.Power( 2, 5 - alpha );  x.factors[5] := 16;
			x.factors[6] := MathRe.Power( 2, 6 - alpha );  x.factors[7] := MathRe.Power( 2, 7 - alpha )
	END CreateDiffFactors;

	PROCEDURE CreateIntFactors( alpha: NbrRe.Real;  x: Romberg );
	(* Create the factors, i.e., 2^(r[k]), for Richardson extrapolation for integration.
		To be called after UpdateCWeights.  *)
		IF alpha < 1 THEN
			x.factors[0] := 4;  x.factors[1] := MathRe.Power( 2, 2 + alpha );  x.factors[2] := 8;
			x.factors[3] := MathRe.Power( 2, 3 + alpha );  x.factors[4] := 16;
			x.factors[5] := MathRe.Power( 2, 4 + alpha );  x.factors[6] := 32;
			x.factors[7] := MathRe.Power( 2, 5 + alpha )
		ELSIF alpha < 2 THEN
			x.factors[0] := 4;  x.factors[1] := 8;  x.factors[2] := MathRe.Power( 2, 2 + alpha );  x.factors[3] := 16;
			x.factors[4] := MathRe.Power( 2, 3 + alpha );  x.factors[5] := 32;
			x.factors[6] := MathRe.Power( 2, 4 + alpha );  x.factors[7] := 64
		ELSIF alpha < 3 THEN
			x.factors[0] := 4;  x.factors[1] := 8;  x.factors[2] := 16;  x.factors[3] := MathRe.Power( 2, 2 + alpha );
			x.factors[4] := 32;  x.factors[5] := MathRe.Power( 2, 3 + alpha );  x.factors[6] := 64;
			x.factors[7] := MathRe.Power( 2, 4 + alpha )
		ELSIF alpha < 4 THEN
			x.factors[0] := 4;  x.factors[1] := 8;  x.factors[2] := 16;  x.factors[3] := 32;
			x.factors[4] := MathRe.Power( 2, 2 + alpha );  x.factors[5] := 64;
			x.factors[6] := MathRe.Power( 2, 3 + alpha );  x.factors[7] := 128
		ELSIF alpha < 5 THEN
			x.factors[0] := 4;  x.factors[1] := 8;  x.factors[2] := 16;  x.factors[3] := 32;  x.factors[4] := 64;
			x.factors[5] := MathRe.Power( 2, 2 + alpha );  x.factors[6] := 128;
			x.factors[7] := MathRe.Power( 2, 3 + alpha )
		ELSIF alpha < 6 THEN
			x.factors[0] := 4;  x.factors[1] := 8;  x.factors[2] := 16;  x.factors[3] := 32;  x.factors[4] := 64;
			x.factors[5] := 128;  x.factors[6] := MathRe.Power( 2, 2 + alpha );  x.factors[7] := 256
		ELSIF alpha < 7 THEN
			x.factors[0] := 4;  x.factors[1] := 8;  x.factors[2] := 16;  x.factors[3] := 32;  x.factors[4] := 64;
			x.factors[5] := 128;  x.factors[6] := 256;  x.factors[7] := MathRe.Power( 2, 2 + alpha )
			x.factors[0] := 4;  x.factors[1] := 8;  x.factors[2] := 16;  x.factors[3] := 32;  x.factors[4] := 64;
			x.factors[5] := 128;  x.factors[6] := 256;  x.factors[7] := 512
	END CreateIntFactors;

	PROCEDURE CreateDiffEqnFactors( alpha: NbrRe.Real;  x: Romberg );
	(* Create the factors, i.e., 2^(r[k]), for Richardson extrapolation for differential equations.
		To be called after UpdateBWeights and UpdateCWeights.  *)
		IF alpha < 1 THEN
			x.factors[0] := MathRe.Power( 2, 1 + alpha );  x.factors[1] := 4;
			x.factors[2] := MathRe.Power( 2, 2 + alpha );  x.factors[3] := MathRe.Power( 2, 3 + alpha );
			x.factors[4] := 16;  x.factors[5] := MathRe.Power( 2, 4 + alpha );
			x.factors[6] := MathRe.Power( 2, 5 + alpha );  x.factors[7] := 64
			x.factors[0] := 4;  x.factors[1] := MathRe.Power( 2, 1 + alpha );
			x.factors[2] := MathRe.Power( 2, 2 + alpha );  x.factors[3] := 16;
			x.factors[4] := MathRe.Power( 2, 3 + alpha );  x.factors[5] := MathRe.Power( 2, 4 + alpha );
			x.factors[6] := 64;  x.factors[7] := MathRe.Power( 2, 5 + alpha )
	END CreateDiffEqnFactors;

	PROCEDURE VerifyTolerance( VAR tol: NbrRe.Real );
		tol := NbrRe.Abs( tol );
		IF tol < minTol THEN tol := minTol ELSIF tol > maxTol THEN tol := maxTol ELSE (* tol is okay *) END
	END VerifyTolerance;

	(** Computes a Riemann-Liouville fractional-order integral.
		Iaf(x) = (1/G(a)) x0x (x-y)a-1 f(y) dy,  where  0 < a.  *)
	PROCEDURE SolveI*( f: CalcFn.ReArg;  x, order: NbrRe.Real;  VAR tol: NbrRe.Real ): NbrRe.Real;
	VAR i, n: LONGINT;  firstWeight, gamma, h, solution: NbrRe.Real;
		cWeights, fn, save: POINTER TO ARRAY OF NbrRe.Real;  pWeights: ARRAY 3 OF NbrRe.Real;
		romberg: Romberg;

		PROCEDURE UpdateCWeights;
		VAR len, newLen: LONGINT;  m: NbrRe.Real;
			m := 1 + order;
			IF cWeights = NIL THEN
				NEW( cWeights, 5 );
				pWeights[0] := MathRe.Power( 2, m );
				pWeights[1] := MathRe.Power( 3, m );
				pWeights[2] := MathRe.Power( 4, m );
				cWeights[0] := 1;
				cWeights[1] := pWeights[0] - 2;
				cWeights[2] := pWeights[1] - 2 * pWeights[0] + 1;
				cWeights[3] := pWeights[2] - 2 * pWeights[1] + pWeights[0];
				pWeights[0] := pWeights[1];
				pWeights[1] := pWeights[2];
				pWeights[2] := MathRe.Power( 5, m );
				cWeights[4] := pWeights[2] - 2 * pWeights[1] + pWeights[0];
				firstWeight := (m / 4 - 1 ) * pWeights[1] + pWeights[0]
				save := cWeights;  len := LEN( cWeights^ );  cWeights := NIL;
				newLen := 2 * (len - 1) + 1;  NEW( cWeights, newLen );
				FOR i := 0 TO len - 1 DO cWeights[i] := save[i] END;
				FOR i := len TO newLen - 1 DO
					pWeights[0] := pWeights[1];
					pWeights[1] := pWeights[2];
					pWeights[2] := MathRe.Power( i + 1, m );
					cWeights[i] := pWeights[2] - 2 * pWeights[1] + pWeights[0]
				firstWeight := (m / (newLen - 1) - 1) * pWeights[1] + pWeights[0]
		END UpdateCWeights;

		IF order > 0 THEN
			NEW( romberg );  VerifyTolerance( tol );
			IF x < 0 THEN solution := -SolveI( f, -x, order, tol )
			ELSIF x = 0 THEN solution := 0
			ELSE  (* integrate *)
				CreateIntFactors( order, romberg );  gamma := MathGamma.Fn( 2 + order );
				(* The algorithmic loop. *)
					UpdateCWeights;  n := LEN( cWeights^ ) - 1;  h := x / n;
					(* Function evaluations over the history. *)
					IF n = 4 THEN
						NEW( fn, 5 );
						FOR i := 0 TO n DO fn[i] := f( h * i ) END
						save := fn;  fn := NIL;  NEW( fn, n + 1 );
						FOR i := 0 TO n BY 2 DO fn[i] := save[i DIV 2] END;
						FOR i := 1 TO n-1 BY 2 DO fn[i] := f( h * i ) END;
					(* The quadrature algorithm. *)
					solution := firstWeight * fn[0];
					FOR i := 1 TO n DO solution := solution + cWeights[n - i] * fn[i] END;
					romberg.Update( MathRe.Power( h, order ) * solution / gamma )
				UNTIL romberg.error < tol;
				solution := romberg.soln;  tol := romberg.error
		ELSE solution := 0;  DataErrors.ReError( order, "The requested order of integration is not allowed." )
		RETURN solution
	END SolveI;

	(** Computes a Caputo fractional-order derivative.
		D*af(x) = IaDnf(x) = (1/G(n-a)) x0x (x-y)n-1-a [dnf(y)/dyn] dy,  f(k)(0+) = f0[k],  where  0 < a < 2, a # 1. *)
	PROCEDURE SolveD*( f: CalcFn.ReArg;  x, order: NbrRe.Real;  VAR tol: NbrRe.Real ): NbrRe.Real;
	VAR i, n: LONGINT;  df0, f0, gamma, h, lastWeight, solution: NbrRe.Real;
		aWeights, fn, save: POINTER TO ARRAY OF NbrRe.Real;  mWeights: ARRAY 3 OF NbrRe.Real;
		romberg: Romberg;

		PROCEDURE UpdateAWeights;
		VAR len, newLen: LONGINT;  m: NbrRe.Real;
			m := 1 - order;
			IF aWeights = NIL THEN
				NEW( aWeights, 5 );
				mWeights[0] := MathRe.Power( 2, m );
				mWeights[1] := MathRe.Power( 3, m );
				mWeights[2] := MathRe.Power( 4, m );
				aWeights[0] := 1;
				aWeights[1] := mWeights[0] - 2;
				aWeights[2] := mWeights[1] - 2 * mWeights[0] + 1;
				aWeights[3] := mWeights[2] - 2 * mWeights[1] + mWeights[0];
				mWeights[0] := mWeights[1];
				mWeights[1] := mWeights[2];
				mWeights[2] := MathRe.Power( 5, m );
				aWeights[4] := mWeights[2] - 2 * mWeights[1] + mWeights[0];
				lastWeight := (m / 4 - 1) * mWeights[1] + mWeights[0]
				save := aWeights;  len := LEN( aWeights^ );  aWeights := NIL;
				newLen := 2 * (len - 1) + 1;  NEW( aWeights, newLen );
				FOR i := 0 TO len - 1 DO aWeights[i] := save[i] END;
				FOR i := len TO newLen - 1 DO
					mWeights[0] := mWeights[1];
					mWeights[1] := mWeights[2];
					mWeights[2] := MathRe.Power( i + 1, m );
					aWeights[i] := mWeights[2] - 2 * mWeights[1] + mWeights[0]
				lastWeight := (m / (newLen - 1) - 1) * mWeights[1] + mWeights[0]
		END UpdateAWeights;

		IF ((0 < order) & (order # 1) & (order < 2)) THEN
			NEW( romberg );  VerifyTolerance( tol );
			IF x < 0 THEN solution := -SolveD( f, -x, order, tol )
			ELSIF x = 0 THEN solution := 0
			ELSE  (* differentiate *)
				CreateDiffFactors( order, romberg );  gamma := MathGamma.Fn( 2 - order );
				(* Account for the initial conditions. *)
				f0 := f( NbrRe.Epsilon * x );
				IF order > 1 THEN df0 := CalcD1.Solve( f, 0, CalcD1.Forward ) ELSE df0 := 0 END;
				(* The algorithmic loop. *)
					UpdateAWeights;  n := LEN( aWeights^ ) - 1;  h := x / n;  solution := 0;
					(* Function evaluations over the history. *)
					IF n = 4 THEN
						NEW( fn, 5 );
						FOR i := 0 TO n DO fn[i] := f( h * (n - i) ) END
						save := fn;  fn := NIL;  NEW( fn, n + 1 );
						FOR i := 0 TO n BY 2 DO fn[i] := save[i DIV 2] END;
						FOR i := 1 TO n-1 BY 2 DO fn[i] := f( h * (n - i) ) END;
					(* The quadrature algorithm. *)
					FOR i := 0 TO n - 1 DO
						solution := solution + aWeights[i] * (fn[i] - f0 - h * (n - i) * df0)
					solution := solution + lastWeight * (fn[n] - f0);
					romberg.Update( solution / (gamma * MathRe.Power( h, order )) )
				UNTIL romberg.error < tol;
				solution := romberg.soln;  tol := romberg.error
		ELSE solution := 0;  DataErrors.ReError( order, "The requested order of differentiation is not allowed." )
		RETURN solution
	END SolveD;

	(** Solves a fractional-order differential equation of the Caputo type.
		D*ay(x) = f(x,y(x)),  y(k)(0+) = y0[k],  where  0  < a < 2. *)
	PROCEDURE SolveFODE*( f: CalcFn.Re2Arg;  y0: ARRAY OF NbrRe.Real;  x, order: NbrRe.Real;
							VAR tol: NbrRe.Real ): NbrRe.Real;
	VAR i, k, n: LONGINT;  cCoef, pCoef, cSum, pSum, firstWeight, fn, gamma1, gamma2, h,
		h2alpha, initialCondition, p, predictor, solution: NbrRe.Real;
		bWeights, cWeights, save, y: POINTER TO ARRAY OF NbrRe.Real;
		weights: ARRAY 2 OF NbrRe.Real;  pWeights: ARRAY 3 OF NbrRe.Real;
		romberg: Romberg;

		PROCEDURE UpdateBWeights;
		VAR len, newLen: LONGINT;  m: NbrRe.Real;
			m := order;
			IF bWeights = NIL THEN
				NEW( bWeights, 5 );
				weights[0] := MathRe.Power( 2, m );
				weights[1] := MathRe.Power( 3, m );
				bWeights[0] := 0;
				bWeights[1] := 1;
				bWeights[2] := weights[0] - 1;
				bWeights[3] := weights[1] - weights[0];
				weights[0] := weights[1];
				weights[1] := MathRe.Power( 4, m );
				bWeights[4] := weights[1] - weights[0]
				save := bWeights;  len := LEN( bWeights^ );  bWeights := NIL;
				newLen := 2 * (len - 1) + 1;  NEW( bWeights, newLen );
				FOR i := 0 TO len - 1 DO bWeights[i] := save[i] END;
				FOR i := len TO newLen - 1 DO
					weights[0] := weights[1];
					weights[1] := MathRe.Power( i, m );
					bWeights[i] := weights[1] - weights[0]
		END UpdateBWeights;

		PROCEDURE UpdateCWeights;
		VAR len, newLen: LONGINT;  m: NbrRe.Real;
			m := 1 + order;
			IF cWeights = NIL THEN
				NEW( cWeights, 5 );
				pWeights[0] := MathRe.Power( 2, m );
				pWeights[1] := MathRe.Power( 3, m );
				pWeights[2] := MathRe.Power( 4, m );
				cWeights[0] := 1;
				cWeights[1] := pWeights[0] - 2;
				cWeights[2] := pWeights[1] - 2 * pWeights[0] + 1;
				cWeights[3] := pWeights[2] - 2 * pWeights[1] + pWeights[0];
				pWeights[0] := pWeights[1];
				pWeights[1] := pWeights[2];
				pWeights[2] := MathRe.Power( 5, m );
				cWeights[4] := pWeights[2] - 2 * pWeights[1] + pWeights[0]
				save := cWeights;  len := LEN( cWeights^ );  cWeights := NIL;
				newLen := 2 * (len - 1) + 1;  NEW( cWeights, newLen );
				FOR i := 0 TO len - 1 DO cWeights[i] := save[i] END;
				FOR i := len TO newLen - 1 DO
					pWeights[0] := pWeights[1];
					pWeights[1] := pWeights[2];
					pWeights[2] := MathRe.Power( i + 1, m );
					cWeights[i] := pWeights[2] - 2 * pWeights[1] + pWeights[0]
		END UpdateCWeights;

		IF ((0 < order) & (order < 2)) THEN
			NEW( romberg );  VerifyTolerance( tol );
			IF order <= 1 THEN
				IF LEN( y0 ) < 1 THEN
					DataErrors.Error( "Initial-condition vector is of insufficient length." ); RETURN 0
				IF LEN( y0 ) < 2 THEN
					DataErrors.Error( "Initial-condition vector is of insufficient length." ); RETURN 0
			IF x < 0 THEN solution := -SolveFODE( f, y0, -x, order, tol )
			ELSIF x = 0 THEN solution := y0[0]
			ELSE  (* solve *)
				CreateDiffEqnFactors( order, romberg );  p := 1 + order;
				gamma1 := MathGamma.Fn( p );  gamma2 := MathGamma.Fn( 1 + p );
				(* The algorithmic loop. *)
					UpdateBWeights;  UpdateCWeights;  n := LEN( cWeights^ ) - 1;
					h := x / n;  h2alpha := MathRe.Power( h, order );
					pCoef := h2alpha / gamma1;  cCoef := h2alpha / gamma2;
					y := NIL;  NEW( y, n + 1 );  y[0] := y0[0];
					FOR i := 1 TO n DO
						(* Integrate along the solution path to get y(i*h) for i = 1...n. *)
						initialCondition := y0[0];  firstWeight := (p / i - 1) * MathRe.Power( i, p );
						IF order > 1 THEN initialCondition := initialCondition + i * h * y0[1]  END;
						IF i > 1 THEN firstWeight := firstWeight + MathRe.Power( i - 1, p ) END;
						fn := f( 0, y[0] );  pSum := bWeights[i] * fn;  cSum := firstWeight * fn;
						FOR k := 1 TO i - 1 DO
							fn := f( k * h, y[k] );
							pSum := pSum + bWeights[i - k] * fn;  cSum := cSum + cWeights[i - k] * fn
						predictor := initialCondition + pCoef * pSum;
						y[i] := initialCondition + cCoef * (cSum + cWeights[0]* f( i * h, predictor ))
					romberg.Update( y[n] )
				UNTIL romberg.error < tol;
				solution := romberg.soln;  tol := romberg.error
		ELSE solution := 0;  DataErrors.ReError( order, "The requested order of differentiation is not allowed." )
		RETURN solution

	minTol := MathRe.Sqrt( NbrRe.Epsilon );  maxTol := 0.1
END CalcDiethelm.