MODULE Display;   (** fof , source Win32.Windows.Mod+Win32.Displays.Mod+Win32.Display.Mod+Win32.Viewers.Mod **)

IMPORT SYSTEM, Machine, Kernel32, User32, Modules, KernelLog, GDI32, Displays, Strings,
	AosInputs := Inputs, Commands, Objects,WinFS, Options;

	dbgDisableReleaseMsg = TRUE;

	WMSetup = User32.WMUser + 1;  WMCreateWindow = User32.WMUser + 2;
	(* Windows, WinMenus: User32.WMUser .. User32.WMUser+9
			NetSystem: User32.WMUser+10 .. User32.WMUser+19
			NPPlugIns: User32.WMUser+20 .. User32.WMUser+29
			OLE*: User32.WMUser+30 .. User32.WMUser+39 *)
	IDFirstAccelCmd = 0;   (* addAccel *)
	IDFirstMenuCmd* = 64;   (** first ID to be used by menus (see: WinMenus) *)
	Insert = 0A0X;  Delete = 0A1X;  Backspace = 07FX;  Home = 0A8X;  End = 0A9X;  PageUp = 0A2X;  PageDown = 0A3X;
	Up = 0C1X;  Down = 0C2X;  Right = 0C3X;  Left = 0C4X;   (* cursor keys *) Enter = 0DX;  F1 = 0A4X;  F2 = 0A5X;
	F3 = 0A6X;  F4 = 0A7X;  F5 = 0F5X;  F6 = 0F6X;  F7 = 0F7X;  F8 = 0F8X;  F9 = 0F9X;  F10 = 0FAX;  F11 = 0FBX;  F12 = 0FCX;
	update = 0;  dummy = 1;  minimized = 2;  external = 3;  control = 4;  maximized = 5;  MaxAccel = 32;  MaxCmd = 128;
	ML = 0;  MM = 1;  MR = 2;  MX = 3;  WHEEL = 31;  GWLWindow* = 0;  GWLControl* = 4;  SHIFT* = 0;  CTRL* = 1;
	ALT* = 2;   (** constants for KeyState *)
	create* = 0;  remove* = 1;   (** display has been created or destroyed *)
	restore* = 2;  suspend* = 3;   (** display has been minimized or restored *)
	redraw* = 4;  resize* = 5;   (** display needs redraw *)
	print* = 6;   (** print the display in the give context *)
	focus* = 7;  defocus* = 8;   (** display got or lost the keyboard focus *)
	consume* = 9;  track* = 10;   (** keyboard or mouse data available *)
	dupdate* = 11;   (** notification, that an object has been updated *)
	execute* = 12;   (** request to execute a command *)
	quit* = 13;   (** notification, that the Event service is shutdown *)
	ping* = 14;   (** checks whether the event dispatcher (Oberon.Loop) is running *)
	wheel* = 15;   (** mouse wheel *)
	get* = 0;  set* = 1;

	pressed = 15;  toggled = 0;

	letWindowsHandleTheBuffer = FALSE;

	kPageUp = User32.VKPrior;  kPageDown = User32.VKNext;  kEnd = User32.VKEnd;  kHome = User32.VKHome;
	kLeft = User32.VKLeft;  kRight = User32.VKRight;  kUp = User32.VKUp;  kDown = User32.VKDown;
	kInsert = User32.VKInsert;  kDelete = User32.VKDelete;  kF1 = User32.VKF1;  kF2 = User32.VKF2;  kF3 = User32.VKF3;
	kF4 = User32.VKF4;  kF5 = User32.VKF5;  kF6 = User32.VKF6;  kF7 = User32.VKF7;  kF8 = User32.VKF8;  kF9 = User32.VKF9;
	kF10 = User32.VKF10;  kF11 = User32.VKF11;  kF12 = User32.VKF12;  kCtrl = 17;  kAlt = 18;  kWindows = 91;  kShift = 16;
	kMenu = 93;  kNumlock = 144;  kEnter = 13;  kPAdd = 107;  kPMinus = 109;  kPDiv = 111;  kPMult = 106;  kPause = 19;
	kCapsLock = 20;  kEscape = 27;  kTab = 9;  kReturn = User32.VKReturn;
	VK0 = 030H; VK9 = 39H;

	VKMenu = 18;
	VKScroll = 145;
	VKLShift = 160;  VKRShift = 161;   VKLCtrl = 162; VKRCtrl = 163; VKLMenu = 164; VKRMenu = 165;
	VKLWin = 05BH; VKRWin = 05CH;

	SMCXFullscreen = 16;  SMCYFullscreen = 17;  SMCYScreen = 1;  SMCXScreen = 0;  MODWin = 8;

	WMHOTKEY = 786;

	Sizemaximized = 2;  Sizeminimized = 1;  Sizerestored = 0;

	WindowTitle = "WinAOS";





		dbch_size: LONGINT;
		dbch_devicetype: LONGINT ;
		dbch_reserved: LONGINT;

		dbcv_unitmask: SET;
		dbcv_flags: INTEGER;
		padding: INTEGER;

	Inputs = RECORD
		keys: SET;
		X, Y, Z, dx, dy: LONGINT;
		flags: SET;
	(** The BITMAPINFO structure defines the dimensions and color information for a Win32 DIB. *)

	BitmapInfo* = RECORD
		bmiHeader*: GDI32.BitmapInfoHeader;
		colors: ARRAY 3 OF LONGINT;
		(* old: colors: ANY;  *)

		hWnd: User32.HWND;   (** handle of this window *)
		hWndParent: User32.HWND;   (** handle of the parent window, = hWnd for document windows *)
		hDC: User32.HDC;

		width, height: LONGINT;   (** current size *)

		defWindowProc: User32.WndProc;   (** default window procedure for all messages not handled here *)
		windowRect: User32.Rect;
		state: SET (* update, dummy, minimized, external, control *) ;
		link: Window;

		bmp: GDI32.HBitmap;
		bmadr: LONGINT;

		bmphdc: User32.HDC;
		track: Inputs;
		pal: POINTER TO ARRAY OF GDI32.PaletteEntry;
		dx, dy: LONGINT;
		hBrush: GDI32.HBrush;
		frame: BOOLEAN;

	DisplayProc* = PROCEDURE ( disp: Window );
	PaintProc* = PROCEDURE ( disp: Window;  x, y, w, h: LONGINT );

		win: Window;
		finished: BOOLEAN;
		className: ARRAY 32 OF CHAR;
		style: SET;
		x, y, w, h: LONGINT;
		hMenu: User32.HMenu

	(** handler called for registered window messages *)
	WindowHandlerProc* = PROCEDURE {WINAPI} ( win: Window;  uMsg: LONGINT;  wParam: User32.WParam;
																					  lParam: User32.LParam ): User32.LResult;

	WinMain = OBJECT
	VAR create: CreateStruct;

		PROCEDURE & Init*( c: CreateStruct );
			create := c;
		END Init;

		VAR msg: User32.Msg;  i: LONGINT;
				i := User32.GetMessage( msg, 0, 0, 0 );
				IF i = 0 THEN EXIT
				ELSIF i # -1 THEN
					IF ( msg.message = User32.WMKeyDown ) THEN
						(* Translate virtual key code  to character. This generates a WMChar message if translation succeeds. Since
						AOS doesn't allow ALT-Printable-Keys combinations, we don't translate User32.WMSysKeyDown messages
						that would generate WMSysChar messages *)
						i := User32.TranslateMessage( msg );
					i := User32.DispatchMessage( msg )
				Kernel32.Sleep( 1 );   (*ALEX 2005.11.30 this is essential*)
		END MsgLoop;

		KernelLog.String( "Display: Initialize message dispatcher..." );  KernelLog.Ln;
		RegisterClasses();  CreateHWND( create );  create := NIL;
		KernelLog.String( "Display: Start message dispatching" ); KernelLog.Ln;
		MsgLoop();   (* EXIT *)  (*ALEX 2005.11.29 commented the LOOP*)
	END WinMain;

	Display = OBJECT (Displays.Display) (* only one instance of this object allowed ! *)

		PROCEDURE Transfer( VAR buf: ARRAY OF CHAR;  ofs, stride, x, y, w, h, op: LONGINT );

			IF letWindowsHandleTheBuffer THEN
				IF op = Displays.set THEN
					ToMemory( root, buf, ofs, stride, x, y, w, h );  ToWindow( root, x, y, w, h, root.dx, root.dy );
				ELSE FromMemory( root, buf, ofs, stride, x, y, w, h );
				IF root.bmadr = 0 THEN GetDC( root ) END;
				InitFrameBuffer( root.bmadr, disp.width * disp.height * format );  Transfer^( buf, ofs, stride, x, y, w, h, op );
				IF op = Displays.set THEN ToWindow( root, x, y, w, h, root.dx, root.dy );  END;

		END Transfer;

	END Display;

	dummyClass, windowClass: User32.WndClassEx;
	dummyClassName, windowClassName, controlClassName, windowTitle : ARRAY 32 OF CHAR;
	nWindows: LONGINT;  aControlWinClass: LONGINT;  fixedFrameX, fixedFrameY, frameX, frameY, captionY, menuY: LONGINT;
	hCurrentCursor, hAlternativeCursor: User32.HCursor;  capture, hook, mouse: Window;  kioskmode*: BOOLEAN;
	dummyWin*: Window;
	ISOToOberon: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR;
	moduleCS: Kernel32.CriticalSection;  root: Window;
	bmi: RECORD
		info: BitmapInfo;
		pal: ARRAY 256 OF GDI32.ColorRef
	disp: Display;
	format* : SHORTINT;

	KeyHandled: BOOLEAN;

	fullscreen: BOOLEAN;   (*ALEX 2005.11.30*)

	closeRequests: LONGINT;

	PROCEDURE CreateHWND( create: CreateStruct );
		ret: Kernel32.BOOL;
		str := ""; :=
			User32.CreateWindowEx( 0, create.className, str,, create.x, create.y, create.w, create.h,
						, create.hMenu, Machine.hInstance,
													   SYSTEM.VAL( User32.LParam, create ) );
		IF User32.WSMaximize IN THEN
			INCL(, maximized );  ret := User32.ShowWindow(, User32.SWShowMaximized )
		ELSIF User32.WSVisible IN THEN ret := User32.ShowWindow(, User32.SWShow )
		IF = Kernel32.NULL THEN := END;
	END CreateHWND;

	(* wParam contains the virtual key code
	 	lParam: {0..15}: Key repeat count, {16..23}: Scan code, {24}: Extended-key flag, {25..28}: Reserved,
	 	{29}: Context code (1 if ALT was down, 0 otherwise), {30}: Previous key-state flag, {31}: Transition-state flag *)
	PROCEDURE DecomposeKeyEvent( wParam, lParam: LONGINT;  VAR ch: CHAR;  VAR key: LONGINT;  char: BOOLEAN );
	VAR scancode: LONGINT;  previous: LONGINT;  repeat: LONGINT;  extended: BOOLEAN;
		repeat := lParam MOD ASH( 1, 16 );  scancode := ASH( lParam, -16 ) MOD ASH( 1, 8 );  extended := ODD( ASH( lParam, -24 ) );
		previous := ASH( lParam, -30 ) MOD 2;

		key := 0;  ch := 0X;

		CASE wParam OF
		| kEnter:
				IF extended THEN key := AosInputs.KsKPEnter ELSE key := AosInputs.KsReturn END; ch := Enter;
		| kPageUp:
				key := AosInputs.KsPageUp; ch := PageUp (* if ~extended then on numerical pad *)
		| kPageDown:
				key := AosInputs.KsPageDown;  ch := PageDown;
		| kEnd:
				key := AosInputs.KsEnd;  ch := End;
		| kHome:
				key := AosInputs.KsHome;  ch := Home;
		| kLeft:
				key := AosInputs.KsLeft;  ch := Left;
		| kRight:
				key := AosInputs.KsRight;  ch := Right;
		| kUp:
				key := AosInputs.KsUp;  ch := Up;
		| kDown:
				key := AosInputs.KsDown;  ch := Down;
		| kInsert:
				key := AosInputs.KsInsert;  ch := Insert;
		| kDelete:
				key := AosInputs.KsDelete;  ch := Delete;
		| kF1:
				key := AosInputs.KsF1;  ch := F1;
		| kF2:
				key := AosInputs.KsF2;  ch := F2;
		| kF3:
				key := AosInputs.KsF3;  ch := F3;
		| kF4:
				key := AosInputs.KsF4;  ch := F4;
		| kF5:
				key := AosInputs.KsF5;  ch := F5;
		| kF6:
				key := AosInputs.KsF6;  ch := F6;
		| kF7:
				key := AosInputs.KsF7;  ch := F7;
		| kF8:
				key := AosInputs.KsF8;  ch := F8;
		| kF9:
				key := AosInputs.KsF9;  ch := F9;
		| kF10:
				key := AosInputs.KsF10;  ch := F10;
		| kF11:
				key := AosInputs.KsF11;  ch := F11;
		| kF12:
				key := AosInputs.KsF12;  ch := F12;
		| kCtrl:
				IF extended THEN key := AosInputs.KsControlR ELSE key := AosInputs.KsControlL END;
		| kAlt:
				IF extended THEN key := AosInputs.KsAltR ELSE key := AosInputs.KsAltL END;
		| kMenu:
				key := AosInputs.KsMenu;
		| kNumlock:
				key := AosInputs.KsNumLock
		| kShift:
				IF extended THEN key := AosInputs.KsShiftR ELSE key := AosInputs.KsShiftL END;
		| kPause:
				key := AosInputs.KsPause
		| kCapsLock:
				key := AosInputs.KsCapsLock;
		| kEscape:
				key := AosInputs.KsEscape;
		| kTab:
				key := AosInputs.KsTab;  ch := 09X;
		| User32.VKBack:
				key := AosInputs.KsBackSpace; ch := Backspace;
			IF char THEN GetChar( wParam, lParam, ch, key ); END;
	END DecomposeKeyEvent;

	PROCEDURE GetChar( wParam, lParam: LONGINT;  VAR ch: CHAR;  VAR key: LONGINT );
		ch := ISOToOberon[wParam]; key := ORD( ch );
	END GetChar;

	VAR state: INTEGER;
		state := User32.GetKeyState( key );  RETURN what IN SYSTEM.VAL( SET, state );
	END GetKeyState;

(* Common base handler for all variants of windows provided by this module. *)
	PROCEDURE DummyHandler( win: Window;  uMsg: LONGINT;  wParam: User32.WParam;  lParam: User32.LParam ): User32.LResult;
	VAR res: User32.LResult; proc: User32.WndProc; hhWnd: ANY;  ret: Kernel32.BOOL;
		IF (uMsg = User32.WMDestroy) & ~(external IN win.state) THEN
			EXCL( win.state, update );  DEC( nWindows );
			IF (nWindows = 1) & (dummyWin # NIL ) THEN  (* only dummyWin left *)
				IF win = dummyWin THEN dummyWin := NIL END;
				IF res > 1 THEN RETURN 0 END
			ELSIF nWindows >= 1 THEN  (* other windows left *)
				RETURN 0
			User32.PostQuitMessage( 0 )
		ELSIF uMsg = User32.WMClose THEN
			EXCL( win.state, update );
			IF hook = win THEN HandleFocus( win, User32.WMKillFocus, 0 );  END;
			IF mouse = win THEN mouse := NIL END;
			IF root = win THEN root := NIL END;
			IF capture = win THEN ret := User32.ReleaseCapture();  capture := NIL END;
			IF Objects.oberonLoop = NIL THEN Modules.Shutdown( Modules.PowerDown );  END;
			(*		win.getDC := GetDC;  win.releaseDC := ReleaseDC; *)
			win.hDC := -1;   (* ??? *)
			IF ~(external IN win.state) THEN ret := User32.DestroyWindow( win.hWnd );  win.hWnd := Kernel32.NULL END
		ELSIF uMsg = WMCreateWindow THEN CreateHWND( SYSTEM.VAL( CreateStruct, lParam ) )
		ELSE proc := win.defWindowProc;  hhWnd := SYSTEM.VAL( ANY, win.hWnd );
			ASSERT ( proc # NIL );
			RETURN win.defWindowProc( win.hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam )
	END DummyHandler;

	PROCEDURE HandleFocus( win: Window;  uMsg: LONGINT;  wParam: User32.WParam );
		IF (uMsg = User32.WMSetFocus) & (hook # win) THEN
			Kernel32.Sleep( 0 );   (* ????????????????????? *)
		ELSIF uMsg = User32.WMKillFocus THEN

			IF wParam # Kernel32.NULL THEN
				IF wParam = win.hWnd THEN RETURN END;
	END HandleFocus;

(** add a new display to the list of installed displays *)
	PROCEDURE Add( disp: Window;  noView: BOOLEAN );
		Kernel32.EnterCriticalSection( moduleCS ); := root;  root := disp;  Kernel32.LeaveCriticalSection( moduleCS )
	END Add;

	PROCEDURE SetupWin( win: Window );
	VAR rect: User32.Rect;  ret: Kernel32.BOOL;
		ret := User32.GetWindowRect( win.hWnd, win.windowRect );  ret := User32.GetClientRect( win.hWnd, rect );
		win.width := rect.right - rect.left;  win.height := rect.bottom -;  Add( win, FALSE );
		IF User32.GetFocus() = win.hWnd THEN HandleFocus( win, User32.WMSetFocus, 0 ) END;
	END SetupWin;

	PROCEDURE {WINAPI} DummyProc( hwnd: User32.HWND;  uMsg: LONGINT;  wParam: User32.WParam;
															  lParam: User32.LParam ): User32.LResult;
	VAR win: Window;  create: CreateStruct;  ret: Kernel32.BOOL;
		win := SYSTEM.VAL( Window, User32.GetWindowLong( hwnd, GWLWindow ) );

		IF win # NIL THEN RETURN DummyHandler( win, uMsg, wParam, lParam )
		ELSIF uMsg = User32.WMCreate THEN
			SYSTEM.GET( lParam, create );  wParam := SYSTEM.VAL( User32.WParam, create );
			lParam := SYSTEM.VAL( User32.LParam, );
			ret := User32.PostMessage( hwnd, WMSetup, wParam, lParam )
		ELSIF uMsg = WMSetup THEN
			win := SYSTEM.VAL( Window, lParam );  ret := User32.SetWindowLong( hwnd, GWLWindow, lParam );
			create := SYSTEM.VAL( CreateStruct, wParam );
			IF ~(dummy IN win.state) THEN SetupWin( win ) ELSE Add( win, TRUE ) END;
			IF ~(external IN win.state) THEN INC( nWindows ) END;
				create.finished := TRUE
		RETURN User32.DefWindowProc( hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam )
	END DummyProc;

	PROCEDURE ChangeCursor;
	VAR point: User32.Point;  ret: Kernel32.BOOL;
		ret := User32.GetCursorPos( point );  ret := User32.SetCursor( hCurrentCursor );
		IF hCurrentCursor = Kernel32.NULL THEN
			REPEAT UNTIL User32.ShowCursor( Kernel32.False ) < 0
		ELSIF hCurrentCursor # Kernel32.NULL THEN
			REPEAT UNTIL User32.ShowCursor( Kernel32.True ) >= 0
		INC( point.x );  INC( point.y );  ret := User32.SetCursorPos( point.x, point.y );  DEC( point.x );  DEC( point.y );
		ret := User32.SetCursorPos( point.x, point.y )
	END ChangeCursor;

	PROCEDURE SetCursor( hCursor: User32.HCursor );
		IF hCurrentCursor # hCursor THEN hCurrentCursor := hCursor;  ChangeCursor() END
	END SetCursor;

	END Min;

	PROCEDURE HandleMouse( win: Window;  uMsg: LONGINT;  wParam: User32.WParam;  lParam: User32.LParam );
	VAR m: AosInputs.AbsMouseMsg;  oldx, oldy: LONGINT;  keys: SET; ret: Kernel32.BOOL;
		(* User32.SetCursor(hCurrentCursor);*)
		oldx := win.track.X;  oldy := win.track.Y;  win.track.X := SHORT( lParam MOD ASH( 1, 16 ) ) - win.dx;
		win.track.Y := SHORT( (* win.height-*) ASH( lParam, -16 ) - 1 ) - win.dy;

		m.x := win.track.X;  m.y := win.track.Y;  m.z := win.track.Z;

		m.dx := 0;  m.dy := 0; := 0;

		IF (m.x <= 0) THEN m.dx := win.track.dx - 2;
		ELSIF (m.x >= Min( win.width, disp.width ) - 1) THEN m.x := disp.width - 1;  m.dx := win.track.dx + 2;

		IF (m.y <= 0) THEN m.dy := win.track.dy - 2;
		ELSIF (m.y >= Min( win.height, disp.height ) - 1) THEN m.y := disp.height - 1;  m.dy := win.track.dy + 2;

		win.track.dx := m.dx;  win.track.dy := m.dy;

		IF (m.dx # 0) OR (m.dy # 0) THEN ret := User32.SetCursor( hAlternativeCursor );
		ELSE ret := User32.SetCursor( hCurrentCursor )

		keys := win.track.keys;
		CASE uMsg OF
				INCL( keys, ML )
		| User32.WMLButtonUp:
				EXCL( keys, ML )
		| User32.WMMButtonDown:
				INCL( keys, MM )
		| User32.WMMButtonUp:
				EXCL( keys, MM )
		| User32.WMRButtonDown:
				INCL( keys, MR )
		| User32.WMRButtonUp:
				EXCL( keys, MR )
		| User32.WMXButtonDown:
				INCL( keys, MX )
		| User32.WMXButtonUp:
				EXCL( keys, MX )
		| User32.WMMouseWheel:
				IF SHORT( ASH( wParam, -16 ) ) > 0 THEN := -1 ELSE := 1 END;
				m.x := oldx;  m.y := oldy;  win.track.X := oldx;  win.track.Y := oldy;
				(* strange: if wheel used, then coordinates are not realtive to windows -> use coordinates of last event, fof *)

		IF (keys # {}) & (capture # win) THEN ret := User32.SetCapture( win.hWnd );  capture := win
		ELSIF (keys = {}) & (capture # NIL ) THEN ret := User32.ReleaseCapture();  capture := NIL
		win.track.keys := keys;  m.keys := keys;

		AosInputs.mouse.Handle( m );
	END HandleMouse;

	(* Get the state of CTRL, ALT and SHIFT keys *)
	PROCEDURE GetKeyFlags(VAR flags : SET);
		flags := {};
		IF GetKeyState( VKLShift, pressed ) THEN INCL( flags, AosInputs.LeftShift );  END;
		IF GetKeyState( VKRShift, pressed ) THEN INCL( flags, AosInputs.RightShift );  END;
		IF GetKeyState( VKLCtrl, pressed ) THEN INCL( flags, AosInputs.LeftCtrl ); END;
		IF GetKeyState( VKRCtrl, pressed ) THEN INCL( flags, AosInputs.RightCtrl ); END;
		IF GetKeyState( VKLMenu, pressed ) THEN INCL( flags, AosInputs.LeftAlt ); END;
		IF GetKeyState( VKRMenu, pressed ) THEN INCL( flags, AosInputs.RightAlt ); END;
		IF GetKeyState( VKLWin, pressed) THEN INCL(flags, AosInputs.LeftMeta); END;
		IF GetKeyState( VKRWin, pressed) THEN INCL(flags, AosInputs.RightMeta); END;
	END GetKeyFlags;

(* default handler for WMChar messages *)
	PROCEDURE HandleChar( win: Window;  wParam: User32.WParam;  lParam: User32.LParam );
	VAR ch: CHAR;  msg: AosInputs.KeyboardMsg;  key: LONGINT;
		GetChar( wParam, lParam, ch, key );
		GetKeyFlags(msg.flags); := ch;  msg.keysym := key;
		KernelLog.String("HandleChar, ch, keysm="); KernelLog.Int(ORD(ch),10); KernelLog.Hex(msg.keysym,10); KernelLog.String(","); KernelLog.Bits(msg.flags,0,32); KernelLog.Ln;

		IF  (*ch # 0X*) TRUE THEN
			lParam := lParam MOD ASH( 1, 16 );
			WHILE lParam > 0 DO AosInputs.keyboard.Handle( msg );
				(* Displays.WriteChar(win, ch); *)
				DEC( lParam )
	END HandleChar;

(* default handler for WMKeyDown or WMKeyUp messages *)
	PROCEDURE HandleKey( win: Window;  wParam: User32.WParam;  lParam: User32.LParam );
	VAR ch: CHAR;  msg: AosInputs.KeyboardMsg;  key : LONGINT; rect: User32.Rect;  ret: Kernel32.BOOL;
		DecomposeKeyEvent( wParam, lParam, ch, key, FALSE );

		IF  (key = AosInputs.KsF8) & (maximized IN win.state) & ~fullscreen (*ALEX 2005.11.30*) THEN
			IF win.frame THEN
				ret :=
					User32.SetWindowLong( win.hWnd, User32.GWLStyle,
															 SYSTEM.VAL( LONGINT, SYSTEM.VAL( SET, User32.GetWindowLong( win.hWnd, User32.GWLStyle ) ) + SYSTEM.VAL( SET, 12582912 (* WScaption *) ) ) );
				ret := User32.GetWindowRect( win.hWnd, rect );
				ret :=
					User32.SetWindowRgn( win.hWnd,
														    GDI32.CreateRectRgn( rect.left, rect.bottom, rect.right, (* +User32.GetSystemMetrics(User32.SMCYCaption) *) ),
														    1 );

				ret :=
					User32.SetWindowLong( win.hWnd, User32.GWLStyle,
															 SYSTEM.VAL( LONGINT, SYSTEM.VAL( SET, User32.GetWindowLong( win.hWnd, User32.GWLStyle ) ) - SYSTEM.VAL( SET, 12582912 (* WScaption *) ) ) );

				ret := User32.GetWindowRect( win.hWnd, rect );
				ret :=
					User32.SetWindowRgn( win.hWnd,
														    GDI32.CreateRectRgn( rect.left, rect.bottom, rect.right, (* -User32.GetSystemMetrics(User32.SMCYCaption)*) ),
														    1 );

			win.frame := ~win.frame;  RETURN;

		IF (msg.flags * AosInputs.Ctrl # {}) & (msg.flags * AosInputs.Alt = {}) & (VK0 <= wParam) & (wParam <= VK9) THEN
			(* Same behaviour as AOS *)
			ch := CHR(wParam); key := wParam;

		IF (AosInputs.LeftAlt IN msg.flags) & (AosInputs.LeftShift IN msg.flags) THEN
			INCL(win.track.flags, AosInputs.LeftMeta);

		CASE key OF
		| AosInputs.KsMenu:
				INCL( win.track.flags, AosInputs.LeftMeta );
		| AosInputs.KsF9:
				INCL( win.track.flags, AosInputs.RightMeta );
		| AosInputs.KsF1:
				INCL( win.track.flags, AosInputs.LeftMeta );
		msg.flags := msg.flags + win.track.flags; := ch;  msg.keysym := key;

		(* ch := TranslateKey(wParam, FALSE);  *)
		(*IF ch # 0X THEN*)
		lParam := lParam MOD ASH( 1, 16 );
		IF (msg.keysym # 0) OR ( # 0X)  THEN
		KernelLog.String("HandleKey, ch, keysm="); KernelLog.Int(ORD(ch),10); KernelLog.Hex(msg.keysym,10); KernelLog.Bits(msg.flags,0,32); KernelLog.Ln;

			KeyHandled := TRUE;
			WHILE lParam > 0 DO AosInputs.keyboard.Handle( msg );
				(*Displays.WriteChar(win, ch); *) DEC( lParam )

		ELSE KeyHandled := FALSE;
	END HandleKey;

	(* default handler for WMKeyDown or WMKeyUp messages *)
	PROCEDURE HandleKeyUp( win: Window;  wParam: User32.WParam;  lParam: User32.LParam );
	VAR ch: CHAR;  msg: AosInputs.KeyboardMsg; key : LONGINT;
		DecomposeKeyEvent( wParam, lParam, ch, key, TRUE );

		IF ~((AosInputs.LeftAlt IN msg.flags) & (AosInputs.LeftShift IN msg.flags)) THEN
			EXCL(win.track.flags, AosInputs.LeftMeta);

		CASE key OF
		| AosInputs.KsMenu:
				EXCL( win.track.flags, AosInputs.LeftMeta );
		| AosInputs.KsF9:
				EXCL( win.track.flags, AosInputs.RightMeta );
		| AosInputs.KsF1:
				EXCL( win.track.flags, AosInputs.LeftMeta );
		msg.flags := msg.flags + win.track.flags + {AosInputs.Release}; := ch;  msg.keysym := key;

		IF dbgDisableReleaseMsg THEN := 0X;  msg.keysym := AosInputs.KsNil; END;

		AosInputs.keyboard.Handle( msg );
	END HandleKeyUp;

	PROCEDURE SetDocRect( win: Window;  resize: BOOLEAN );
	VAR rect: User32.Rect;  ret: Kernel32.BOOL;
		IF ~(minimized IN win.state) THEN
			IF resize THEN ret := User32.GetWindowRect( win.hWnd, win.windowRect )
				ret := User32.GetWindowRect( win.hWnd, rect );
				win.windowRect.right := rect.left + (win.windowRect.right - win.windowRect.left);
				win.windowRect.left := rect.left;
				win.windowRect.bottom := + (win.windowRect.bottom -; :=
	END SetDocRect;

	PROCEDURE UpdateDisplay( win: Window;  id: LONGINT;  lParam: User32.LParam;  wParam: User32.WParam );
	VAR x, y, w, h, dx, dy, bw, bh: LONGINT;  hOldBr: GDI32.HBrush;  ret: Kernel32.BOOL;
		IF ~(minimized IN win.state) THEN
			IF id = resize THEN win.width := lParam MOD ASH( 1, 16 );  win.height := lParam DIV ASH( 1, 16 );  SetDocRect( win, TRUE ) END;
			ret := User32.ValidateRect( win.hWnd, NIL );
			IF win.hDC = 0 THEN GetDC( win );  END;

			IF win.hBrush = 0 THEN
				win.hBrush := GDI32.CreateSolidBrush( GDI32.RGB( 100, 0, 0 ) );
				hOldBr := GDI32.SelectObject( win.hDC, win.hBrush );

			w := win.width;  h := win.height;
			IF disp.width < w THEN  (* fill rest with color *)
				dx := (w - disp.width) DIV 2;  bw := disp.width;  ret := GDI32.PatBlt( win.hDC, 0, 0, dx, h, GDI32.PatCopy );
				ret := GDI32.PatBlt( win.hDC, w - dx, 0, dx, h, GDI32.PatCopy );
			ELSE bw := w;

			IF disp.height < h THEN  (* fill rest with color *)
				dy := (h - disp.height) DIV 2;  bh := disp.height;  ret := GDI32.PatBlt( win.hDC, 0, 0, w, dy, GDI32.PatCopy );
				ret := GDI32.PatBlt( win.hDC, 0, h - dy, w, dy, GDI32.PatCopy );
			ELSE bh := h;

			hOldBr := GDI32.SelectObject( win.hDC, hOldBr );

			(* IF win.fullScreen THEN dy := dy- User32.GetSystemMetrics(User32.SMCYCaption); END; *)

			win.dx := dx;  win.dy := dy;  ToWindow( win, x, y, bw, bh, dx, dy );

	END UpdateDisplay;

	PROCEDURE FromMemory( win: Window;  VAR buf: ARRAY OF CHAR;  ofs, stride, x, y, w, h: LONGINT );
	END FromMemory;

	PROCEDURE ToMemory( win: Window;  VAR buf: ARRAY OF CHAR;  ofs, stride, x, y, w, h: LONGINT );
	VAR adr: Kernel32.ADDRESS;  hDC: User32.HDC;  ret: Kernel32.BOOL;
		hDC := win.bmphdc;   (*  hDC := win.hDC; (* writes to screen*) *) := stride DIV format (* w *) ; := -h;   (* top-down *)
		adr := SYSTEM.ADR( buf[ofs] );

		ret :=
			GDI32.SetDIBitsToDevice( hDC, x, y, w, h, 0, 0, 0, h, adr, SYSTEM.VAL( GDI32.BitmapInfo, ),
													   GDI32.DIBPalColors )
		(*	ELSE := 1;

			WHILE h > 0 DO
				ret :=
					GDI32.SetDIBitsToDevice( hDC, x, y, w, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, adr, SYSTEM.VAL( GDI32.BitmapInfo, ),
															   GDI32.DIBPalColors );
				INC( adr, stride );  DEC( h );  INC( y )

	END ToMemory;

	PROCEDURE ToWindow*( win: Window;  x, y, w, h: LONGINT;  dx, dy: LONGINT );
	VAR ret: Kernel32.BOOL;

		ret := GDI32.BitBlt( win.hDC (* = destination *) , x + dx, y + dy, w, h, win.bmphdc (* source *) , x, y, GDI32.SrcCopy );

	END ToWindow;

	PROCEDURE GetMinMaxInfo( win: Window;  lParam: User32.LParam ): BOOLEAN;
	VAR mm: User32.MinMaxInfo;

		SYSTEM.MOVE( lParam, SYSTEM.ADR( mm ), SYSTEM.SIZEOF( User32.MinMaxInfo ) );  mm.ptMaxSize.x := disp.width;
		mm.ptMaxSize.y := disp.height;  mm.ptMaxTrackSize := mm.ptMaxSize;  RETURN TRUE;
	END GetMinMaxInfo;

	PROCEDURE Minimize( win: Window );
		INCL( win.state, minimized );  EXCL( win.state, maximized );
	END Minimize;

	PROCEDURE Maximize( win: Window );
		EXCL( win.state, minimized );  INCL( win.state, maximized );
	END Maximize;

	PROCEDURE Restore( win: Window );
		EXCL( win.state, minimized );  EXCL( win.state, maximized );
	END Restore;

	PROCEDURE PosChanging( win: Window;  lParam: User32.LParam );
	VAR pos: User32.WindowPos;
		SYSTEM.MOVE( lParam, SYSTEM.ADR( pos ), SYSTEM.SIZEOF( User32.WindowPos ) );
		IF ~(User32.SWPNoMove IN pos.flags) THEN
			IF (pos.x < -disp.width) & (pos.y < -disp.height) THEN Minimize( win )
			ELSIF (pos.x >= 0) & (pos.y >= 0) THEN Restore( win )
		(* Viewers.sorted := FALSE*)
	END PosChanging;

(** Common base handler for all visual windows (document or control) provided by this module. *)
	PROCEDURE WindowHandler( win: Window;  uMsg: LONGINT;  wParam: User32.WParam;
													  lParam: User32.LParam ): User32.LResult;

	VAR handled: BOOLEAN; ret: Kernel32.BOOL;

		closer: OBJECT (* to call a close request in an A2 thread, otherwise finalization does not work etc. *)
		IF update IN win.state THEN
			handled := TRUE;
			IF uMsg < User32.WMKeyFirst THEN
				CASE uMsg OF
						SetDocRect( win, FALSE )
				| User32.WMSize:
						IF wParam = User32.SizeMaximized THEN Maximize( win );  UpdateDisplay( win, resize, lParam, wParam );
						ELSIF wParam = User32.SizeMinimized THEN Minimize( win );
						ELSIF wParam = User32.SizeRestored THEN Restore( win );  UpdateDisplay( win, resize, lParam, wParam );
				| User32.WMPaint:
						UpdateDisplay( win, redraw, lParam, wParam );
				| User32.WMMouseActivate:
						IF (hook = NIL ) OR ((lParam MOD 65536) # (User32.HTClient)) THEN ret := User32.SetFocus( win.hWnd ) END;
						RETURN User32.MANoActivate
				| User32.WMGetMinMaxInfo:
						handled := GetMinMaxInfo( win, lParam )
				| User32.WMWindowPosChanging:
						handled := GetMinMaxInfo( win, lParam );  PosChanging( win, lParam );  handled := FALSE
				| User32.WMSetFocus, User32.WMKillFocus:
						HandleFocus( win, uMsg, wParam )
				| User32.WMClose:
						IF closeRequests < 3 THEN
							NEW(closer); INC(closeRequests);
							User32.PostQuitMessage( 0 ) (*ALEX 2005.12.13 added this line*)
				ELSE handled := FALSE
			ELSIF (User32.WMKeyFirst <= uMsg) & (uMsg <= User32.WMKeyLast) THEN
				CASE uMsg OF
				| User32.WMKeyDown:
						HandleKey( win, wParam, lParam);
				| User32.WMKeyUp:
						HandleKeyUp( win, wParam, lParam );
				| User32.WMChar:
						IF ~KeyHandled THEN
							HandleChar( win, wParam, lParam )
				| User32.WMSysKeyDown: HandleKey(win, wParam, lParam);
				| User32.WMSysKeyUp: HandleKeyUp(win, wParam, lParam);
				ELSE handled := FALSE;
			ELSIF (User32.WMMouseFirst <= uMsg) & (uMsg <= User32.WMMouseLast) THEN
				HandleMouse( win, uMsg, wParam, lParam )
			ELSE handled := FALSE
		ELSE handled := FALSE
		IF ~handled THEN RETURN DummyHandler( win, uMsg, wParam, lParam ) ELSE RETURN 0 END
	END WindowHandler;

	PROCEDURE {WINAPI} WindowProc( hwnd: User32.HWND;  uMsg: LONGINT;  wParam: User32.WParam;
															    lParam: User32.LParam ): User32.LResult;

				IF dbh.dbch_devicetype = DBT_DEVTYP_VOLUME THEN
				IF dbh.dbch_devicetype = DBT_DEVTYP_VOLUME THEN

		win := SYSTEM.VAL( Window, User32.GetWindowLong( hwnd, GWLWindow ) );
		IF win # NIL THEN RETURN WindowHandler( win, uMsg, wParam, lParam )
		ELSE RETURN DummyProc( hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam )
	END WindowProc;
(** Implementation of GetDC for all visual windows (document or control) provided by this module. *)
	PROCEDURE GetDC( win: Window );
	VAR oldhbm: GDI32.HBitmap;  ret: LONGINT;
		IF win.hWnd # Kernel32.NULL THEN
			win.hDC := User32.GetDC( win.hWnd );

			IF letWindowsHandleTheBuffer THEN
				win.bmp := GDI32.CreateCompatibleBitmap( win.hDC, disp.width, disp.height );
				win.bmphdc := GDI32.CreateCompatibleDC( win.hDC );  oldhbm := GDI32.SelectObject( win.bmphdc, win.bmp );
				NEW( win.pal, 1024 );  ret := GDI32.GetSystemPaletteEntries( win.hDC, 0, 1024, win.pal^ )
			ELSE win.bmphdc := GDI32.CreateCompatibleDC( win.hDC );

				win.bmadr := 0; := disp.width * disp.height * format; := disp.width; := -disp.height;   (* top-down *)

				win.bmp :=
					GDI32.CreateDIBSection( win.hDC, SYSTEM.VAL( GDI32.BitmapInfo, ), GDI32.DIBRGBColors,
															  win.bmadr, 0, 0 );
				ASSERT ( win.bmadr # 0 );
				oldhbm := GDI32.SelectObject( win.bmphdc, win.bmp );

				(*oldhbm := GDI32.SelectObject( win.bmphdc, win.bmp );  *)
				NEW( win.pal, 1024 );  ret := GDI32.GetSystemPaletteEntries( win.hDC, 0, 1024, win.pal^ )

		ELSE win.hDC := Kernel32.NULL
	depth := GDI32.GetDeviceCaps(win.hDC, GDI32.BitsPixel);
		(*	IF disp = root THEN 	Msg2(TRUE,"RegisterHotkey:",User32.RegisterHotKey(disp.hWnd,100,MODWin,65),0);  END;  *)


(** Install a externaly created window in the display space.
		You must already have set up the fields:
		handle, getDC, releaseDC, hWnd and defWindowProc *)
	PROCEDURE InstallW( win: Window;  ctrl: BOOLEAN );
	VAR h: User32.HWND;
		INCL( win.state, external );
		IF ctrl THEN INCL( win.state, control ) END;
		h := win.hWnd;
		WHILE h # Kernel32.NULL DO win.hWndParent := h;  h := User32.GetParent( h ) END;
		SetupWin( win )
	END InstallW;

(** Initialize the fields of a new Window instance with default values.
		You must call this procedure whenever you alloc a new Window instance
		or an extension of it. *)
	PROCEDURE Init( win: Window );
		win.viewer := NIL;
		win.getDC := Displays.GetDC; win.releaseDC := Displays.ReleaseDC;
		win.defWindowProc := User32.DefWindowProc;  win.windowRect.left := 0;  win.windowRect.right := 0; := 0;  win.windowRect.bottom := 0;  win.state := {update}
	END Init;

	PROCEDURE RegisterClasses;
		ret: Kernel32.ATOM;
		dummyClass.cbSize := SYSTEM.SIZEOF( User32.WndClassEx ); := {};  dummyClass.lpfnWndProc := DummyProc;
		dummyClass.cbClsExtra := 0;  dummyClass.cbWndExtra := 4;  dummyClass.hInstance := Machine.hInstance;
		dummyClass.hIcon := Kernel32.NULL;  dummyClass.hIconSm := Kernel32.NULL;  dummyClass.hCursor := Kernel32.NULL;
		dummyClass.hbrBackground := Kernel32.NULL;  dummyClass.lpszMenuName := Kernel32.NULL;
		dummyClass.lpszClassName := SYSTEM.VAL( Kernel32.LPSTR, SYSTEM.ADR( dummyClassName ) );
		ret := User32.RegisterClassEx( dummyClass );

		windowClass.cbSize := SYSTEM.SIZEOF( User32.WndClassEx ); := {7};   (* Cs_parentdc: INTEGER is 128  = 2^7 *)
		windowClass.lpfnWndProc := WindowProc;  windowClass.cbClsExtra := 0;  windowClass.cbWndExtra := 4;
		windowClass.hInstance := Machine.hInstance;  str := "Console";  windowClass.hIcon := User32.LoadIcon( Machine.hInstance, str );
		str := "Console.Small";  windowClass.hIconSm := User32.LoadIcon( Machine.hInstance, str );  windowClass.hCursor := Kernel32.NULL;
		windowClass.hbrBackground := Kernel32.NULL;  windowClass.lpszMenuName := Kernel32.NULL;
		windowClass.lpszClassName := SYSTEM.VAL( Kernel32.LPSTR, SYSTEM.ADR( windowClassName ) );
		ret := User32.RegisterClassEx( windowClass )
	END RegisterClasses;

	PROCEDURE UnregisterClasses;
	VAR ret: Kernel32.BOOL;
		ret := User32.UnregisterClass( dummyClassName, Machine.hInstance );
		ret := User32.UnregisterClass( windowClassName, Machine.hInstance )
	END UnregisterClasses;

	PROCEDURE FirstWindow( ): Window;
	VAR disp: Window;  w: Window;
		w := NIL;  disp := root;
		WHILE (w = NIL ) & (disp # NIL ) DO
			IF disp IS Window THEN
				w := disp( Window );
				IF (w.hWnd = Kernel32.NULL) OR (~(update IN w.state) & ~(dummy IN w.state)) OR (external IN w.state) THEN
					w := NIL
			disp :=
	END FirstWindow;

	PROCEDURE CreateWin( create: CreateStruct );
	VAR theWin: Window;  done: BOOLEAN;  winMain: WinMain;  ret: Kernel32.BOOL;
		IF nWindows <= 0 THEN
			NEW( winMain, create );  root :=;
			theWin := FirstWindow();
			ret := User32.PostMessage( theWin.hWnd, WMCreateWindow, 0, SYSTEM.VAL( User32.LParam, create ) )
	END CreateWin;

	PROCEDURE {WINAPI} ControlWindowProc( hwnd: User32.HWND;  uMsg: LONGINT;  wParam: User32.WParam;
																		    lParam: User32.LParam ): User32.LResult;
	VAR win: Window;  ret: Kernel32.BOOL;
		win := SYSTEM.VAL( Window, User32.GetWindowLong( hwnd, GWLWindow ) );
		IF win # NIL THEN RETURN WindowHandler( win, uMsg, wParam, lParam )
		ELSIF uMsg = User32.WMCreate THEN
			SYSTEM.GET( lParam, win );  win.hWnd := hwnd;
			ret := User32.SetWindowLong( hwnd, GWLWindow, SYSTEM.VAL( LONGINT, win ) );  InstallW( win, TRUE );  RETURN 0
		ELSE RETURN DummyProc(hwnd,uMsg,wParam,lParam);
	END ControlWindowProc;

	PROCEDURE {WINAPI} UnregisterControlWinClass;
	VAR ret: Kernel32.BOOL;
		IF aControlWinClass # Kernel32.NULL THEN
			ret := User32.UnregisterClass( controlClassName, Machine.hInstance );  aControlWinClass := Kernel32.NULL
	END UnregisterControlWinClass;

	VAR  (*  path: FileDir.FileName;*) i: LONGINT;
		str: ARRAY 32 OF CHAR;
		fixedFrameX := User32.GetSystemMetrics( User32.SMCXFixedFrame );
		fixedFrameY := User32.GetSystemMetrics( User32.SMCYFixedFrame );
		frameX := User32.GetSystemMetrics( User32.SMCXFrame );  frameY := User32.GetSystemMetrics( User32.SMCYFrame );
		captionY := User32.GetSystemMetrics( User32.SMCYCaption );
		menuY := User32.GetSystemMetrics( User32.SMCYMenu );  capture := NIL;  hook := NIL;  mouse := NIL;
		(* winMain := NIL; *) nWindows := 0;  str := "PointCircle";
		hCurrentCursor := User32.LoadCursor( Machine.hInstance, str );   (* Kernel32.NULL;  *);
		str := "Cross";  hAlternativeCursor := User32.LoadCursor( Machine.hInstance, str );  dummyClassName := "Aos.Dummy.Class";
		windowClassName := "Aos.Window.Class";  controlClassName := "Aos.ControlWindow.Class";  aControlWinClass := Kernel32.NULL;  kioskmode := FALSE;
		Kernel32.InitializeCriticalSection( moduleCS );
		nAccel := 0; Registry.OberonPath("HotKeys", path);
		Registry.EnumerateKeyValue(Registry.CurrentUser, path, AddRegHotKeys); (* done in Oberon.Mod, needs configuration Oberon.Text *)
		dummyWin := NIL;
		FOR i := 0 TO 255 DO ISOToOberon[i] := CHR( i );  END;
		ISOToOberon[146] := CHR( 39 );  ISOToOberon[160] := CHR( 32 );  ISOToOberon[162] := CHR( 99 );
		ISOToOberon[166] := CHR( 124 );  ISOToOberon[168] := CHR( 34 );  ISOToOberon[169] := CHR( 99 );  ISOToOberon[170] := CHR( 97 );
		ISOToOberon[171] := CHR( 60 );  ISOToOberon[173] := CHR( 45 );  ISOToOberon[174] := CHR( 114 );  ISOToOberon[175] := CHR( 45 );
		ISOToOberon[176] := CHR( 111 );  ISOToOberon[178] := CHR( 50 );  ISOToOberon[179] := CHR( 51 );  ISOToOberon[180] := CHR( 39 );
		ISOToOberon[183] := CHR( 46 );  ISOToOberon[185] := CHR( 49 );  ISOToOberon[186] := CHR( 48 );  ISOToOberon[187] := CHR( 62 );
		ISOToOberon[192] := CHR( 65 );  ISOToOberon[193] := CHR( 65 );  ISOToOberon[194] := CHR( 65 );  ISOToOberon[195] := CHR( 65 );
		ISOToOberon[196] := CHR( 128 );  ISOToOberon[197] := CHR( 65 );  ISOToOberon[198] := CHR( 65 );  ISOToOberon[199] := CHR( 67 );
		ISOToOberon[200] := CHR( 69 );  ISOToOberon[201] := CHR( 69 );  ISOToOberon[202] := CHR( 69 );  ISOToOberon[203] := CHR( 69 );
		ISOToOberon[204] := CHR( 73 );  ISOToOberon[205] := CHR( 73 );  ISOToOberon[206] := CHR( 73 );  ISOToOberon[207] := CHR( 73 );
		ISOToOberon[208] := CHR( 68 );  ISOToOberon[209] := CHR( 78 );  ISOToOberon[210] := CHR( 79 );  ISOToOberon[211] := CHR( 79 );
		ISOToOberon[212] := CHR( 79 );  ISOToOberon[213] := CHR( 79 );  ISOToOberon[214] := CHR( 129 );  ISOToOberon[215] := CHR( 42 );
		ISOToOberon[216] := CHR( 79 );  ISOToOberon[217] := CHR( 85 );  ISOToOberon[218] := CHR( 85 );  ISOToOberon[219] := CHR( 85 );
		ISOToOberon[220] := CHR( 130 );  ISOToOberon[221] := CHR( 89 );  ISOToOberon[222] := CHR( 80 );
		ISOToOberon[223] := CHR( 150 );  ISOToOberon[224] := CHR( 139 );  ISOToOberon[225] := CHR( 148 );
		ISOToOberon[226] := CHR( 134 );  ISOToOberon[227] := CHR( 97 );  ISOToOberon[228] := CHR( 131 );
		ISOToOberon[229] := CHR( 97 );  ISOToOberon[230] := CHR( 97 );  ISOToOberon[231] := CHR( 147 );
		ISOToOberon[232] := CHR( 140 );  ISOToOberon[233] := CHR( 144 );  ISOToOberon[234] := CHR( 135 );
		ISOToOberon[235] := CHR( 145 );  ISOToOberon[236] := CHR( 141 );  ISOToOberon[237] := CHR( 105 );
		ISOToOberon[238] := CHR( 136 );  ISOToOberon[239] := CHR( 146 );  ISOToOberon[240] := CHR( 100 );
		ISOToOberon[241] := CHR( 149 );  ISOToOberon[242] := CHR( 142 );  ISOToOberon[243] := CHR( 111 );
		ISOToOberon[244] := CHR( 137 );  ISOToOberon[245] := CHR( 111 );  ISOToOberon[246] := CHR( 132 );
		ISOToOberon[248] := CHR( 111 );  ISOToOberon[249] := CHR( 143 );  ISOToOberon[250] := CHR( 117 );
		ISOToOberon[251] := CHR( 138 );  ISOToOberon[252] := CHR( 133 );  ISOToOberon[253] := CHR( 121 );
		ISOToOberon[254] := CHR( 112 );  ISOToOberon[255] := CHR( 121 );

		COPY(WindowTitle, windowTitle);
	END InitMod;

	PROCEDURE DisableCursor*;
		hCurrentCursor := Kernel32.NULL
	END DisableCursor;

	BEGIN := SYSTEM.SIZEOF( GDI32.BitmapInfoHeader ); := 0; := 0; := 1; := (format * 8); := GDI32.BIRGB; := 0; := 0; := 0;
		IF format > 1 THEN := 0; := 0
		ELSE := 256; := 256;
		IF format = Displays.color565 THEN := 3;   (*: BIBITFIELDS *)[0] := 15 * 16 * 16 * 16 + 8 * 16 * 16;[1] := 14 * 16 + 7 * 16 * 16;[2] := 15 + 16;

	PROCEDURE Shutdown;
	VAR disp: Window;
		disp := Displays.root;
		WHILE disp # NIL DO
			IF disp IS Window THEN
				WITH disp: Window DO
					IF disp.hWnd # Kernel32.NULL THEN
						User32.PostMessage(disp.hWnd, User32.WMClose, 0, 0)
			disp :=
		IF dummyWin # NIL THEN
			User32.PostMessage(dummyWin.hWnd, User32.WMClose, 0, 0)
	END Shutdown;

	PROCEDURE DoInstall( w, h, left, top: LONGINT );
		res: LONGINT;  create: CreateStruct;  win: Window;  hMenu: User32.HMenu;  x, y: LONGINT;
	VAR border: LONGINT;  rect: User32.Rect;   (*ALEX 2005.11.30*)

		hDC: User32.HDC;

	CONST SMCYMaximized = 62;  SMCXMaximized = 61;
		IF disp = NIL THEN
			NEW( win );  Init( win );  hMenu := Kernel32.NULL;  RegisterClasses();  NEW( create ); := win;
			create.hMenu := hMenu;
			IF ~fullscreen THEN :=
					{User32.WSMinimizeBox, User32.WSMaximizeBox, User32.WSSysMenu, User32.WSVisible, User32.WSBorder, User32.WSThickFrame};
				x := User32.CWUseDefault;  y := User32.CWUseDefault;  COPY( windowClassName, create.className );  border := 0;
				IF h = 0 THEN
					h := User32.GetSystemMetrics( SMCYMaximized ) - captionY - 2 * frameY;
					IF w = 0 THEN
						w := User32.GetSystemMetrics( SMCXMaximized ) - 2 * frameX; := + {User32.WSMaximize};
					h := h - captionY - 2 * frameY;
					IF (w # 0) THEN
						w := w - 2 * frameX;
				IF w = 0 THEN w := User32.GetSystemMetrics( SMCXMaximized ) - 2 * frameX;  END;
				create.w := w + 2 * frameX;  create.h := h  + captionY + 2*frameY;
				create.x := x;  create.y := y;

				IF (left # 0) THEN
					create.x := left; create.y := top;
			ELSE := {};  x := User32.CWUseDefault;  y := User32.CWUseDefault;
				COPY( windowClassName, create.className );  border := 0;  h := User32.GetSystemMetrics( SMCYScreen );
				w := User32.GetSystemMetrics( SMCXScreen ); := + {User32.WSMaximize};
				create.x := x;  create.y := y;  create.w := w;  create.h := h + captionY;

			NEW( disp );  disp.width := w;  disp.height := h;  disp.format := format;  disp.desc := "Display driver (";  Strings.IntToStr( disp.width, ts );
			Strings.Append( disp.desc, ts );  Strings.Append( disp.desc, "x" );  Strings.IntToStr( disp.height, ts );
			Strings.Append( disp.desc, ts );  Strings.Append( disp.desc, "x" );  Strings.IntToStr( disp.format, ts );
			Strings.Append( disp.desc, ts );  Strings.Append( disp.desc, ")" );  create.finished := FALSE;
			CreateWin( create );
			User32.SetWindowText(root.hWnd, windowTitle);
			User32.BringWindowToTop( root.hWnd );  User32.SetForegroundWindow( root.hWnd );
			Displays.registry.Add( disp, res );
			ASSERT ( res = 0 );
			IF fullscreen THEN
				res :=
					User32.SetWindowLong( win.hWnd, User32.GWLStyle,
															 SYSTEM.VAL( LONGINT, SYSTEM.VAL( SET, User32.GetWindowLong( win.hWnd, User32.GWLStyle ) ) - SYSTEM.VAL( SET, 12582912 (* WScaption *) ) ) );

				res := User32.GetWindowRect( win.hWnd, rect );
				res := User32.SetWindowRgn( win.hWnd, GDI32.CreateRectRgn( rect.left, rect.bottom, rect.right, ), 1 );
				win.frame := TRUE

		ELSIF root = NIL THEN w := disp.width;  h := disp.height;

			NEW( win );  Init( win );  hMenu := Kernel32.NULL;  RegisterClasses();  NEW( create ); := win;
			create.hMenu := hMenu; :=
				{User32.WSMinimizeBox, User32.WSMaximizeBox,  User32.WSSysMenu,  User32.WSVisible, User32.WSBorder, User32.WSThickFrame};
			x := User32.CWUseDefault;  y := User32.CWUseDefault;  COPY( windowClassName, create.className );  create.x := x;
			create.y := y;  create.w := w;  create.h := h + User32.GetSystemMetrics( User32.SMCYCaption );
			create.finished := FALSE;
			CreateWin( create );
			User32.SetWindowText(root.hWnd, windowTitle);
			User32.BringWindowToTop( root.hWnd );  disp.Update;
			User32.SetForegroundWindow( root.hWnd );
			KernelLog.Enter;  KernelLog.String( "Display: Display already open, window still open" );  KernelLog.Exit;
			IF minimized IN root.state THEN User32.ShowWindow( root.hWnd, User32.SWRestore );  END;

			User32.BringWindowToTop( root.hWnd );  User32.SetForegroundWindow( root.hWnd );

		hDC := User32.GetDC(0);
		disp.unit := GDI32.GetDeviceCaps(hDC,GDI32.LogPixelsX);
		disp.unit := ENTIER((36000.0*disp.unit)/25.4);
	END DoInstall;

	PROCEDURE Install*(context : Commands.Context); (** ["H"] [ width [height] ] ["FULLSCREEN"] [ x [y] ] *)
	VAR x,y,w,h : LONGINT; options: Options.Options;
		IF ~options.Parse(context.arg, context.error) THEN
			w := 0; h := 0; x := 0; y := 0;
			IF options.GetFlag("b") THEN format := Displays.color565; InitBMI END;
			fullscreen := options.GetFlag("f");
			IF ~options.GetInteger("x", x) THEN x := 0 END;
			IF ~options.GetInteger("y", y) THEN y := 0 END;
			IF ~options.GetInteger("w", w) THEN w := 0 END;
			IF ~options.GetInteger("h", h) THEN h := 0 END;
			IF options.GetFlag("n") THEN DisableCursor END;
		closeRequests := 0;

		DoInstall( w, h, x, y);
	END Install;

	format := Displays.color8888;
	InitMod();  Modules.InstallTermHandler( Shutdown );  KeyHandled := FALSE;
END Display.

Aos.Call Display.Install 1024 768 ~
Aos.Call Display.Install  ~
Aos.Call WindowManager.Install
Aos.Call MM.Open Menu.XML ~

(* window constants :

description: "Window message (WM) constants."
status: "See notice at end of class."
date: "$Date: 2001/11/12 17:58:05 $"
revision: "$Revision: 1.3 $"
class interface
feature -- Access
Wm_activate: INTEGER is 6
-- Declared in Windows as WM_ACTIVATE
Wm_activateapp: INTEGER is 28
-- Declared in Windows as WM_ACTIVATEAPP
Wm_afxfirst: INTEGER is 864
-- Declared in Windows as WM_AFXFIRST
Wm_afxlast: INTEGER is 895
-- Declared in Windows as WM_AFXLAST
Wm_app: INTEGER is 32768
-- Declared in Windows as WM_APP
Wm_appcommand: INTEGER is 793
-- Declared in Windows as WM_APPCOMMAND
Wm_askcbformatname: INTEGER is 780
-- Declared in Windows as WM_ASKCBFORMATNAME
Wm_canceljournal: INTEGER is 75
-- Declared in Windows as WM_CANCELJOURNAL
Wm_cancelmode: INTEGER is 31
-- Declared in Windows as WM_CANCELMODE
Wm_capturechanged: INTEGER is 533
-- Declared in Windows as WM_CAPTURECHANGED
Wm_changecbchain: INTEGER is 781
-- Declared in Windows as WM_CHANGECBCHAIN
Wm_changeuistate: INTEGER is 295
-- Declared in Windows as WM_CHANGEUISTATE
Wm_char: INTEGER is 258
-- Declared in Windows as WM_CHAR
Wm_chartoitem: INTEGER is 47
-- Declared in Windows as WM_CHARTOITEM
Wm_childactivate: INTEGER is 34
-- Declared in Windows as WM_CHILDACTIVATE
Wm_clear: INTEGER is 771
-- Declared in Windows as WM_CLEAR
Wm_close: INTEGER is 16
-- Declared in Windows as WM_CLOSE
Wm_command: INTEGER is 273
-- Declared in Windows as WM_COMMAND
Wm_commnotify: INTEGER is 68
-- Declared in Windows as WM_COMMNOTIFY
Wm_compacting: INTEGER is 65
-- Declared in Windows as WM_COMPACTING
Wm_compareitem: INTEGER is 57
-- Declared in Windows as WM_COMPAREITEM
Wm_contextmenu: INTEGER is 123
-- Declared in Windows as WM_CONTEXTMENU
Wm_copy: INTEGER is 769
-- Declared in Windows as WM_COPY
Wm_copydata: INTEGER is 74
-- Declared in Windows as WM_COPYDATA
Wm_create: INTEGER is 1
-- Declared in Windows as WM_CREATE
Wm_cut: INTEGER is 768
-- Declared in Windows as WM_CUT
Wm_deadchar: INTEGER is 259
-- Declared in Windows as WM_DEADCHAR
Wm_deleteitem: INTEGER is 45
-- Declared in Windows as WM_DELETEITEM
Wm_destroy: INTEGER is 2
-- Declared in Windows as WM_DESTROY
Wm_destroyclipboard: INTEGER is 775
-- Declared in Windows as WM_DESTROYCLIPBOARD
Wm_devicechange: INTEGER is 537
-- Declared in Windows as WM_DEVICECHANGE
Wm_devmodechange: INTEGER is 27
-- Declared in Windows as WM_DEVMODECHANGE
Wm_displaychange: INTEGER is 126
-- Declared in Windows as WM_DISPLAYCHANGE
Wm_drawclipboard: INTEGER is 776
-- Declared in Windows as WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD
Wm_drawitem: INTEGER is 43
-- Declared in Windows as WM_DRAWITEM
Wm_dropfiles: INTEGER is 563
-- Declared in Windows as WM_DROPFILES
Wm_enable: INTEGER is 10
-- Declared in Windows as WM_ENABLE
Wm_endsession: INTEGER is 22
-- Declared in Windows as WM_ENDSESSION
Wm_enteridle: INTEGER is 289
-- Declared in Windows as WM_ENTERIDLE
Wm_entermenuloop: INTEGER is 529
-- Declared in Windows as WM_ENTERMENULOOP
Wm_entersizemove: INTEGER is 561
-- Declared in Windows as WM_ENTERSYSTEM.SIZEOFMOVE
Wm_erasebkgnd: INTEGER is 20
-- Declared in Windows as WM_ERASEBKGND
Wm_exitmenuloop: INTEGER is 530
-- Declared in Windows as WM_EXITMENULOOP
Wm_exitsizemove: INTEGER is 562
-- Declared in Windows as WM_EXITSYSTEM.SIZEOFMOVE
Wm_fontchange: INTEGER is 29
-- Declared in Windows as WM_FONTCHANGE
Wm_getdlgcode: INTEGER is 135
-- Declared in Windows as WM_GETDLGCODE
Wm_getfont: INTEGER is 49
-- Declared in Windows as WM_GETFONT
Wm_gethotkey: INTEGER is 51
-- Declared in Windows as WM_GETHOTKEY
Wm_geticon: INTEGER is 127
-- Declared in Windows as WM_GETICON
Wm_getminmaxinfo: INTEGER is 36
-- Declared in Windows as WM_GETMINMAXINFO
Wm_getobject: INTEGER is 61
-- Declared in Windows as WM_GETOBJECT
Wm_gettext: INTEGER is 13
-- Declared in Windows as WM_GETTEXT
Wm_gettextlength: INTEGER is 14
-- Declared in Windows as WM_GETTEXTLENGTH
Wm_handheldfirst: INTEGER is 856
-- Declared in Windows as WM_HANDHELDFIRST
Wm_handheldlast: INTEGER is 863
-- Declared in Windows as WM_HANDHELDLAST
Wm_help: INTEGER is 83
-- Declared in Windows as WM_HELP
Wm_hotkey: INTEGER is 786
-- Declared in Windows as WM_HOTKEY
Wm_hscroll: INTEGER is 276
-- Declared in Windows as WM_HSCROLL
Wm_hscrollclipboard: INTEGER is 782
-- Declared in Windows as WM_HSCROLLCLIPBOARD
Wm_iconerasebkgnd: INTEGER is 39
-- Declared in Windows as WM_ICONERASEBKGND
Wm_ime_char: INTEGER is 646
-- Declared in Windows as WM_IME_CHAR
Wm_ime_composition: INTEGER is 271
-- Declared in Windows as WM_IME_COMPOSITION
Wm_ime_compositionfull: INTEGER is 644
-- Declared in Windows as WM_IME_COMPOSITIONFULL
Wm_ime_control: INTEGER is 643
-- Declared in Windows as WM_IME_CONTROL
Wm_ime_endcomposition: INTEGER is 270
-- Declared in Windows as WM_IME_ENDCOMPOSITION
Wm_ime_keydown: INTEGER is 656
-- Declared in Windows as WM_IME_KEYDOWN
wm_ime_keylast: INTEGER
-- Declared in Windows as WM_IME_KEYLAST
Wm_ime_keyup: INTEGER is 657
-- Declared in Windows as WM_IME_KEYUP
Wm_ime_notify: INTEGER is 642
-- Declared in Windows as WM_IME_NOTIFY
Wm_ime_request: INTEGER is 648
-- Declared in Windows as WM_IME_REQUEST
Wm_ime_select: INTEGER is 645
-- Declared in Windows as WM_IME_SELECT
Wm_ime_setcontext: INTEGER is 641
-- Declared in Windows as WM_IME_SETCONTEXT
Wm_ime_startcomposition: INTEGER is 269
-- Declared in Windows as WM_IME_STARTCOMPOSITION
Wm_initdialog: INTEGER is 272
-- Declared in Windows as WM_INITDIALOG
Wm_initmenu: INTEGER is 278
-- Declared in Windows as WM_INITMENU
Wm_initmenupopup: INTEGER is 279
-- Declared in Windows as WM_INITMENUPOPUP
Wm_inputlangchange: INTEGER is 81
-- Declared in Windows as WM_INPUTLANGCHANGE
Wm_inputlangchangerequest: INTEGER is 80
Wm_keydown: INTEGER is 256
-- Declared in Windows as WM_KEYDOWN
Wm_keyfirst: INTEGER is 256
-- Declared in Windows as WM_KEYFIRST
wm_keylast: INTEGER
-- Declared in Windows as WM_KEYLAST
Wm_keyup: INTEGER is 257
-- Declared in Windows as WM_KEYUP
Wm_killfocus: INTEGER is 8
-- Declared in Windows as WM_KILLFOCUS
Wm_lbuttondblclk: INTEGER is 515
-- Declared in Windows as WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK
Wm_lbuttondown: INTEGER is 513
-- Declared in Windows as WM_LBUTTONDOWN
Wm_lbuttonup: INTEGER is 514
-- Declared in Windows as WM_LBUTTONUP
Wm_mbuttondblclk: INTEGER is 521
-- Declared in Windows as WM_MBUTTONDBLCLK
Wm_mbuttondown: INTEGER is 519
-- Declared in Windows as WM_MBUTTONDOWN
Wm_mbuttonup: INTEGER is 520
-- Declared in Windows as WM_MBUTTONUP
Wm_mdiactivate: INTEGER is 546
-- Declared in Windows as WM_MDIACTIVATE
Wm_mdicascade: INTEGER is 551
-- Declared in Windows as WM_MDICASCADE
Wm_mdicreate: INTEGER is 544
-- Declared in Windows as WM_MDICREATE
Wm_mdidestroy: INTEGER is 545
-- Declared in Windows as WM_MDIDESTROY
Wm_mdigetactive: INTEGER is 553
-- Declared in Windows as WM_MDIGETACTIVE
Wm_mdiiconarrange: INTEGER is 552
-- Declared in Windows as WM_MDIICONARRANGE
Wm_mdimaximize: INTEGER is 549
-- Declared in Windows as WM_MDIMAXIMIZE
Wm_mdinext: INTEGER is 548
-- Declared in Windows as WM_MDINEXT
Wm_mdirefreshmenu: INTEGER is 564
-- Declared in Windows as WM_MDIREFRESHMENU
Wm_mdirestore: INTEGER is 547
-- Declared in Windows as WM_MDIRESTORE
Wm_mdisetmenu: INTEGER is 560
-- Declared in Windows as WM_MDISETMENU
Wm_mditile: INTEGER is 550
-- Declared in Windows as WM_MDITILE
Wm_measureitem: INTEGER is 44
-- Declared in Windows as WM_MEASUREITEM
Wm_menuchar: INTEGER is 288
-- Declared in Windows as WM_MENUCHAR
Wm_menucommand: INTEGER is 294
-- Declared in Windows as WM_MENUCOMMAND
Wm_menudrag: INTEGER is 291
-- Declared in Windows as WM_MENUDRAG
Wm_menugetobject: INTEGER is 292
-- Declared in Windows as WM_MENUGETOBJECT
Wm_menurbuttonup: INTEGER is 290
-- Declared in Windows as WM_MENURBUTTONUP
Wm_menuselect: INTEGER is 287
-- Declared in Windows as WM_MENUSELECT
Wm_mouseactivate: INTEGER is 33
-- Declared in Windows as WM_MOUSEACTIVATE
Wm_mousefirst: INTEGER is 512
-- Declared in Windows as WM_MOUSEFIRST
Wm_mousehover: INTEGER is 673
-- Require Windows98, Windows NT 4.0 or later
-- Declared in Windows as WM_MOUSEHOVER
wm_mouselast: INTEGER
-- Declared in Windows as WM_MOUSELAST
Wm_mouseleave: INTEGER is 675
-- Require Windows98, Windows NT 4.0 or later
-- Declared in Windows as WM_MOUSELEAVE
Wm_mousemove: INTEGER is 512
-- Declared in Windows as WM_MOUSEMOVE
Wm_mousewheel: INTEGER is 522
-- Declared in Windows as WM_MOUSEWHEEL
Wm_move: INTEGER is 3
-- Declared in Windows as WM_MOVE
Wm_moving: INTEGER is 534
-- Declared in Windows as WM_MOVING
Wm_ncactivate: INTEGER is 134
-- Declared in Windows as WM_NCACTIVATE
Wm_nccalcsize: INTEGER is 131
-- Declared in Windows as WM_NCCALCSYSTEM.SIZEOF
Wm_nccreate: INTEGER is 129
-- Declared in Windows as WM_NCCREATE
Wm_ncdestroy: INTEGER is 130
-- Declared in Windows as WM_NCDESTROY
Wm_nchittest: INTEGER is 132
-- Declared in Windows as WM_NCHITTEST
Wm_nclbuttondblclk: INTEGER is 163
-- Declared in Windows as WM_NCLBUTTONDBLCLK
Wm_nclbuttondown: INTEGER is 161
-- Declared in Windows as WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN
Wm_nclbuttonup: INTEGER is 162
-- Declared in Windows as WM_NCLBUTTONUP
Wm_ncmbuttondblclk: INTEGER is 169
-- Declared in Windows as WM_NCMBUTTONDBLCLK
Wm_ncmbuttondown: INTEGER is 167
-- Declared in Windows as WM_NCMBUTTONDOWN
Wm_ncmbuttonup: INTEGER is 168
-- Declared in Windows as WM_NCMBUTTONUP
Wm_ncmousehover: INTEGER is 672
-- Require Windows98, Windows NT 5.0 or later
-- Declared in Windows as WM_NCMOUSEHOVER
Wm_ncmouseleave: INTEGER is 674
-- Require Windows98, Windows NT 5.0 or later
-- Declared in Windows as WM_NCMOUSELEAVE
Wm_ncmousemove: INTEGER is 160
-- Declared in Windows as WM_NCMOUSEMOVE
Wm_ncpaint: INTEGER is 133
-- Declared in Windows as WM_NCPAINT
Wm_ncrbuttondblclk: INTEGER is 166
-- Declared in Windows as WM_NCRBUTTONDBLCLK
Wm_ncrbuttondown: INTEGER is 164
-- Declared in Windows as WM_NCRBUTTONDOWN
Wm_ncrbuttonup: INTEGER is 165
-- Declared in Windows as WM_NCRBUTTONUP
Wm_ncxbuttondblclk: INTEGER is 173
-- Declared in Windows as WM_NCXBUTTONDBLCLK
Wm_ncxbuttondown: INTEGER is 171
-- Declared in Windows as WM_NCXBUTTONDOWN
Wm_ncxbuttonup: INTEGER is 172
-- Declared in Windows as WM_NCXBUTTONUP
Wm_nextdlgctl: INTEGER is 40
-- Declared in Windows as WM_NEXTDLGCTL
Wm_nextmenu: INTEGER is 531
-- Declared in Windows as WM_NEXTMENU
Wm_notify: INTEGER is 78
-- Declared in Windows as WM_NOTIFY
Wm_notifyformat: INTEGER is 85
-- Declared in Windows as WM_NOTIFYFORMAT
Wm_null: INTEGER is 0
-- Declared in Windows as WM_NULL
Wm_paint: INTEGER is 15
-- Declared in Windows as WM_PAINT
Wm_paintclipboard: INTEGER is 777
-- Declared in Windows as WM_PAINTCLIPBOARD
Wm_painticon: INTEGER is 38
-- Declared in Windows as WM_PAINTICON
Wm_palettechanged: INTEGER is 785
-- Declared in Windows as WM_PALETTECHANGED
Wm_paletteischanging: INTEGER is 784
-- Declared in Windows as WM_PALETTEISCHANGING
Wm_parentnotify: INTEGER is 528
-- Declared in Windows as WM_PARENTNOTIFY
Wm_paste: INTEGER is 770
-- Declared in Windows as WM_PASTE
Wm_penwinfirst: INTEGER is 896
-- Declared in Windows as WM_PENWINFIRST
Wm_penwinlast: INTEGER is 911
-- Declared in Windows as WM_PENWINLAST
Wm_power: INTEGER is 72
-- Declared in Windows as WM_POWER
Wm_powerbroadcast: INTEGER is 536
-- Declared in Windows as WM_POWERBROADCAST
Wm_print: INTEGER is 791
-- Declared in Windows as WM_PRINT
Wm_printclient: INTEGER is 792
-- Declared in Windows as WM_PRINTCLIENT
Wm_querydragicon: INTEGER is 55
-- Declared in Windows as WM_QUERYDRAGICON
Wm_queryendsession: INTEGER is 17
-- Declared in Windows as WM_QUERYENDSESSION
Wm_querynewpalette: INTEGER is 783
-- Declared in Windows as WM_QUERYNEWPALETTE
Wm_queryopen: INTEGER is 19
-- Declared in Windows as WM_QUERYOPEN
Wm_queryuistate: INTEGER is 297
-- Declared in Windows as WM_QUERYUISTATE
Wm_queuesync: INTEGER is 35
-- Declared in Windows as WM_QUEUESYNC
Wm_quit: INTEGER is 18
-- Declared in Windows as WM_QUIT
Wm_rbuttondblclk: INTEGER is 518
-- Declared in Windows as WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK
Wm_rbuttondown: INTEGER is 516
-- Declared in Windows as WM_RBUTTONDOWN
Wm_rbuttonup: INTEGER is 517
-- Declared in Windows as WM_RBUTTONUP
Wm_renderallformats: INTEGER is 774
-- Declared in Windows as WM_RENDERALLFORMATS
Wm_renderformat: INTEGER is 773
-- Declared in Windows as WM_RENDERFORMAT
Wm_setcursor: INTEGER is 32
-- Declared in Windows as WM_SETCURSOR
Wm_setfocus: INTEGER is 7
-- Declared in Windows as WM_SETFOCUS
Wm_setfont: INTEGER is 48
-- Declared in Windows as WM_SETFONT
Wm_sethotkey: INTEGER is 50
-- Declared in Windows as WM_SETHOTKEY
Wm_seticon: INTEGER is 128
-- Declared in Windows as WM_SETICON
Wm_setredraw: INTEGER is 11
-- Declared in Windows as WM_SETREDRAW
Wm_settext: INTEGER is 12
-- Declared in Windows as WM_SETTEXT
Wm_settingchange: INTEGER is 26
-- Declared in Windows as WM_WININICHANGE
-- Was declared in WEL_WM_CONSTANTS as synonym of wm_wininichange.
Wm_showwindow: INTEGER is 24
-- Declared in Windows as WM_SHOWWINDOW
Wm_size: INTEGER is 5
-- Declared in Windows as WM_SYSTEM.SIZEOF
Wm_sizeclipboard: INTEGER is 779
-- Declared in Windows as WM_SYSTEM.SIZEOFCLIPBOARD
Wm_sizing: INTEGER is 532
-- Declared in Windows as WM_SIZING
Wm_spoolerstatus: INTEGER is 42
-- Declared in Windows as WM_SPOOLERSTATUS
Wm_stylechanged: INTEGER is 125
-- Declared in Windows as WM_STYLECHANGED
Wm_stylechanging: INTEGER is 124
-- Declared in Windows as WM_STYLECHANGING
Wm_syncpaint: INTEGER is 136
-- Declared in Windows as WM_SYNCPAINT
Wm_syschar: INTEGER is 262
-- Declared in Windows as WM_SYSCHAR
Wm_syscolorchange: INTEGER is 21
-- Declared in Windows as WM_SYSCOLORCHANGE
Wm_syscommand: INTEGER is 274
-- Declared in Windows as WM_SYSCOMMAND
Wm_sysdeadchar: INTEGER is 263
-- Declared in Windows as WM_SYSDEADCHAR
Wm_syskeydown: INTEGER is 260
-- Declared in Windows as WM_SYSKEYDOWN
Wm_syskeyup: INTEGER is 261
-- Declared in Windows as WM_SYSKEYUP
Wm_tcard: INTEGER is 82
-- Declared in Windows as WM_TCARD
Wm_timechange: INTEGER is 30
-- Declared in Windows as WM_TIMECHANGE
Wm_timer: INTEGER is 275
-- Declared in Windows as WM_TIMER
Wm_undo: INTEGER is 772
-- Declared in Windows as WM_UNDO
Wm_uninitmenupopup: INTEGER is 293
-- Declared in Windows as WM_UNINITMENUPOPUP
Wm_updateuistate: INTEGER is 296
-- Declared in Windows as WM_UPDATEUISTATE
Wm_user: INTEGER is 1024
-- Declared in Windows as WM_USER
Wm_userchanged: INTEGER is 84
-- Declared in Windows as WM_USERCHANGED
Wm_vkeytoitem: INTEGER is 46
-- Declared in Windows as WM_VKEYTOITEM
Wm_vscroll: INTEGER is 277
-- Declared in Windows as WM_VSCROLL
Wm_vscrollclipboard: INTEGER is 778
-- Declared in Windows as WM_VSCROLLCLIPBOARD
Wm_windowposchanged: INTEGER is 71
-- Declared in Windows as WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED
Wm_windowposchanging: INTEGER is 70
-- Declared in Windows as WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING
Wm_wininichange: INTEGER is 26
-- Declared in Windows as WM_WININICHANGE
-- Was declared in WEL_WM_CONSTANTS as synonym of wm_settingchange.
Wm_xbuttondblclk: INTEGER is 525
-- Declared in Windows as WM_XBUTTONDBLCLK
Wm_xbuttondown: INTEGER is 523
-- Declared in Windows as WM_XBUTTONDOWN
Wm_xbuttonup: INTEGER is 524
-- Declared in Windows as WM_XBUTTONUP

-- from ANY
reflexive_equality: standard_is_equal (Current)
reflexive_conformance: conforms_to (Current)
end -- class WEL_WM_CONSTANTS

WM Key down
Specifies the virtual-key code of the nonsystem key.
Specifies the repeat count, scan code, extended-key flag, context code, previous key-state flag, and transition-state flag, as shown in the following table.

Specifies the repeat count for the current message. The value is the number of times the keystroke is autorepeated as a result of the user holding down the key.
If the keystroke is held long enough, multiple messages are sent. However, the repeat count is not cumulative.

Specifies the scan code. The value depends on the OEM.
Specifies whether the key is an extended key, such as the right-hand ALT and CTRL keys that appear on an enhanced 101- or 102-key keyboard. The value is 1 if it is an extended key; otherwise, it is 0.
Reserved; do not use.
Specifies the context code. The value is always 0 for a WM_KEYDOWN message.
Specifies the previous key state. The value is 1 if the key is down before the message is sent, or it is zero if the key is up.
Specifies the transition state. The value is always zero for a WM_KEYDOWN message.

wm key up
Specifies the virtual-key code of the nonsystem key.
Specifies the repeat count, scan code, extended-key flag, context code, previous key-state flag, and transition-state flag, as shown in the following table. 0-15
Specifies the repeat count for the current message. The value is the number of times the keystroke is autorepeated as a result of the user holding down the key. The repeat count is always one for a WM_KEYUP message.

Specifies the scan code. The value depends on the OEM.
Specifies whether the key is an extended key, such as the right-hand ALT and CTRL keys that appear on an enhanced 101- or 102-key keyboard. The value is 1 if it is an extended key; otherwise, it is 0.
Reserved; do not use.
Specifies the context code. The value is always 0 for a WM_KEYUP message.
Specifies the previous key state. The value is always 1 for a WM_KEYUP message.
Specifies the transition state. The value is always 1 for a WM_KEYUP message.

	description: "Virtual Key code (VK) constants."
	status: "See notice at end of class."
	date: "$Date: 2001/11/12 17:58:05 $"
	revision: "$Revision: 1.3 $"

class interface

feature -- Access

	Vk_0: INTEGER is 48

	Vk_1: INTEGER is 49

	Vk_2: INTEGER is 50

	Vk_3: INTEGER is 51

	Vk_4: INTEGER is 52

	Vk_5: INTEGER is 53

	Vk_6: INTEGER is 54

	Vk_7: INTEGER is 55

	Vk_8: INTEGER is 56

	Vk_9: INTEGER is 57
			-- Vk_a thru Vk_z are the same as their ASCII equivalents: 'A' thru 'Z'.

	Vk_a: INTEGER is 65

	Vk_add: INTEGER is 107
			-- Declared in Windows as VK_ADD

	Vk_b: INTEGER is 66

	Vk_back: INTEGER is 8
			-- Declared in Windows as VK_BACK

	Vk_c: INTEGER is 67

	Vk_cancel: INTEGER is 3
			-- Declared in Windows as VK_CANCEL

	Vk_capital: INTEGER is 20
			-- Declared in Windows as VK_CAPITAL

	Vk_clear: INTEGER is 12
			-- Declared in Windows as VK_CLEAR

	Vk_control: INTEGER is 17
			-- Declared in Windows as VK_CONTROL

	Vk_d: INTEGER is 68

	Vk_decimal: INTEGER is 110
			-- Declared in Windows as VK_DECIMAL

	Vk_delete: INTEGER is 46
			-- Declared in Windows as VK_DELETE

	Vk_divide: INTEGER is 111
			-- Declared in Windows as VK_DIVIDE

	Vk_down: INTEGER is 40
			-- Declared in Windows as VK_DOWN

	Vk_e: INTEGER is 69

	Vk_end: INTEGER is 35
			-- Declared in Windows as VK_END

	Vk_escape: INTEGER is 27
			-- Declared in Windows as VK_ESCAPE

	Vk_execute: INTEGER is 43
			-- Declared in Windows as VK_EXECUTE

	Vk_f: INTEGER is 70

	Vk_f1: INTEGER is 112
			-- Declared in Windows as VK_F1

	Vk_f10: INTEGER is 121
			-- Declared in Windows as VK_F10

	Vk_f11: INTEGER is 122
			-- Declared in Windows as VK_F11

	Vk_f12: INTEGER is 123
			-- Declared in Windows as VK_F12

	Vk_f13: INTEGER is 124
			-- Declared in Windows as VK_F13

	Vk_f14: INTEGER is 125
			-- Declared in Windows as VK_F14

	Vk_f15: INTEGER is 126
			-- Declared in Windows as VK_F15

	Vk_f16: INTEGER is 127
			-- Declared in Windows as VK_F16

	Vk_f17: INTEGER is 128
			-- Declared in Windows as VK_F17

	Vk_f18: INTEGER is 129
			-- Declared in Windows as VK_F18

	Vk_f19: INTEGER is 130
			-- Declared in Windows as VK_F19

	Vk_f2: INTEGER is 113
			-- Declared in Windows as VK_F2

	Vk_f20: INTEGER is 131
			-- Declared in Windows as VK_F20

	Vk_f21: INTEGER is 132
			-- Declared in Windows as VK_F21

	Vk_f22: INTEGER is 133
			-- Declared in Windows as VK_F22

	Vk_f23: INTEGER is 134
			-- Declared in Windows as VK_F23

	Vk_f24: INTEGER is 135
			-- Declared in Windows as VK_F24

	Vk_f3: INTEGER is 114
			-- Declared in Windows as VK_F3

	Vk_f4: INTEGER is 115
			-- Declared in Windows as VK_F4

	Vk_f5: INTEGER is 116
			-- Declared in Windows as VK_F5

	Vk_f6: INTEGER is 117
			-- Declared in Windows as VK_F6

	Vk_f7: INTEGER is 118
			-- Declared in Windows as VK_F7

	Vk_f8: INTEGER is 119
			-- Declared in Windows as VK_F8

	Vk_f9: INTEGER is 120
			-- Declared in Windows as VK_F9

	Vk_g: INTEGER is 71

	Vk_h: INTEGER is 72

	Vk_help: INTEGER is 47
			-- Declared in Windows as VK_HELP

	Vk_home: INTEGER is 36
			-- Declared in Windows as VK_HOME

	Vk_i: INTEGER is 73

	Vk_insert: INTEGER is 45
			-- Declared in Windows as VK_INSERT

	Vk_j: INTEGER is 74

	Vk_k: INTEGER is 75

	Vk_l: INTEGER is 76

	Vk_lbutton: INTEGER is 1
			-- Declared in Windows as VK_LBUTTON

	Vk_lcontrol: INTEGER is 162
			-- Declared in Windows as VK_LCONTROL

	Vk_left: INTEGER is 37
			-- Declared in Windows as VK_LEFT

	Vk_lmenu: INTEGER is 164
			-- Declared in Windows as VK_LMENU

	Vk_lshift: INTEGER is 160
			-- Declared in Windows as VK_LSHIFT

	Vk_m: INTEGER is 77

	Vk_mbutton: INTEGER is 4
			-- Declared in Windows as VK_MBUTTON

	Vk_menu: INTEGER is 18
			-- Declared in Windows as VK_MENU

	Vk_multiply: INTEGER is 106
			-- Declared in Windows as VK_MULTIPLY

	Vk_n: INTEGER is 78

	Vk_next: INTEGER is 34
			-- Declared in Windows as VK_NEXT

	Vk_numlock: INTEGER is 144
			-- Declared in Windows as VK_NUMLOCK

	Vk_numpad0: INTEGER is 96
			-- Declared in Windows as VK_NUMPAD0

	Vk_numpad1: INTEGER is 97
			-- Declared in Windows as VK_NUMPAD1

	Vk_numpad2: INTEGER is 98
			-- Declared in Windows as VK_NUMPAD2

	Vk_numpad3: INTEGER is 99
			-- Declared in Windows as VK_NUMPAD3

	Vk_numpad4: INTEGER is 100
			-- Declared in Windows as VK_NUMPAD4

	Vk_numpad5: INTEGER is 101
			-- Declared in Windows as VK_NUMPAD5

	Vk_numpad6: INTEGER is 102
			-- Declared in Windows as VK_NUMPAD6

	Vk_numpad7: INTEGER is 103
			-- Declared in Windows as VK_NUMPAD7

	Vk_numpad8: INTEGER is 104
			-- Declared in Windows as VK_NUMPAD8

	Vk_numpad9: INTEGER is 105
			-- Declared in Windows as VK_NUMPAD9

	Vk_o: INTEGER is 79

	Vk_p: INTEGER is 80

	Vk_pause: INTEGER is 19
			-- Declared in Windows as VK_PAUSE

	Vk_print: INTEGER is 42
			-- Declared in Windows as VK_PRINT

	Vk_prior: INTEGER is 33
			-- Declared in Windows as VK_PRIOR

	Vk_q: INTEGER is 81

	Vk_r: INTEGER is 82

	Vk_rbutton: INTEGER is 2
			-- Declared in Windows as VK_RBUTTON

	Vk_rcontrol: INTEGER is 163
			-- Declared in Windows as VK_RCONTROL

	Vk_return: INTEGER is 13
			-- Declared in Windows as VK_RETURN

	Vk_right: INTEGER is 39
			-- Declared in Windows as VK_RIGHT

	Vk_rmenu: INTEGER is 165
			-- Declared in Windows as VK_RMENU
			-- Vk_0 thru Vk_9 are the same as their ASCII equivalents: '0' thru '9'.

	Vk_rshift: INTEGER is 161
			-- Declared in Windows as VK_RSHIFT

	Vk_s: INTEGER is 83

	Vk_scroll: INTEGER is 145
			-- Declared in Windows as VK_SCROLL

	Vk_select: INTEGER is 41
			-- Declared in Windows as VK_SELECT

	Vk_separator: INTEGER is 108
			-- Declared in Windows as VK_SEPARATOR

	Vk_shift: INTEGER is 16
			-- Declared in Windows as VK_SHIFT

	Vk_snapshot: INTEGER is 44nn
			-- Declared in Windows as VK_SNAPSHOT

	Vk_space: INTEGER is 32
			-- Declared in Windows as VK_SPACE

	Vk_subtract: INTEGER is 109
			-- Declared in Windows as VK_SUBTRACT

	Vk_t: INTEGER is 84

	Vk_tab: INTEGER is 9
			-- Declared in Windows as VK_TAB

	Vk_u: INTEGER is 85

	Vk_up: INTEGER is 38
			-- Declared in Windows as VK_UP

	Vk_v: INTEGER is 86

	Vk_w: INTEGER is 87

	Vk_x: INTEGER is 88

	Vk_y: INTEGER is 89

	Vk_z: INTEGER is 90


Sm_cmetrics: INTEGER is 76
Sm_cxborder: INTEGER is 5
Sm_cxcursor: INTEGER is 13
Sm_cxdlgframe: INTEGER is 7
Sm_cxdoubleclk: INTEGER is 36
Sm_cxframe: INTEGER is 32
Sm_cxfullscreen: INTEGER is 16
Sm_cxhscroll: INTEGER is 21
Sm_cxhthumb: INTEGER is 10
Sm_cxicon: INTEGER is 11
Sm_cxiconspacing: INTEGER is 38
Sm_cxmaximized: INTEGER is 61
Sm_cxmin: INTEGER is 28
Sm_cxmintrack: INTEGER is 34
Sm_cxscreen: INTEGER is 0
Sm_cxsize: INTEGER is 30
Sm_cxvscroll: INTEGER is 2
Sm_cyborder: INTEGER is 6
Sm_cycaption: INTEGER is 4
Sm_cycursor: INTEGER is 14
Sm_cydlgframe: INTEGER is 8
Sm_cydoubleclk: INTEGER is 37
Sm_cyframe: INTEGER is 33
Sm_cyfullscreen: INTEGER is 17
Sm_cyhscroll: INTEGER is 3
Sm_cyicon: INTEGER is 12
Sm_cyiconspacing: INTEGER is 39
Sm_cykanjiwindow: INTEGER is 18
Sm_cymaximized: INTEGER is 62
Sm_cymenu: INTEGER is 15
Sm_cymin: INTEGER is 29
Sm_cymintrack: INTEGER is 35
Sm_cyscreen: INTEGER is 1
Sm_cysize: INTEGER is 31
Sm_cyvscroll: INTEGER is 20
Sm_cyvthumb: INTEGER is 9
Sm_dbcsenabled: INTEGER is 42
Sm_debug: INTEGER is 22
Sm_menudropalignment: INTEGER is 40
Sm_mousepresent: INTEGER is 19
Sm_penwindows: INTEGER is 41
Sm_reserved1: INTEGER is 24
Sm_reserved2: INTEGER is 25
Sm_reserved3: INTEGER is 26
Sm_reserved4: INTEGER is 27
Sm_swapbutton: INTEGER is 23

description: "Window style (WS) constants."
status: "See notice at end of class."
date: "$Date: 2001/11/12 17:58:06 $"
revision: "$Revision: 1.3 $"
class interface
feature -- Miscellaneous
Cw_usedefault: INTEGER is -2147483648
-- Declared in Windows as CW_USEDEFAULT

feature -- Basic window types
Ws_child: INTEGER is 1073741824
-- Declared in Windows as WS_CHILD
Ws_overlapped: INTEGER is 0
-- Declared in Windows as WS_OVERLAPPED
-- Was declared in WEL_WS_CONSTANTS as synonym of ws_tiled.
Ws_popup: INTEGER is -2147483648
-- Declared in Windows as WS_POPUP
Ws_tiled: INTEGER is 0
-- Declared in Windows as WS_OVERLAPPED
-- Was declared in WEL_WS_CONSTANTS as synonym of ws_overlapped.

feature -- Clipping styles
Ws_clipchildren: INTEGER is 33554432
-- Declared in Windows as WS_CLIPCHILDREN
Ws_clipsiblings: INTEGER is 67108864
-- Declared in Windows as WS_CLIPSIBLINGS

feature -- Common window styles
Ws_childwindow: INTEGER is 1073741824
-- Declared in Windows as WS_CHILDWINDOW
Ws_overlappedwindow: INTEGER is 13565952
-- Declared in Windows as WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW
-- Was declared in WEL_WS_CONSTANTS as synonym of ws_tiledwindow.
Ws_popupwindow: INTEGER is -2138570752
-- Declared in Windows as WS_POPUPWINDOW
Ws_tiledwindow: INTEGER is 13565952
-- Declared in Windows as WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW
-- Was declared in WEL_WS_CONSTANTS as synonym of ws_overlappedwindow.

feature -- Control window styles
Ws_group: INTEGER is 131072
-- Declared in Windows as WS_GROUP
Ws_tabstop: INTEGER is 65536
-- Declared in Windows as WS_TABSTOP

feature -- Extended window styles
Ws_ex_acceptfiles: INTEGER is 16
-- Declared in Windows as WS_EX_ACCEPTFILES
Ws_ex_clientedge: INTEGER is 512
-- Declared in Windows as WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE
Ws_ex_contexthelp: INTEGER is 1024
-- Declared in Windows as WS_EX_CONTEXTHELP
Ws_ex_controlparent: INTEGER is 65536
-- Declared in Windows as WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT
Ws_ex_dlgmodalframe: INTEGER is 1
-- Declared in Windows as WS_EX_DLGMODALFRAME
Ws_ex_left: INTEGER is 0
-- Declared in Windows as WS_EX_LEFT
Ws_ex_leftscrollbar: INTEGER is 16384
-- Declared in Windows as WS_EX_LEFTSCROLLBAR
Ws_ex_ltrreading: INTEGER is 0
-- Declared in Windows as WS_EX_LTRREADING
Ws_ex_mdichild: INTEGER is 64
-- Declared in Windows as WS_EX_MDICHILD
Ws_ex_noparentnotify: INTEGER is 4
-- Declared in Windows as WS_EX_NOPARENTNOTIFY
Ws_ex_overlappedwindow: INTEGER is 768
-- Declared in Windows as WS_EX_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW
Ws_ex_palettewindow: INTEGER is 392
-- Declared in Windows as WS_EX_PALETTEWINDOW
Ws_ex_right: INTEGER is 4096
-- Declared in Windows as WS_EX_RIGHT
Ws_ex_rightscrollbar: INTEGER is 0
-- Declared in Windows as WS_EX_RIGHTSCROLLBAR
Ws_ex_rtlreading: INTEGER is 8192
-- Declared in Windows as WS_EX_RTLREADING
Ws_ex_staticedge: INTEGER is 131072
-- Declared in Windows as WS_EX_STATICEDGE
Ws_ex_toolwindow: INTEGER is 128
-- Declared in Windows as WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW
Ws_ex_topmost: INTEGER is 8
-- Declared in Windows as WS_EX_TOPMOST
Ws_ex_transparent: INTEGER is 32
-- Declared in Windows as WS_EX_TRANSPARENT
Ws_ex_windowedge: INTEGER is 256
-- Declared in Windows as WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE

feature -- Generic window states
Ws_disabled: INTEGER is 134217728
-- Declared in Windows as WS_DISABLED
Ws_visible: INTEGER is 268435456
-- Declared in Windows as WS_VISIBLE

feature -- Main window states
Ws_iconic: INTEGER is 536870912
-- Declared in Windows as WS_MINIMIZE
-- Was declared in WEL_WS_CONSTANTS as synonym of ws_minimize.
Ws_maximize: INTEGER is 16777216
-- Declared in Windows as WS_MAXIMIZE
Ws_minimize: INTEGER is 536870912
-- Declared in Windows as WS_MINIMIZE
-- Was declared in WEL_WS_CONSTANTS as synonym of ws_iconic.

feature -- Main window styles
Ws_border: INTEGER is 8388608
-- Declared in Windows as WS_BORDER
Ws_caption: INTEGER is 12582912
-- Declared in Windows as WS_CAPTION
Ws_dlgframe: INTEGER is 4194304
-- Declared in Windows as WS_DLGFRAME
Ws_hscroll: INTEGER is 1048576
-- Declared in Windows as WS_HSCROLL
Ws_maximizebox: INTEGER is 65536
-- Declared in Windows as WS_MAXIMIZEBOX
Ws_minimizebox: INTEGER is 131072
-- Declared in Windows as WS_MINIMIZEBOX
Ws_sizebox: INTEGER is 262144
-- Declared in Windows as WS_THICKFRAME
-- Was declared in WEL_WS_CONSTANTS as synonym of ws_thickframe.
Ws_sysmenu: INTEGER is 524288
-- Declared in Windows as WS_SYSMENU
Ws_thickframe: INTEGER is 262144
-- Declared in Windows as WS_THICKFRAME
-- Was declared in WEL_WS_CONSTANTS as synonym of ws_sizebox.
Ws_vscroll: INTEGER is 2097152
-- Declared in Windows as WS_VSCROLL

-- from ANY
reflexive_equality: standard_is_equal (Current)
reflexive_conformance: conforms_to (Current)
end -- class WEL_WS_CONSTANTS

description: "Size (SYSTEM.SIZEOF) constants."
status: "See notice at end of class."
date: "$Date: 2001/11/12 17:58:04 $"
revision: "$Revision: 1.3 $"
class interface
feature -- Access
Size_maxhide: INTEGER is 4
-- Declared in Windows as SYSTEM.SIZEOF_MAXHIDE
Size_maximized: INTEGER is 2
-- Declared in Windows as SYSTEM.SIZEOF_MAXIMIZED
Size_maxshow: INTEGER is 3
-- Declared in Windows as SYSTEM.SIZEOF_MAXSHOW
Size_minimized: INTEGER is 1
-- Declared in Windows as SYSTEM.SIZEOF_MINIMIZED
Size_restored: INTEGER is 0
-- Declared in Windows as SYSTEM.SIZEOF_RESTORED

-- from ANY
reflexive_equality: standard_is_equal (Current)
reflexive_conformance: conforms_to (Current)


The SetPriorityClass function sets the priority class for the specified process. This value together with the priority value of each thread of the process determines each thread's base priority level.

BOOLSetPriorityClass(HANDLEhProcess, DWORDdwPriorityClass);

[in] Handle to the process. The handle must have the PROCESS_SET_INFORMATION access right. For more information, see Process Security and Access Rights.

[in] Priority class for the process. This parameter can be one of the following values. Priority
Process that has priority above NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS but below HIGH_PRIORITY_CLASS.
Windows NT and Windows Me/98/95:  This value is not supported.

Process that has priority above IDLE_PRIORITY_CLASS but below NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS.
Windows NT and Windows Me/98/95:  This value is not supported.

Process that performs time-critical tasks that must be executed immediately. The threads of the process preempt the threads of normal or idle priority class processes. An example is the Task List, which must respond quickly when called by the user, regardless of the load on the operating system. Use extreme care when using the high-priority class, because a high-priority class application can use nearly all available CPU time.
Process whose threads run only when the system is idle. The threads of the process are preempted by the threads of any process running in a higher priority class. An example is a screen saver. The idle-priority class is inherited by child processes.
Process with no special scheduling needs.
Process that has the highest possible priority. The threads of the process preempt the threads of all other processes, including operating system processes performing important tasks. For example, a real-time process that executes for more than a very brief interval can cause disk caches not to flush or cause the mouse to be unresponsive.

Return Values
If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero.
If the function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error information, call GetLastError.
Every thread has a base priority level determined by the thread's priority value and the priority class of its process. The system uses the base priority level of all executable threads to determine which thread gets the next slice of CPU time. The SetThreadPriority function enables setting the base priority level of a thread relative to the priority class of its process. For more information, see Scheduling Priorities.
Client: Included in Windows XP, Windows 2000 Professional, Windows NT Workstation, Windows Me, Windows 98, and Windows 95.
Server: Included in Windows Server 2003, Windows 2000 Server, and Windows NT Server.
Header: Declared in Winbase.h; include Windows.h.
Library: Use Kernel32.lib.

See Also
CreateProcess, CreateThread, GetPriorityClass, GetThreadPriority, Process and Thread Functions, Processes and Threads Overview, SetThreadPriority

   Normal_Priority_Class   : constant := 16#00000020#;
   Idle_Priority_Class     : constant := 16#00000040#;
   High_Priority_Class     : constant := 16#00000080#;
   Realtime_Priority_Class : constant := 16#00000100#; hex numbers !

   ' Flags returned by LocalFlags (in addition to LMEM_DISCARDABLE)
'  dwCreationFlag values